
32 Super Benefits of Magnesium For Health (1 & 3 For long live)

Magnesium is one of the biggest minerals in the body. The amounts are located mainly in the bones of 50% of the total magnesium in the body while the rest are in the cells of tissues and organs. Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for the human body. According to a study of magnesium, a mineral fourth contained in the body that serves to regulate hundreds of biochemical processes and physiological systems that could contribute to address the health of the metabolic system and the cardiovascular system.

Magnesium is an essential mineral needed by every organ in the body to function properly, including bone, protein and fatty acid formation. Magnesium is also very important in activating vitamin B and D, muscle relaxation, regulate calcium levels and insulin secretion. (Read: Health benefits of natural calm).

Rich of Magnesium Foods

  • Avocado
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Tofu
  • Grains
  • Fish
  • Banana
  • Watermelon
  • Brown Rice
  • Berries
  • Yogurt

Magnesium Intake

Magnesium Intake

Magnesium needs of men between 19-30 years is 400 mg magnesium, for men aged over 30 years to 420 mg / day. While for women  19-30 years old, require at least 310 mg magnesium / day, and will be increased to 320 mg at the age of 31 years.

Most of the magnesium in the body are found in the skeletal system of the body, giving strength to the bone and as a backup in maintaining serum levels if necessary. Other magnesium content present in the cells of soft tissues such as muscle, liver and kidney and in the intracellular fluid. Magnesium contained in the cells and intracellular fluid plays an important role in more than 300 biochemical reactions, in glycolysis, cycle tricarboxylic, beta-oxidation, protein synthesis, muscle contraction, calcium homeostasis, hydroxylation of vitamin D, and regulation of ion channels. Magnesium plays a role in regulating blood glucose, also, keep the heart beating regularly and supports the immune system.

Food intake enough magnesium, is essential for optimal health. Acute health problems or complications of the disease such as heart and kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, or malabsorption disorders affect the body’s low levels of magnesium. While the use of diuretic drugs or excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption may increase the excretion of urine, which causes the risk of magnesium deficiency. Signs of magnesium deficiency may be vary, depending on the level of light or gravity, such as loss of appetite, nausea, and fatigue to the severe effects such as heart problems.

The vital role and multitier in the biochemical processes of the body, magnesium is also examined relation to the prevention and treatment of various diseases. The most attention is the magnesium relationship with diabetes and heart health. Here are the benefits of magnesium for health:

1. Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Among the minerals needed by the body to maintain optimal health, magnesium is one of the most important mineral which may even be ranked at the top. Based on research, magnesium, which is the fourth highest mineral found in the human body, plays an important role in regulating the hundreds of biochemical processes and physiological systems that handle health metabolic system and cardiovascular system.

Epidemiological evidence indicates that dietary magnesium which can considerably reduce the risk of diabetes type 2. A meta-analysis of 13 prospective cohort studies has examined the association of more than 500,000 subjects from a variety of backgrounds. The result clearly showed a significant inverse association between dietary magnesium and risk of diabetes, that does not change when factors such as gender, geographic region, or a family history added to the research model. This study confirms previous research that establishes a link between a reduced risk of diabetes and increased dietary magnesium.

Researchers agree that magnesium intake is closely related to a healthy diet and other lifestyle behaviors, so this should be interpreted cautiously. Nonetheless, the evidence suggests that there is a strong association between magnesium intake and diabetes risk when the researchers were able to control other factors such as smoking, exercise, calcium status, and the consumption of high-fiber cereal. (Read: Best vegetables for type 2 diabetes).

How it works?

Long term effects of type 2 diabetes is very dangerous, so we must really understand how to prevent it. Relations magnesium and diabetes demonstrated by the role of magnesium in maintaining glucose homeostasis and insulin secretion and sensitivity. Therefore, not surprisingly, the study found that individuals showed impaired metabolic control, decreased insulin sensitivity, or insulin secretion disorders when they have low magnesium levels.

