
10 Health Benefits of Matoa Fruit (#1 Exotic Fruit from Papua)

Matoa fruit is not just another exotic fruit from Indonesia, originated from the land of Papua, matoa becomes one of the gems from this rich island. Papua is well known from its natural beauty and the rich collection of flora and fauna and matoa is in the top of the list. Furthermore, since it is not a famous fruit, the health benefits of matoa fruit may surprise you.

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What is Matoa Fruit?

Matoa has scientific name Pometia pinnata from the family of Sapindaceae, so it is closely related to lychee and maple. The flavor of matoa fruit is like the mixture of rambutan, lychee and longan fruit, with juicy texture and very sweet.

Nutritional Value of Matoa Fruit

Though the popularity of matoa fruit is progressively increasing recently, intensive studies to learn about the nutritional value of matoa fruit is strongly required. However, in summary matoa fruit is quite rich of vitamin C and vitamin E which are the source of powerful antioxidants that are essential for human health. To find out more about matoa fruit below is the list of health benefits of matoa fruit.

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  1. Excellent Source of Antioxidants

As mentioned above, matoa fruit is quite rich of vitamin C and vitamin E. The combination of those two vitamins will give you a powerful antioxidants required by your body to fight free radicals effectively.

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  1. Natural Immunity Boosters

It is a common knowledge that all fruits rich of vitamin C are excellent immunity booster and matoa fruit is not the exception.

  1. Fights Viral Infection

Viral infection is not going to be fatal but fighting it is not an easy case at all. The best thing to fight this infection is by making sure your immunity system is in excellent state and consuming matoa which is rich of vitamin C and antioxidants are a perfect protection againsts viral infection.

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  1. Stress Relief

Matoa fruit is a healthy snacks you could consume in daily basis because it is so rich of vitamin E which is essential stress relief. Whenever you feel stresfull, sometimes your appetite is also improving, snacking with matoa fruit is not going to cause weight gain but instead it will relieve your stress effectively.

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  1. Increases Endurance

During a workout you need endurance and to improve your work productivity you need to expand your endurance as well. Body endurance is closely related to your current stamina and the sugar compound found in matoa fruit is excellent energy booster to increase your endurance.

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  1. Promotes Fertility

If you have problems with fertility, perhaps putting matoa fruit into your daily diet could be the natural solution you have been looking for to promote fertility. Furthermore, this kind of fruit is quite safe to be consumed by both men and women.

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  1. Prevents the Development of Cancer

Cancer occurs when free radicals are free to access your body. Antioxidants are the real deal for free radicals because they will fight it and prevent the development of cancerous cells. As rich of vitamin C and vitamin E, matoa fruit is excellent source of powerful antioxidants.

  1. Great for Heart

Vitamin E is also great for heart because it maintains the healthy heart cells and prevents the degeneration of cells and promotes healthy artery and veins. Vitamin C will assist in improving the blood flow.

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  1. Solution to Healthy Skin

Surely you have known that vitamin E is great for skin. While vitamin C contributes in the production of collagen to keep the elasticity of your skin. Antioxidants will promote the optimal skin cells regenerations to make you look younger a bit longer.

  1. Cures Dysentery

Though further study about matoa fruit could cure dysentery is still required by among the locals, matoa fruit has been used as home remedy to cure this illness for years.

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Cautions of Matoa Fruit

The problem with matoa fruit when it comes to the cautions or reverse effects of this fruit is still unknown because the studies conducted about matoa fruit is not much.

  • Be careful with allergic reaction because it is not a kind of fruit you commonly find in the market. If you are allergic to lychee or longan fruit, perhaps avoiding this fruit is a wise move.
  • If you are not familiar with this fruit, don’t try to consume kind of fruit that looks like matoa fruit because the chance it is not matoa fruit is higher and probably could be harmful for your body.

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Among the locals, matoa fruit is very popular because it is easy to find and naturally widespread around their neighborhood but outside Papua, this fruit is a bit hard to find and quite expensive but for all the health benefits of matoa fruit and its unique and exotic flavor, every penny you have spent for this fruit is worth it.

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