Herbal Oil

18 Scientific Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil comes from Aboriginal tribes who are indigenous people in Australia. This oil comes from its tree that is called Melaleuca leucadendron in Latin name. It is obtained or made from the process of extracting eucalyptus trees. This oil has a fragrant and refreshing smell which is good for the body and can […]


19 Scientific Health Benefits of Organic Tobacco

Organic tobacco has a Latin name, Nicotiana tabacum. This plant comes from North America and South America. Organic tobacco is better than the artificial one because it grows without the use of pesticides, antibiotics, and other substances. The leaves of this tree are often used as raw materials of cigarettes, either by a pipe or […]

Herbal Plant

20 Health Benefits of Mucuna Pruriens (#Evidence-Based)

Mucuna Pruriens which is well-known as Velvet bean is a plant that comes from Leguminosae family. The original habitat of Mucuna Pruriens spreads flat across the tropics on all continents, starting from Africa, the Caribbean Islands, Northern Australia, India, South East Asia (including Indonesia), and the Pacific islands. Mucuna Pruriens is a seasonal leguminous, which […]


20 Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd (#No.7 is Proven)

Ridge gourd is one type of vegetables that belong to Cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae). It has a Latin name, Luffa accutangula. This vegetable plant is very easy to cultivate, so it becomes one of the easiest vegetable found in the market. Nowadays, it becomes popular, especially among women because of its benefits for skin, diet, and […]


20 Health Benefits of Savoy Cabbage (#Evidence-Based)

Savoy cabbage comes from Savoy region which is a medieval duchy on the border of Italy, France, and Switzerland and called this name because of the origin. It is called Brassica Oleorosa in Latin name, so it belongs to Brassica family. Savoy cabbage in appearance is very similar to the white type but has a […]


17 Verified Health Benefits of Yellow Watermelon

Yellow watermelon is a yellow flesh that belongs to Cucurbitaceae family and has a latin name, Citrullus lanatus. Yellow watermelon is a native plant from South Africa and rich in nutritional content. This yellow watermelon shape is also dark green on the skin and patterned like red watermelon but has different color inside. The taste […]

Herbal Spices

20 Scientific Health Benefits of Eating Yellow Mustard

Yellow mustard originally comes from India even though it is more popular as American yellow mustard. According to biological, It belongs to the Brassica family. Nowadays, it becomes popular among people because of the unique, strong and spicy flavor that is addicted for some people. In addition, it also has some health benefits for the […]


21 Proven Health Benefits of Acerola Cherries

Acerola cherries come from Amazon Jungle in South America and also known as Barbados cherries. They are called Malpighia Glabra in Latin name. They have a sweet and delicious taste that makes people want to eat it continuously. This fruit becomes popular because recently people found out that it has many health benefits and can […]


21 Health Benefits of Yellow Squash Juice (#Evidence-Based)

Yellow squash is well-known as pumpkin and one of the fruits belonging to the Cucurbitaceae group. This fruit is very identical with Halloween and fasting meal. It has a sweet and delicious taste, so many people eat this directly, mix it with other ingredients and cook it as the base of a soup or garnish […]

Herbal Oil

20 Proven Health Benefits of Tangerine Essential Oil

Tangerine essential oil comes from China and spread throughout the world, so we can find it in many countries. It is also known as Citrus reticulata. It becomes popular around women because of its health benefits and the beauty effects, especially for skins and hairs. Tangerine essential oil also has a sweet taste and refreshing […]