
39 Spirulina Benefits For Health & Beauty (No.1-28 Expert research)

Spirulina is the best nutrition in this era since its substances is 100% natural. Spirulina, green algae, has been existing on this orb since 3.5 billions years ago. Ancient Aztec in Mexico consume spirulina as their food source. Spirulina has more than 2000 species. However, its species, platensis, is the most common to consume and […]


27 Incredible Ways to Increase Your Stamina (No.23-27 Very Simple)

Incredible Ways to Increase Your Stamina could you get from many side, including sports, food, fruit, and your habit. Being healthy becomes people motto nowadays. There are five popular ways that deliberately applied by those who put health in their first priority in life. Doing sport, healthy diet, laughing, starting the day with red color and […]

Omega 3

17 Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fish Oil Base on Research

Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fish Oil Base on Research already known around the world. Omega 3 is a type of fatty acid contained in fish oil, which provides numerous benefits for health for years. There have been many researches proving the health benefits of omega 3 and this is why people are so interested […]


11 Incredible Benefits of Potassium For Health ( No.4 Super Powerful)

Potassium is one of most important minerals your body should take daily. This has a very great role in improving your health and this is why experiencing in low of potassium can lead to many types of illnesses such as stroke and high blood pressure. So you should make sure that your daily meals include the […]


25 Proven Health Benefits of Coffee (No. 1 That All Women Want)

Coffee is a drink that is loved by the people of the world since centuries ago. Until now, coffee is one of the most familiar drink commodities at various levels of society. According to statistics from the International Coffee Organization in 2000-2010, world coffee consumption continues to increase by 3-4% annually. In Indonesia, coffee consumption […]

Vitamin K

5 Real Vitamin K Benefits – Type – Foods – Deficiency – Overdose and Facts

Every single of human want to have healthy and strong body. We can do many useful things for our self, our family and society when we have healthy body. Human body needs vitamin so their body’s organs can perform better. There are some kind of vitamins that are already well-known by people such as A, […]

Herbal Spices

44 Proven Health Benefits of Cinnamon Plus Using Tips

Have you heard about the Cinnamon? Well, the Cinnamon is one of the spices that has a distinctive aroma with sweet and spicy. Although its name is cinnamon, but the part that actually being used is it’s skin. Besides as a cooking spice, Cinnamon also used as a supplement herbal potion for various illnesses/diseases. To […]


54 Evidence-Based Benefits of Drinking Water For Health

Do not take the water because the water turns a nutrient that has an important function for the human body. Besides, some studies show that the fulfillment of the water in the body can prevent the onset of various diseases. That certainly will make your life more healthy and comfortable. (Read: Health benefits of Drinking […]

Herbal Plant

78 Benefits of Turmeric For Health #1 Powerful Herbal Remedy

We are already familiar with turmeric; it usually relates with saffron and can be found in the kitchen. Turmeric is known as a spice and commonly used as a seasoning mix for cooking in Asian countries, Indonesia is no exception (Read: Indonesian herbs and the health benefits). Mothers must be very familiar with this plant […]


32 Super Benefits of Magnesium For Health (1 & 3 For long live)

Magnesium is one of the biggest minerals in the body. The amounts are located mainly in the bones of 50% of the total magnesium in the body while the rest are in the cells of tissues and organs. Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for the human body. According to a study of magnesium, […]