Although many supporting data regarding the relationship between magnesium status and glucose homeostasis, but very little clinical evidence that can be used as a basis for treatment decisions. Several investigators have reported success in increasing insulin secretion and / or tissue sensitivity to magnesium supplementation, but these studies were mostly done with participants who did not have diabetes. Several studies on diabetics have been promising results but is still much to be implemented in clinical practice.

2. Maintaining Bone Health

Magnesium for health benefits next is to maintain bone health. Magnesium may help regulate calcium levels, vitamin D, copper and zinc in the body. It is like a bone density will always be maintained every day. It also can prevent and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Magnesium is one of the main constituents of the bone mineral. Levels of magnesium in bone directly related to bone density. Less intake of this mineral can lead to osteoporosis. Magnesium also helps to control the body’s calcium levels overall.

If you see an ad for maintaining bone health, must not be separated from the role of calcium. However, recent studies reveal a surprising discovery. The reason, they found that the key to bone health is actually magnesium, not calcium.

Reported, the study revealed that magnesium is found in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, basil, broccoli, and spinach are the real key to make the bones become stronger and healthier.

Actually, the use of calcium supplements could be dangerous for heart health, especially in women. Calcium supplements are also a poor substitute for the natural calcium intake of the body that can lead to kidney problems and other health problems.

The results of the study by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine say that the consumption of calcium and the absorption of calcium by the body does not significantly affect bone health. This contrasts with magnesium intake and absorption that turns significantly affect bone health.

Kathryn M Ride of the University of Memphis, Tennessee says that magnesium intake is not only important for children and parents, but also for those at high risk for bone loss. So if you want to maintain bone health, we recommend also to ensure adequate intake of magnesium. Besides that, the benefit of exercise for bone health is also recommended.

3. Maintain Heart’s Health

Magnesium also plays an important role in maintaining heart health. According to an epidemiological evidence shows that intake of foods containing magnesium can reduce the risk of cardiovascular such as hypertension, metabolic syndrome and may protect against cardiac death. In addition, studies show that magnesium may be important protective against sudden cardiac death in people. This may relate to the potential for cardiac arrhythmias in people with hypomagnesia. For the amount of magnesium that can heal and maintains a healthy heart is 100 mg / day

Food intake enough magnesium, is essential for optimal health. Acute health problems or complications of the disease such as heart and kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, or malabsorption disorders affect the body’s low levels of magnesium. While the use of diuretic drugs or excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption may increase the excretion of urine, which causes the risk of magnesium deficiency. Signs of magnesium deficiency vary depending on the level of light or gravity, such as loss of appetite, nausea, and fatigue to the severe effects such as heart problems.

(Read: Symptoms and health risks of magnesium deficiency).

However, not all the evidence supports the magnesium relationship with heart health. A major study last year from the Framingham Heart Offspring Cohort Study failed to find any association between serum magnesium and the formation of hypertension or cardiovascular disease. Clinical evidence linking hypertension or cardiovascular disease with hypomagnesia and dyslipidemia, but it is not known whether this is a direct consequence of the lack of magnesium intake or due to the effects of magnesium on insulin.

4. Prevent Constipation

Constipation can be solved quickly by fulfilling the intake of magnesium in the body. This is because magnesium can be used to relax the muscles of the intestines, which can help to establish a smooth rhythm on the body. Besides magnesium also have a role in attracting water that can be used to soften the stool to exit easily.

5. Relieve asthma

Some studies suggest that intravenous (IV) magnesium can help relieve acute asthma in adults and children aged 6 to 18 years. But there has been no clinical evidence to show if taking magnesium helps control symptoms of asthma. However, low intake of magnesium may increase the risk of developing asthma. A clinical study involving 2,500 children, aged 11-19 years, found that a lack of magnesium intake causes the high risk of asthma.

6. Maintaining the stability of blood pressure

Consuming foods high in magnesium such as milk, fruit, and vegetables on a regular basis can help you to maintain stable blood pressure. All these foods are rich in magnesium, calcium, and potassium which are needed to control blood pressure. A study involving 8,500 women found that a high intake of magnesium may reduce the risk of hypertension. Some studies have also shown that magnesium supplements can help lower blood pressure although not all studies showed similar results.

