Healthy Guide

15 Health Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children (Parents Guide)

Meanwhile, children need to play outside in order to grow up well. Thus, benefits are to help them from getting identity, maximum physical strength, and the resistance to various diseases. Many parents are less aware for this importance moments make children in outdoor play, trying make a reason like fears of illness, children become slovenly craftsman, and most often say parents can make children so naughty and forget the time. Meanwhile, here is the explanation how playing outdoor will be more fun and useful for the growth and development of the child itself.


1. Psycho-Social Effect

Outdoor play gives many benefits to child, but with the rule which parent must accompany children in play. According to Sigmund Freud exist where children will take many experience from a phase of life what is called fecal oral phase, at this phase children are forced by the brain to learn about around of the world by putting all the things he gets into the mouth or anus with.
In this phase children will be more active than before and parents are encouraged to be more concerned in introducing what is good and not good when the child are asking questions and doing something in the eyes of adults is not reasonable to do.


2. Become Confidence 

Phase fecal oral is a crucial phase to change formation of the character the child, like later he would be an honest man, or more confident, many parents are not aware of this phase, make children develop many thing in the house, that make child be like in cage than before. That thing make children in the future is not free of expression and adept at hiding the truth.


3. Aspect of Allergy

Playing outside is very beneficial for the development of the body’s systems, in several studies of children who are often exempt play outside have lower allergic diseases (like asthma, dermatitis etc) than children who only played in the room. This happens because the body has a memory cell which is actively considering all the things that entry body and will respond when that entered thing are dangerous. Children with high intensity of outdoor play will automatically do all things related to dirty (in this case the child will be a lot of insert-free protein such as germs etc. into the body). When this case of continuously create cellular memory which states that a lot of things outside harmless, so that by the time he ate food containing high protein memory cells have read and thought harmless.

Related: Signs of Wheat Allergy

4. In Terms of Learning
Children with developmental period waived playing outside will have an increasing experience in terms of learning in the future. This happens because in playing outside, children are forced to focus on it examines the problem and solve it in a short time, getting accustomed to the child form a focal point that can be used for learning.
Level interest in learning of children who often play outside will be higher than just being limited area like home. This is because the child can not do the long resting phase because the body often play outside so that child will seek busyness as fun as playing outside, it must often be educated by their parents and by the suggestion, reading the book just as much fun when done continuously constantly.


5. Team Work
It is very often the case even can see for ourselves to our past, or your child is in this case very often play outside, they will find friend who can play. In psychology it cause this period child will build a good relationship to all people without exception, that make parents thinks could accompany them while playing. When this moment continually they will automatically build a spirit of cooperation that is higher later on promoting the rights of the privacy rights group.


6. Sensory Motor
Sensory motor is a condition where there is efficient coordination between the nervous system especially senses to body movement, with an intensity playing at outdoors, senses more active and familiar with various objects, that activity causes body can control stimulation from the outside without hardship movement.


7. Sensitive in Stimulation
According to Piaget’s stages of child development at the age of 0 to 2 years will be better when playing outside because the children will get to know who they and how to build relation, how they received stimulation, or define various objects.


8. Aspects of Endurance
Similar to allergy system, the body creates a data base of all the germs that ever entered so that the body creates defenses capable to defend the body without suffering significant damage. In some studies show specific differences among children who often play outside and just play at home on the condition of being exposed to flu where children often play outside get more cure rate higher than children playing in home.


9. Aspects of Growth
The growth of children is influenced by many things such as food and how their activities, which children were played outside controlled well, causing the body to the maximum expands more to the higher than wide.
Follow a normal growth curve graph CDC for children over 5 years, this thing can get free and receive direct consultation at the nearest health center or neighborhood health center.

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10. Aspects of Cognition
Cognition is a collection of some of the system including the memory, thinking, comprehension of the object, and object management based on what you’ve been trained and will be sharper if the frequent playing outside more doing.
System perspicacity and management brain of larger object obtained from playing outside because the brain is forced to work in solving the problem for the first once earned by the child, and even more problems it brings when playing outside is more complicated in the problem settlement such as the flying fox, rafting etc.


11. Aspects of Criminality
Psychologists assert children playing outside will be protected from criminal acts in the future, it is still associated phase of fecal oral where children if taught well that is where the good and bad things, the child will easily assess whether someone is nearby dangerous or not. Things become further attention the child will be more honest person because of good mentoring, children are able to assess an object multifaceted aspects and able to take action to apply it in middle of community. 

12. In the Formation of Character
By playing outdoors, children will get to know more things and role independently so as to be breaking in every respect. Conditions are inversely obtained by older children often played with limited area, the children will implement a variety of expression through the limited vision like a television is often called the psychologist as method acting.
In this case child will be entered into the role that he saw from the limitations and apply it to the various aspects of the child’s life so that what happened on television will take place in the real world.

Related: Benefits of Bikram Yoga – Health Benefits of Push Up

13. Eyes Health
According to some studies showed that children aged over nine months should have been carried out to learn more about the outside of world. This is because children older than 9 months visual power has begun to develop so that the brain will start to stimulate the whole body to explore the outside world, more broadly, with children only in a limited area then the power of visual child will weaken that cause children will tend to fall to eye minus or myopia.

By bringing the children to play outside, children will learn how to do the right things if we were able to teach them. Kids will automatically clean around, that because he wants a comfortable conditions for them to play.


15. Avoid Obesity
Regularly in this case is the body condition of child, the child’s body will be organized in all aspects that regulate the food to be more effectively utilized by the body. Children will also be protected from the dangers of obesity, food intake did not have time to stored body continuously active so that the food is used to rebuild what has been lost.

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In terms of letting children play outside, it should not be separated from the parent view, misguided in phase fecal oral will give negative impact on the child in future. Friedrich Nietzsche said that when you stare into the trough, the trough will stare into you. The same thing happened to parenting the more you can keep and educate children, children will become independent persona, capable of resolving the problem may be a short time and gave a birth to personal which very difficult to find these days is personal honest in all things.