
What Are The Benefits of Namaz (Prayers) in Islam for Muslims? (Scientifically Proven for Mental Health)

In Islam, the namaz or prayer is called Salat. The Muslim are obliged to do prayer at least 5 times in a day for the compulsory prayer and the Sunnah, such as tahajjud with its Health Benefits of Tahajjud Prayer for Mental Health. The prayer lets the believers to enrich their spirituality and the love […]


Powerful Health Benefits of Dates in Islam Based on Quran- Super Food

Dates are special fruit in Islam as it is mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad that dates are fruit from paradise. Dates are also a kind of staple fruit of Muslim during Ramadhan. It is suggested to eat three pieces of dates to break their fast as Sunnah. It is also supported by the fact that […]


Miraculous Health Benefits of Honey in Islam – Halal Food

The golden silky sweet liquid we know as honey is packed with health benefits. The Health Benefits of Honey is supported by a number of scientific studies. However, before all those studies, the suggestion to take honey had mentioned in the Quran, the holy script of Islam. It is clear that Islam recommend the believers […]


Benefits of Ziyarat e Nahiya – Mental and Spiritual Health

Ziyarat e Nahiya (Ziyarah e Nahiya al-Muqaddasa) is one of Imam al-Husain’s several prescribed “ziyarat”, or recitals. One of the major characteristics of this ziyarat is that it describes the events that happened during the Islamic day of Asyura and the agony received by the Imam and his family over the course of that day. […]


Benefits of Zakat in Islam – Obligatory – Laws – Eligibility

After benefits of laylatul qadr Islam and the benefits of ayatul kursi in Islam, let’s talk about zakat! Zakat (that which purifies) is a form of help giving in Islam which is viewed as a religious obligation or tax. In fact, it is also part of the Five Pillars of Islam. As such, zakat is […]


Benefits of Ayatul Kursi in Islam for Mental and Spiritual Health

Perhaps this article may be subjective in terms of only applicable to Muslims, but then devout Muslims will not hesitate to agree with what is written below. Yes, the Ayatul Kursi (Ayat Kursi) is actually verse 255 of the second Surah in the Al-Quran, Al-Baqarah. It speaks about how nothing and nobody in this universe […]

Hair Health

Health Benefits of Beards in Islam – Sunnah and Rules

When it comes to beards, people often have mixed perceptions to it. Some are fascinated by it and thinks that beards are what makes men a man while others think that it doesn’t look professional or tidy. Whatever your views to beards are, beards do have its own cultural and health benefits. Anyway, what are […]


17 Proven Health Benefits of Zamzam Water (No.1 Amazing)

Water is arguably one of the most important aspect of human life. According to a study, 70% of human body comprise of water. That means, our body will need significant amount of water to keep our body well-hydrated. Unlike other source of water, zam-zam water is sourced from a well in Mecca that is considered […]