Magnesium may play an important role in regulating blood pressure. In the study population had a low dietary intake, magnesium increased incidence of hypertension. At the heart of the research studies in Honolulu, dietary intake of magnesium is a variable that has a strong relationship with blood pressure. At a nutrition survey 58 218 women who took samples on Caucasians, while consumption of less than 200 mg per day of magnesium has a much higher risk of developing hypertension than women with intake greater than 300 mg per day. (Read: Health benefits of beets for blood pressure). 

7. Prevent insomnia

Magnesium has a calming effect by controlling the heart rate. This is not only beneficial for the treatment of stress, but also helps you get quality sleep. Stress and tension are often a major cause of trouble sleeping or insomnia.

8. Increasing collagen production

Magnesium is a mineral essential for producing proteins that slowly turned into collagen. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein mostly found in fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments, cornea, bone, gut, cartilage, and blood vessels. The more collagen in our body system, then some part of important organs in the body will be able to work optimally.

9. Relieve Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes sufferers experience pain in the whole body. This disease can be reduced by consuming a lot of foods high in calcium and magnesium. A study using 24 people with fibromyalgia found that patients who were given supplements with high malic acid and magnesium during the 2 months of pain lighter. Another study showed the combination of calcium and magnesium may help some people with fibromyalgia. Collagen can be found in health benefits of bone marrow.

10. It is Important During Pregnancy

Magnesium is one of the important elements during pregnancy. Proper intake of magnesium supplementation during pregnancy is very beneficial for reducing the risk of osteoporosis and improve pain tolerance levels, resulting in a smooth delivery process and also optimize blood pressure. Magnesium sulfate is the best treatment for preventing eclamptic seizures in pregnant women with hypertension. (Read: Health benefits of eating tulsi leaves during pregnancy).

11. Treating Back Pain and Cramps

Magnesium helps treat people with severe back pain by relaxing the muscles of the back, stress, kidney and muscle tension. Magnesium also helps in the absorption of calcium, which can lead to bone healing. Symptoms of leg cramps and fatigue are usually seen as a magnesium deficiency. Proper intake of magnesium supplements benefits as a remedy to overcome the problem of the foot cramps.

12. Overcoming Psychiatric Disorders

Magnesium is known to cure the worst forms of psychological dysfunction such as panic attacks, stress, anxiety and undue agitation. (You may read: Benefits of mimulus for anxiety).

13. Absorbing Mineral

Magnesium helps to absorb vitamins and essential minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. Mineral absorption usually occurs in the small intestine, and these benefits of magnesium are detoxified many harmful toxins that exist within our bodies.

14. Activating Enzyme

Magnesium also helps in increasing the production of energy in the body and activation of enzymes to create energy cells.

15. Control of Bladder Function

Many women who have problems to urinate often find relief by taking magnesium supplements. Urinary problems can come from a variety of reasons, such as nephritis, infection, or sometimes interstitial cystitis, but regular intake of magnesium can bring great relief to the problem of this disease.

16. Magnesium Deals with Migraines, Insomnia, and Depression

The intake of magnesium may reduce the severity of migraine attacks, insomnia, and depression, and can minimize the recurrence rate. In addition, magnesium is also known to cure mental dysfunction e.g panic, stress, anxiety, and agitation which should not be.

17. Relieve Symptoms of Menopause and PMS

In addition to the above major benefits, especially for women, magnesium provides the benefits of relieving menopausal symptoms and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Magnesium also minimizes the risk of preterm labor. (Read: Benefits of taking estrogen after menopause).

18. Magnesium can Treat Osteoporosis

Several studies have shown that calcium is equipped with magnesium can increase bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, then causing osteoporosis. Magnesium plays a major role in bone and mineral homeostasis and also can directly affect bone cell function, as well as influential in the formation and growth of hydroxyapatite crystals. Magnesium deficiency is a risk factor of postmenopausal and osteoporosis. A significant decline in magnesium causes decreased bone mineral content. 

