
22 Health Benefits of Grass Jelly (#No.4 is Amazing)

Grass jelly drink is a herbal drink which is mainly from China. It has several names such as xian cao, chin chow, or divine grass. It comes from a herbaceous plant, Mesona Chinensia which is easily found in Southern China with rice flour. The natural flavor is bitter, so many people add fruit, syrup, bubble tea or other drinks to make it tastier. In Indonesia, this drink called as cincau. This beverage is good for the hot and dry weather because it is so refreshing. We have listed the health benefits of grass jelly drink to give you more information about this drink.

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1. Overcome Digestive Problems

This grass jelly drink has the benefit of keeping the digestion in order to work well. The content of sugar compounds in this drink can overcome the diseases of stomach pain. The leaves of grass jelly contain alkaloid compounds with the benefits of vitamin B and vitamin C. The content can overcome the problem of diarrhea by taking them regularly three times a day.

The fiber content in the grass jelly can clean the digestive organs as a whole. Hence, digestive problems, such as constipation, heartburn, and diarrhea can be alleviated by eating grass jelly. In addition to dealing with diarrhea and other kinds of digestive problems, the leaves of grass can also help increase the absorption of the juice of food present in the body.

2. Good for Diet

The content of grass jelly that is beneficial for the diet program is the carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin C, high water, low calorie, and high fiber grass, fits perfectly for your best lose weight treatments. Protein content that is not too high in this drink is very good for maintaining weight.

A high-fiber diet, one of which is done by consuming this green grass jelly will also provide a full signal on the body and this will certainly help you lose weight as well as tend not to eat in large and large portions. Consuming a high green grass fiber will also make the calorie content and energy in the body decreases rapidly which means it is very good for you in losing weight to be more ideal.

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3. Maintaining Ideal and Healthy Weight

Eating high fiber foods such as green grass jelly while dieting will make dieters gain overall weight loss. By eating foods that contain high fiber, eating fat stored in the body will be less than those who do not consume fiber. Therefore, eating green grass jelly every day is an easy and effective way to keep your weight to stay ideal while also nourish the body because grass jelly also contains other nutrients

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4. Overcome Cancer and Tumor

Grass jelly leaves have isokandrodendrin compounds and S-S tetandrin that serves to kill tumor cells that will become cancer cells. In addition, the two compounds can increase the immune system in our body when we consume it, after processing it first into a stew or jelly. Isokandrodendrin compounds is the source to kill tumor cells in certain organs such as kidneys, stomach, and liver.

We can consume chopped leaves in the form of jelly, boiling water, or powder as much as 3 times a day as anti-tumor drugs. Not only that, grass jelly leaf extract is also powerful to kill blood cancer cells, up to 55 -90%. Furthermore, the grass jelly is also good in eradicating 3 other cancer cells, namely cervical cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer.

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5. Overcome Diabetes

On the leaves of grass jelly, there is a compound of chlorophyll and other compounds called bisbenzilsokuinolin compounds. Both compounds that make this good grass to treat diabetes, because the two contents can help regulate high blood sugar levels experienced by diabetics.

With health benefits of grass jelly for diabetes, then the leaves of grass jelly can manage high blood sugar levels and improve the working of insulin substances. When exposed to diabetes, insulin performance does not work properly, then with the benefits of grass jelly for diabetes, insulin work is helpful and can work normally again. From the health benefits of grass jelly for diabetes, it is clear that the leaves of grass jelly are very good consumed overcome diabetes.

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6. As an Antibiotic

The content of chlorophyll owned by grass jelly can also be a natural antibiotic. Because of that, it makes the green grass jelly can also be used for antibiotic drugs that will later be able to kill various types of bacteria, viruses, foodstuffs, and drugs. With the disappearance of some harmful substances that become blockage that goes on the blood vessels can reduce them.

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7. Antimalarial Drug

A result of scientific research has proven decoction of grass jelly roots useful for a malaria drug. Apparently in the roots found various compounds of alkoit group that showed antimalarial. This information is very valuable and can be used as a consideration to get an alternative malaria drug that serves as a prevention.

8. Treat Fever

Grass jelly drink contains compounds such as carbohydrates, fats, polyphenols, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, cardioplegicum, tentradine, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and B. The grass is often used for anti-fever effects, blood and anti-toxins because of those compounds. We need to pick the leaves of grass jelly and press, then combine it with water and left to solidify, and as usual, you can consume it directly.

9. Increase Gastric Acid and Cure Ulcer

There are vitamin C and antioxidants in grass jelly drink which can strengthen the abdominal muscle. It can be used to kill the bacteria that cause ulcer disease and increase the gastric acid.

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10. Ease Muscle

Grass jelly drink has compounds which can overcome muscle problem such as stiff, sore and painful muscle. Furthermore, it can stretch the muscle and make it easy to move.

11. Eliminate Poison from Seafood

Seafood is good for health, but there are some poisons in it like shrimp and squid. Grass jelly drink contains antioxidant compounds which can eliminate those poisons and make our body clear from them.

12. Speed up Bowel Movement

Grass jelly drink has high fiber content and low calories, so it can speed up bowel movements by drinking it every night. We need to do that because it is the bowel time to work effectively in the body.

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13. Prevent Osteoporosis

Grass jelly drink is very good for bone because it contains high calcium, magnesium, and phosphor. Those compounds can be used to regenerate a porous bone and prevent osteoporosis.

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More Benefit of Grass Jelly

Here are more health benefits of grass  jelly for our health :

  1. Natural anti-inflammatory cure
  2. Hypertension medicine
  3. Typhus medicine
  4. Reduce the risk of stroke
  5. Keep bones and teeth healthy
  6. Increase body’s resistance
  7. Make the eyes clear
  8. Overcome cough disease
  9. Make our skin smooth

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Cautions of Grass Jelly Drink

Grass jelly drink gives us many health benefits to our body. However, there are some cautions that we need to pay attention because we want to add some ingredients that may be dangerous to our body or some people who want to get more money by selling it with dangerous ingredients. Here are some cautions before adding those.

1. Too Much Sugar

The bitterness of grass jelly makes people want to add more sugar in it to become sweeter to drink. However, if we add too much sugar, it will get us potentially diabetes. This is the opposite of what we want which is get rid of diabetes.

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2. Raw and Unclean Water

One of the ingredient to make grass jelly drink is boiled water. However, there are some people who sell grass jelly drink with raw water that come from bathroom or toilet. Of course, it is very dangerous to our body because there are some bacteria in there.

3. The Use of Sweetener and Food Color

People use food color and sweetener to make grass jelly drink appealing. We need to take cautious whether those are from natural material or not.

4. The Use of Borax

We know that borax is used to preserve corpse, so it is very dangerous to use it for food and drink. However, there are some people who use it to grass jelly drink to make it last longer because borax is very cheap in the market.
From all of the above, we can conclude that there are many health benefits of grass jelly drink. It is made from natural sources, so it will make our body healthy. However, there are some cautions we need to pay attention, so drinking grass jelly doesn’t harm our body.

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