
6 Health Benefits of Brisk Walking to Maintain Your Health

Want to exercise, but don’t want to bother using special equipment or going to an expensive gym? Brisk walking can be your choice. As foreign as it may sound, this type of exercise is like quick walking. Walking with quicker tempo. It’s a natural method to make your body healthier, just the same as having […]


5 Mental Health Benefits of Gardening for Adults You Need to Know

Living a modern life is like two-edged blades. Sometimes, everything feels so easy. It’s easy to bring together, getting anything, circling around the world of information with a slight work of a thumb. Leaving the traditional ways, we could feel like conquering everything, until something’s awakened. A dark cloud lingering in everyone’s mind, holding a […]


Let’s Know More About Mental Health Benefits of Coloring for Adults

Each significant media source is revealing about the adult coloring phenomenon. What used to be an activity that kept such a significant number of people engaged as kids is presently reemerging as a trend adults are coming to adore.  Therapeutic components parents tried to keep their children quiet or engaged before dinner are presently being […]


Health Benefits of Playing Pokémon Go

Have you ever heard about Pokémon Go? Or you even have been played this game? Pokémon Go is a popular game that rose to fame in 2017-2018. It was somehow being a global issue. Not because it was something special, but somehow this game caused some accidents, even deaths. Pokémon Go is a game that […]


Health Benefits of Doing Taekwondo

Doing sport is a thing you should do regularly to help keep your body healthy. One sport that has become people’s favorite and we always heard about is taekwondo. Taekwondo is an art of self defense originated in Korea. In this sport you will gain many benefits because the moves are such great exercises and […]


What Are The Benefits of Namaz (Prayers) in Islam for Muslims? (Scientifically Proven for Mental Health)

In Islam, the namaz or prayer is called Salat. The Muslim are obliged to do prayer at least 5 times in a day for the compulsory prayer and the Sunnah, such as tahajjud with its Health Benefits of Tahajjud Prayer for Mental Health. The prayer lets the believers to enrich their spirituality and the love […]


Scientifically Proven Benefits of Fasting In Ramadan for Muslim for Medical and Religious Purpose

Fasting is known to be a practice in some religions. In Islam, the believers are obliged to fast during Ramadhan or during a month period. However, besides the religious reasons, lately it is found that the health benefits of fasting can be scientifically proven. This article would like to describe the scientifically proven benefits of […]


Health and Psychological Benefits of Fasting Ramadan for Muslims

Ramadan is a month in the Islamic calendar, of which all the Muslims should do fasting from dawn till dusk. The duration may vary for each country as it  is related to each country’s time zone. But do you know that fasting and all the accompanying rituals can give psychological benefits of fasting Ramadhan? We’ll […]


12 Optimum Benefits of Sleeping With Your Back for The Spinal Bone

People behavior when sleeping at night can be done in a various position. But many of them realize that the benefits of sleeping with your back will bring more advantages. Therefore, it is normal that many of the people prefer this position along the night. Compare to the other position such as turning right or […]


The Benefits of Gardening in Early Childhood

There are a lot of parents are struggling to find one activities that could drain the excessive energy that their children have while at the same time also educative. Well, how about gardening? Generally, children are easily attracted to play outside, get dirt on their clothes or just running around in the back yard. Parents […]