19. Magnesium Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

Magnesium is associated with a lowered risk of coronary heart disease. Surveys have suggested that dietary magnesium intake can considerably reduce the chances of having a stroke. Magnesium deficiency can increase the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which actually increase the risk of complications after a heart attack.

20. Magnesium Regulates High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Magnesium plays an important role in regulating blood naturally. Magnesium supplements and diet include eating fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of magnesium, and potassium are consistently associated with lower blood pressure.

21. Magnesium and an Increased Risk of Elderly

Several studies have shown that older people consume foods that are relatively lower for magnesium. Low intake in the elderly may be due to various reasons, among them include poor appetite, loss of taste and smell, less fitting dentures and difficult to shop as well as the difficulties in preparing food. The food at some long term care facility may not provide the recommended intake of magnesium itself. As we have seen, intestinal magnesium absorption tends to decrease along with aging, and urination for excretion of magnesium increases. Therefore, the elderly are at risk of magnesium depletion.

22. Maintain Muscle Strength

Magnesium is necessary for to maintain normal muscle function. Magnesium deficiency makes muscle strength is reduced. Meanwhile, there are many benefits of magnesium for health.

23. Help Metabolism

Magnesium helps synthesize proteins play a role. Magnesium also helps to activate enzymes in the process of cell metabolism to produce energy.

24. Preventing Risks Indigestion

Magnesium helps the mediation process of digestion and prevent gastrointestinal problems such as cramping, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain and constipation. Thereby, reducing the risk of diabetes.

25. Reduce the Risk of Psychiatric Disorders

Magnesium is used as a remedy for conditions of severe psychiatric function disorders such as panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and emotions that are not reasonable.

26. Prevent Muscle Cramps

Symptoms of leg cramps can be caused by magnesium deficiency. Giving magnesium supplements can cure cramps in the legs.

27. Helps Prevent Respiratory Problems

Got an adequate intake of magnesium may reduce the risk of respiratory disorders. Chronic asthma patients may be able to breathe normally again with the help of magnesium supplement that helps relax bronchial muscles. Even breathing shrunk and shortness of breath may be alleviated by administration of magnesium intravenously (infusion).

28. Controlling Blood Pressure

Mineral magnesium helps control blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension. Half of patients with high blood pressure are deficient in the mineral magnesium. Giving magnesium in patients with high blood pressure can reduce the complications of hypertension.

29. Strengthen Immunity

Magnesium also served to increase immunity against a variety of potential health problems.

30. It is Important for the Absorption of Vitamin D and Calcium

Magnesium deficiency is an important factor in the results obtained from vitamin D. Effectiveness and benefits of vitamin D are very damage in the absence of adequate levels of magnesium in the body. Magnesium acts with and is essential for the activity of vitamin D.

Extensive research has shown that vitamin D deficiency plays a major role in the development of dozens of diseases, including various cancers, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer, as well as diabetes, osteoporosis,arthritis, heart disease, psoriasis and mental illness.

Inadequate levels of magnesium in the body are essential for the absorption. We know, metabolism not only from vitamin D but also from calcium. Magnesium converts vitamin D into its active form help calcium absorption.

Magnesium stimulates a particular hormone and calcitonin, which helps to preserve bone structure and pull calcium out of the blood and soft tissues back into the bones, some forms of arthritis, preventing osteoporosis,and kidney stones.

Magnesium has a role that may apply vitamin D on the immune system.

Some studies related to bone health, that magnesium is also necessary for the beneficial action of vitamin D on bone.

Since pathologists first began examining the heart, they realize that there is a connection between the deposition of calcium and heart disease. Vitamin D inhibits calcium deposits in the arteries, and magnesium converts vitamin D into its active form. So that it can prevent calcium build up in cholesterol plaque in the arteries. The combination of magnesium and vitamin D help prevent clogging of arteries by drawing calcium out of the blood and soft tissues of the bone back to where it was necessary to build a healthy bone structure.

