Health A-Z

8 Benefits of Pets for Seniors

During your childhood, have you ever had a pet? It’s best if you keep doing that until you’re old. The reason is, having pets has a variety of benefits. It can increase physical strength to maintain one’s social relationships. Having a pet can help overcome mental and physical health problems for the elderly. Because keeping […]

Food & Bevarages

7 Unique Health Benefits of Bilberry

Bilberry fruit is the fruit of a herbal plant. The fruit (both dry and ripe) and the leaves are used to make medicine, similar to the health benefits of blueberry. Bilberry fruit is used to improve visual acuity (including night vision), preventing cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Some people use bilberry for heart and blood […]

Food & Bevarages

7 Unique Health Benefits of Acai Berry for Pregnancy

Acai berry is a type of berry that has been used by people in the interior of the Amazon forest for thousands of years and is still alive today. Acai berry itself is quite rarely heard in people’s ears because it is not a native berry and is also outdated by other types of berries, […]

Food & Bevarages

9 Delightful Health Benefits of Eating Fruit Salad Everyday

To live a healthy life, you achieve it not only with exercise and adequate rest. It is also necessary to maintain a healthy and nutritious food intake like eating fruits and vegetables to turn into salads, like the health benefits of cabbage salad. So you don’t get bored eating it, even though you don’t like […]


5 Notable Health Benefits of Cucumber for Hair

If someone asks what the benefits of cucumber are for beauty, indeed most people will mention the benefits of cucumber for facial skin, as you can find in the benefits of cucumber for skin, such as overcoming tired eyes, panda eyes, soothing sunburned facial skin, shrinking pores, and overcoming redness of the skin. Even though […]

Food & Bevarages

6 Useful Health Benefits of Carrots for Toddlers

There are many benefits of carrots for toddlers. As you may notice in the health benefits of carrot juice, these orange vegetables contain various nutrients that can support their growth. Besides being useful, carrots are also easily processed into a variety of food menus. The various benefits of carrots for babies are thanks to their […]


5 Health Benefits of Alpha Arbutin for Skin You Shouldn’t Miss

Do you have a problem with uneven skin tone, or want to make your face look healthier and brighter? Skincare products made from this substance might be an alternative for those of you who don’t want to use harsh ingredients to dry out your skin. The various skin care products available on the market are […]


7 Pleasing Health Benefits of Banana for Hair

This yellow fruit is very easy to find here and there. In relation to our tropical climate, bananas will indeed thrive in areas with evenly distributed rainfall. Apart from our country, countries that consume high bananas are Africa and Latin America.  Bananas have a high fiber content so they are easy to digest and contain […]

Food & Bevarages

4 Amazing Health Benefits of Dates for Diabetics

Dates are a type of fruit that can withstand hot and sandy temperatures, such as in some Middle Eastern countries. In several Islamic countries, you will often find it during the Ramadan month, because dates are one of Rosulullah’s favorite foods when breaking the fast. This fruit is also discussed quite a lot in the […]

Food & Bevarages

7 Scientifically-Proven Health Benefits of Sweet Potato for Toddlers

Sweet potatoes are loved by all people, including children, because of their sweet and delicious taste. Not only that, this sweet potato also has a myriad of health benefits. But the question is, is it safe to give sweet potatoes to children, especially toddlers? Sweet potatoes contain a variety of nutrients needed by the body, […]