
The 6 Benefits of Lemongrass Tea For Health

Lemongrass tea, also known as lemongrass tea or kaffir lime tea, is a popular herbal drink in Southeast Asia. Lemongrass tea is made from fresh or dried lemongrass leaves steeped in hot water. The aroma of this tea is very refreshing and has a number of health benefits for the body. Lemongrass tea has antioxidant […]


7 Benefits of Mint Tea For The Body

Mint tea or popular with name peppermint tea has a refreshing aroma and flavor. Mint tea is a very popular drink around the world. Each sip in the technique provides enjoyment and also has tremendous benefits for the body. This peppermint tea has antibacterial, antiviral and also anti-inflammatory properties to fight bacterial, viral, and fungal […]


8 The Benefits Chinese Teak Leaf Tea For The Body

Perhaps many people are more aware of teak wood for home furnishings than Chinese teak which is used as an herbal medicinal tea such as the benefit of angco tea for health. Many references say that Chinese teak leaf tea is good for weight loss. But unfortunately there are still no clinical trials related to […]


The 10 Benefits of Angco Tea for Health

Some of us don’t know about angco tea? Angco is a type of fruit from China that looks similar to dates so it is called Chinese dates. Angco fruit is dark red in color tending to purple, has a sweet taste, wrinkled outer skin and thick texture. Angco fruit can be extracted and made into […]


6 Health Benefits of Teas for PCOS You Need to Know

Herbal teas are becoming more popular nowadays as they have amazing medicinal properties. A cup or two of some healthy teas are made with the combination of spices, herbs, flowers and dried fruits. This combination could be beneficial in many health conditions and helps in giving a much-needed boost to your immune system. The most […]


9 Powerful Benefits of Drinking Elderflower Tea

Elderflowers, or also known as European elder, come from a small tree. This tree is native to specific areas in Europe. This tree makes small and white flowers that have a very strong fragrance and small berries. The berries are dark and have strong taste. The elderflowers can be made into tea by drying them […]


8 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is a member of ginger family. This spice is native to Southeast Asia and many people have used this as part of a herbal remedy for thousands of years, especially in Ayuverdic and Chinese medicine. Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin. This ingredient is the one which gives the yellow color characteristic. Curcumin […]


5 Hidden Health Benefits of Earl Grey Tea for Weight Loss

If you are a tea enthusiast, then you’ve probably heard or even tried Earl Grey tea. Earl Grey tea is a blend of several types of Chinese tea, like benefits of drinking black tea for example, with citrus flavor.  In addition to its distinctive taste and smell, this tea also has some health benefits. As […]

High Blood Pressure

What are the Health Benefits of Ginger Tea for Blood Pressure? Here the Answers

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition of the body when blood pressure is above a value of 130/80 mmHg or more. Blood pressure itself is the force that blood exerts on the blood vessels. This pressure is on the blood resistance and after the heart works. Summarizing from the official website […]


Huangshan Maofeng Tea Benefits for Health – Chinese Herbal Tea

China has produced many types of tea. Most of them seems original and healthy due to their production method. China has black tea such as the amazing health benefits of Keemun Black Tea and health benefits of Lapsang Souchong Tea that have high benefits to your body. It also has original tea and green tea. […]