31. Risks Prevents Inflammation

Sufficient for the body’s magnesium is useful for reducing the risk of inflammation. Even foods that contain magnesium are recommended to be consumed by people who have inflammation in the body.

32. Balancing the Nervous System

The human nervous system works through a series of reactions. All of these reactions involve the important role of magnesium so that if not met could risk nerve and increased depression.

Children ages 1 to 3 years old need about 80 milligrams of magnesium per day. For kids ages 4 to 8 years on average need about 130 mg per day. Well, the numbers of the daily requirement of an average requirement for each day. 

Why Should Consume Magnesium?

As there are many health benefits of magnesium for health:

Magnesium’s Function

  1. If there is no magnesium, the ATP as a primary energy in the body to metabolize it difficult to run.
  2. Heart ATP molecule is magnesium, magnesium plays a role in linking dynamically, no magnesium then no ATP so no energy.
  3. If a magnesium deficiency will cause the muscles to become weak, there is a decrease in athletic performance and fatigue.
  4. Magnesium regulates the movement of calcium into the cells of the skeletal muscles and regulates the movement of calcium into smooth muscle cells.
  5. Magnesium regulates the movement of calcium into heart cells. Too much calcium in these cells can lead to heart problems associated with the rhythm, the excess beats, atrial fibrillation, palpitations, sudden death in athletes and cardiac valve prolapse.
  6. Magnesium regulates the movement of calcium into the nerve cells. If too much calcium into the nerve cells will lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, tremors and PMS.
  7. Magnesium regulates the movement of calcium into other tissues preventing excess calcium deposits.
  8. Magnesium activates vitamin D and enzymes that play a role in building bones.
  9. Without magnesium will happen osteoporosis.
  10. Magnesium acts on the kidneys to prevent kidney stones.
  11. Magnesium is needed to produce proteins.
  12. Magnesium is needed to produce DNA and RNA.
  13. Magnesium is needed for cells to function ears. Magnesium deficiency can cause deafness.
  14. Magnesium affects arteriosclerosis. Magnesium plays a role in controlling the enzyme that produces good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, prevent blood clots and maintain the lining of the arteries.
  15. Magnesium affects your blood sugar.

If There is a Shortage or Deficiency of Magnesium

  1. There are metabolic disorders.
  2. Seizures foot to foot.
  3. handshaking.
  4. twitch can cause chronic headaches and back pain.
  5. A deficiency can cause abdominal cramps, asthma, hypertension, overactive bladder and menstrual cramps.
  6. Deficiency causes insulin resistance and diabetes.

Magnesium Deficiency Causes

  1. Much of modern food industries in the processing of food sources eliminate the magnesium. This is because in the process of cooking, especially when boiling can remove magnesium.
  2. In the management of water can eliminate magnesium. Fluoridation in the water bind the remaining magnesium.
  3. Because of the phosphoric acid in soda.
  4. Remove the magnesium salt and sugar when eating or drinking alcohol, coffee or tea.
  5. If diabetics.
  6. When you exercise or sweat.
  7. When in a state of stress.
  8. If you frequently exposed to loud noises.
  9. In case of diuretics for blood pressure.

The Influence of the Intake of Supplements Magnesium

Influence inadequate in magnesium intake can cause certain biochemical abnormalities and clinical that can be easily detected. Hypocalcemia is a prominent manifestation of the deficiency of magnesium can cause moderate to severe symptoms develop hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia is an electrolyte deficiency that can lead to kidney dysfunction, loss of body fluids, hormonal problems, vomiting repeatedly. Magnesium is also important for the metabolism of vitamin D. In the cases that occur are low in magnesium intake causes metabolism becomes abnormal, associated with various metabolic diseases.

