Healthy Habits

14 Benefits of Eating Apple for Breakfast (No.4 is True)

Eating apple for breakfast is one of the many health advice that’s gaining popularity nowadays. The notion is derived from old adage that said “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, which is believed to be tested and true. Moreover, what is the best time to include some fruits in our diets anyway, if not at breakfast? There is really no excuse not to grab some fruits along with our meals as fruits are getting easier to get, whether from purchasing or by growing them ourselves.

Apple is well-known for many things, people said it has anti-oxidants, others said that it is rich of vitamins and minerals. Some people just love its sweet and distinct flavor, with the juiciness at each bites. People also love apple for its versatility, it can be eaten as it is, it can also be processed further whether in the form of juice, apple pie, fruit salad, the options are limitless. What’s really cool however, that apple is really fulfilling eaten as a part of daily meal.

Therefore, we think we can all agree that apple is one of the best thing to be eaten for breakfast. But, how is eating apple for breakfast different from eating it at lunch or dinner? There are many reasons why. Which is why, without further ado, we will discuss the health benefits derived from eating apple especially for breakfast on the following paragraphs.

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Indeed, here are the health benefits of eating apple for breakfast:

1. Maintain Cardiovascular Health

The most common characteristic which is shared by both apple and green tea is that they both have phenolic compound. The compound is also what gives apple skin the distinctive taste. Turns out, as some researches and health blog suggest, the phenolic compound found in apple skin is responsible for preventing the cholesterol from building up on the wall of our blood vessels, mainly arteries. Which is why eating apple for breakfast can help protecting your heart from clogging and other heart-related diseases.

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2. Reducing the Risk of Diabetes

Many researches suggested that apple can help reducing the risk of diabetes, this of course doesn’t mean that eating apple can prevent diabetes symptoms to ever surface in our lives. However, what we can learn from the research is that the studies consistently show that those who eat apple apparently encountered less diabetes-related health conditions than those who don’t. Therefore, it’s not such a bad idea to start eating apple for breakfast now, while we’re still at the best health and easiest access to apples, isn’t it?

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3. Provides Energy Boost Throughout the Day

Apple contains simple glucose (as opposed to complex carbohydrates) as well as vitamins and minerals to give us an edge in the daily competition, started early in the morning. Which makes it even more the reason there is to start our days with an apple, because while the dietary fiber can sate our hunger, the water and minerals content in it can keep us fresh and energized for the rest of the day.

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4. Useful as Weight Control

As explained in the earlier paragraph, apple is rich of dietary fiber which gives the fulfilling effect to our belly. Those who seek to control their weight, that is including losing some weight in the process, can begin with an apple in the morning. The satiated feelings come fast and last long so we don’t crave as much snacks before our next meal. Indeed, benefits of eating apple for breakfast is super good for weight control.

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5. Contains Low Cholesterol

What is better than low cholesterol, yet high nutrients meal for your breakfast? That is exactly why we recommend adding apple to your breakfast. The dietary fiber in apple is soluble, which means the fiber can absorb some cholesterol in our body and solve them along with other nutrients. Not only that, by eating apple, we allow less other meals for us to eat, which means less calories to consume, less meals also means less cholesterol-packed foods there is to eat.

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6. Promotes Healthy Bones

This is probably unknown to most people, but apple does contain calcium. Moreover, there is this rare nutrient found in apple called phloridzin. While not much information is available as to how this chemical compound works, many researches have been done to show that phloridzin can help preventing bone problems found in post-menopausal women. Those bone problems commonly found in women because of hormone related causes. Apple also contains boron which plays an essential part in protecting our bones’ health.

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7. Serves as a Potent Detoxifier

Many diet programs which contain “detox” as their marketing cues are all the rage nowadays. Most of them works really well, to be fair, but apple has all the detoxifying benefits as well, minus the extra cost. Apple has natural compounds that act as detoxifier such as flavonoids, carotenes and polyphenols. Those compounds can help eliminating the toxins residing in the liver and even enhancing the detoxification process in the liver.

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8. Protects the Nervous System

Neural degeneration can happen to some, if not the best of us. They can be rather scary because of how inevitable and sudden the symptoms appear. Thankfully, apple is said to be able to prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease, and even in some rare cases, reversed the effect. Presumably, it worked by the help of antioxidant substances in the fruit as well as some unidentified compounds which are proven to have reversing effect on neurodegenerative conditions in animal studies.

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9. Cleaning Up the Blood Circulation

Having apple for breakfast allow some dietary fiber and simple sugars instead of complex carbohydrates and saturated fat for the start of your day. Consequently, by eating apple in the morning between 4.00am to 10.00am can help manage blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis as researches suggest.

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10. Serves as Immunity Booster

By now we’ve probably already known that apple contain antioxidants that’s extremely useful to fight free radicals and prevent us from catching diseases. The cool thing is that aside from common nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A and selenium, apple also contains this unique chemical compound known as quercetin. Quercetin is known for its ability to promote immunity against some pathogens as well as weakening some adverse immunity reactions usually found in allergy symptoms.

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11. Clean the Digestive System

The main reason why apple should be eaten for breakfast is because our stomach is usually empty in the morning, thus allows the full absorption of the nutrition. That’s possible because there would be practically little to no other meals to be digested, makes it easier for our stomach to process the nutrition.

On top of that, apple also contains malic acid which is said to be beneficial for our digestive systems as well as livers and brains. Lastly, apple contains phosporus which is believed to play an important role to keep the stomach clean as well as strengthening it.

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12. Treats Internal Inflammation

Rarely known to most people, but apparently some antioxidants in apple such as pectin, polyphenols also have some anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory agents is especially useful to treat and might prevent some nasty internal inflammatory symptoms such as asthma.

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13. Promotes Healthy Eyes

The vitamins in apple such as Vitamin A can help maintain the eyes’ health and some antioxidants which play essential role in protecting the nervous system can also protect our eyes from degenerations caused by ageing and fatigues.

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14. Regulates Our Body Temperature

Eating apple early in the morning is said to be beneficial for the oxidation processes in our bodies. That is because apple contain just the right amount of water and minerals necessary for our bodies to cool down and removes the residual heat produced in our bodies overnight while we were asleep.

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Alright, so that’s what we can sum up from many researches as well as common healthy advice about the importance of eating apple for breakfast. Seeing how numerous the benefits are, we think it’s not such a bad idea to start replacing our calories and saturated fat-heavy meals with the sweet shiny red instead.

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By incorporating a cleaner start in our diet, hopefully the benefits and effects will encourage us to have much healthier and cleaner meals in our daily diets. We thank you for reading, hopefully you can enjoy as well as learn many things as we did in researching and composing it. Keep the spirit of learning and maintaining healthy living.

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