
34 Benefits of Green Tea for Health #1 Antioxidant Source

We often heard many types of tea. The most popular types are black, white, green, and oolong tea. We may ever drink some of that types. But do you know what the difference is? All types of tea actually are produced from the same plant namely Camellia sinensis. Their difference is based on the oxidation […]


650 Foods and Drinks Calories Table (Your Diet Guide)

Milk & Milk Products Calories Quantity Type 150 1 cup Full-fat milk 102 1 cup Low fat milk (1%) 157 1 cup Cow’s milk 264 1 cup Goat milk 123 28 g Sweetened Condensed Milk “cans” 635 Half a cup Full cream milk powder 435 Half a cup Skim milk powder 208 1 cup Full-fat […]

Healthy Habits

23 Incredible Sleeping Without a Pillow Benefits Base On Research

Generally, parents always introduce pillows for their children to use while sleeping. Then we’ll get used to wearing them until we’ve becomes adult and do that too to our children. In Indonesia, the pillows are essential when we sleep. Some people also add bolsters and dolls to complete his sleep. Have we asked ourselves why […]

Common Symptoms

11 Black Spot On Tongue Causes (No.1 & 4 Most Frequent Cause)

Tongue is one of the vital organs to help us to talk and taste the food. The state of the tongue can be a good indicator of a person in good health or not. Normally, healthy tongue color is pink. Under certain conditions, the tongue may experience various problems. The emergence of black spots on the […]


4 Top Risks of Inhaling Helium From a Balloon, 3 Big Cases (Died)

Helium is the second most overflow element in the universe after hydrogen, with accounted for 23% of all the mass of the universe. Helium is heads the noble gas group in the periodic table and has the second lightest element after hydrogen. The main sources of helium in the world are a series of natural […]

Vitamin D

15 Vitamin D Deficiency Health Risks : Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Every morning, basking under the sun directly provide many benefits. Besides warm the body, the beautiful sunshine in the morning also contains a lot of energy. For plants, sunlight is needed in the process of photosynthesis. As for our bodies, the sun is a source of vitamin D. Sunlight also effectively kills micro-bacteria. Vitamin D […]


72 Incredible Carrot Juice Benefits Based on Its Nutrition

What do you think about juice? That’s right. Juice is easiest way in enjoying vegetables. There are different types of vegetables that can be used as a juice. One of them is carrot juice, a juice made with carrots as the main material. Technological inventions to make juice using a juicer with a twin gear and […]


10 Deadly Risks of Drinking Cold Water After Meals

When the weather is very hot, usually we will doing some cool off stuffs, such as drinking cold water or ice water. Yup, it will soon freshen up our body, and we will drinking more and more. In fact, there are lots of beverages and frizzy drinks that specially designed to be taken as chilled […]

Eating Disorders

12 Complate Types of Eating Disorders : Cause, Signs, & Complications

What is an Eating Disorder? National Institute of Mental Health describes eating disorder as serious and often fatal illnesses that cause severe disturbances to a person’s eating behaviors. A person with this abnormal attitude may focus excessively about their body weight and shape, resulting in his/her health damage. A person with an eating disorder may start […]

Herbal Oil

14 Proven Eucalyptus Oil Benefits (No.9 Very Impressive)

Eucalyptus trees are mostly found in Australia since it is their natural habitat. They are similar to pine trees. However, there are several visible traits to distinguish eucalyptus from pine trees, such as its slick rod, leaves, flowers. The flowers of eucalyptus are similar to edelweiss. They likely to blossom twice a year when they […]