
Scientifically Proven Benefits of Fasting In Ramadan for Muslim for Medical and Religious Purpose

Fasting is known to be a practice in some religions. In Islam, the believers are obliged to fast during Ramadhan or during a month period. However, besides the religious reasons, lately it is found that the health benefits of fasting can be scientifically proven. This article would like to describe the scientifically proven benefits of […]


Health and Psychological Benefits of Fasting Ramadan for Muslims

Ramadan is a month in the Islamic calendar, of which all the Muslims should do fasting from dawn till dusk. The duration may vary for each country as it  is related to each country’s time zone. But do you know that fasting and all the accompanying rituals can give psychological benefits of fasting Ramadhan? We’ll […]

Eating & Diets

Health Benefits of Long Term Fasting and How to Do It Correctly

For some religions, fasting has been part of the believers’ spiritual lifestyle and right now the lifestyle has been shifted into becoming healthy lifestyle as well. It is because according to some scientific studies, fasting may bring a lot of benefits for human health and this article will be focusing on discussing about the health […]

Healthy Guide

8 Scientific Health Benefits of Fasting 12 Hours A Day

Fasting is often acknowledged as a process that is part of one’s common religious practice. Other than that, fasting is also enforced by doctors on patients prior to undergoing surgery or going through medical procedures. For whatever reason, fasting is defined as the practice of abstaining from consumption of food and drink for a specific […]

Healthy Guide

20 Most Desired Health Benefits of 30 Day Juice Fast and Tips

Consuming juice (Read: Different Types of Fruit Juice and Their Benefits) always considered as one of the healthy habit. But what about consuming juices only, everyday for 30 days straight. Will it bring healthy values to your body? Even though the 30 days juice fast is now a very popular diet due to it’s dramatic […]


15 Health Benefits of 30 Day Fast – Weight Loss Solution

No one can live without food and water, that’s why the idea of fasting could be really strange for some people. However, for those who are not really familiar with the term ‘fasting’ it is not the same like you force yourself to live without food or water because even fasting has procedure that should […]

Healthy Activities

5 Ultimate Health Benefits of 7 Days Fasting You Never Know

People may consider fasting as one of the form of religious practice. However, besides accomplishing their religion command, they believe there are lots of Health Benefits of Fasting. Of course if it is done properly. Actually, there are some kinds of fasting. There are some rules that should be applied based on your aim in […]

Healthy Activities

25 Health Benefits of Fasting – For Physical and Mental Health

Fasting is closely associated with Ramadan and Muslim though the fact is religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity are also practicing fasting. However, today there are a lot of people are practicing fasting not only for faith reasons like athletes who are practicing fasting for health reason and many more. It is because there are […]

Eating & Diets

21 Benefits of Overnight Fasting (No.5 Unbelievable)

People are trying so hard to found effective diet method. From using weight lost supplement, exercising, until putting more effort in dieting. Its all sometime bring success but some of them may fail. One of dieting pattern method that we used to heard is fasting. Fasting is a willing to reduce the food intake to […]