Cardiovascular and Magnesium Intake

In normal circumstances the experimental trial depletion or depreciation of increasing the concentration of magnesium in the urine thromboxane, angiotensin-induced plasma aldosterone levels, the blood pressure shows the potential effect of magnesium deficiency on vascular function. Magnesium depletion is associated with including electrocardiography, cardiac complications, changes in cardiac arrhythmias, and increased sensitivity to cardiac glycosides. The low concentration of magnesium is also possible to play the role of cardiac ischemia. Ischemia is a reduction of blood flow, causing functional changes into normal cells. However, the extent of magnesium deficiency disease resulting in the manifestation of the disease, the symptoms vary with different individuals.

So, Bigger Consumption is Better?

The health benefits of magnesium include maintaining the body’s nerves, bones and muscles. It also helps in protein synthesis and cell metabolism. Magnesium is very important to maintain a normal heart rate and is used by doctors to treat heart rhythm irregularity. Other health benefits of magnesium are to prevent osteoporosis, eclamptic seizures, blood sugar, asthma, diabetes, constipation, back pain and psychiatric disorders.

Health experts often highlight the importance of magnesium in addition to adequate vitamin and mineral intake in our daily diet. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for magnesium for people under age 18 ranged from 80 mg / day for children 1 year, up to 410 mg / day for young men 18 years of age. Magnesium intake of 30-75 mg / day is recommended during the first year of life. RDA of magnesium for women and men aged 19 to 30 years old is 310 mg / day and 400 mg / day. RDA for women aged 31 years and beyond is 320 mg / day; and for men 420 mg / day.

The amount of magnesium needed for disease prevention and treatment has not been established. Epidemiological data show that for every increase in magnesium intake of 100 mg / day, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced by about 15%. Studies show improving insulin sensitivity with magnesium supplementation. Magnesium supplementation have used doses of between 300 and 365 mg / day. Improvements in lipid profiles have been demonstrated using a 365 mg / day. As mentioned earlier, this study looks promising, but still too little is to be used as basic treatment recommendations.

People who will increase the intake of magnesium should avoid supplements that contain other minerals, such as phosphorous, iron, calcium, or potassium because it can lead to decreased absorption and efficacy of magnesium. Similarly, the consumption of high levels of phytates and fiber will also inhibit the absorption of magnesium.

Potential Side Effects

Because the body can quickly and effectively remove excess magnesium through the kidneys, poisoning due to increased consumption of magnesium-rich foods may not occur except in people who have kidney disease. Excessive consumption of magnesium salt (3 to 5 grams), however, can cause diarrhea and dehydration. More serious effects such as weakness, nausea, double vision, slurred speech, or paralysis have been reported in people who have reached the level of intoxication.

Therefore, the intake of magnesium from nonfood predetermined a maximum number of 350 mg / day, although in certain circumstances, including those with coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmias, and hyperlipidemia, may benefit from magnesium supplements above 350 mg / day.

Side effects are rare:

  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Drowsiness (severe)
  • Rinsing
  • irritation and pain
  • muscle paralysis
  • Hard to breath
  • slow heartbeat
  • Blurred vision or double
  • Coma
  • Increased or decreased urination

In addition to the above, there is a side effect of magnesium is often the case but did not require medical attention, including diarrhea. These side effects usually disappear by itself when the body can adapt to the magnesium supplements. Additionally, when you consult your physician or healthcare professional give you will know how to prevent or reduce some of these side effects.

Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is rare because in a normal diet is sufficient daily magnesium. However, some conditions can cause a magnesium deficiency in the body such as the disruption of digestive disorders, abnormal urine disposal process caused by diabetes mellitus or diuretics in the long term. Heavy drinkers also can cause a magnesium deficiency. Additionally, age also affects the absorption process and the process of disposal of excess magnesium.

Some symptoms can be caused by a deficiency or lack of magnesium, for example:

  • Anorexia (weight loss)
  • Apathy
  • Conditions confused
  • Fatigue
  • Hard to sleep
  • Muscle sprains
  • Weak memory
  • Reduced ability to learn
  • Heartbeat weakened
  • sustained muscle contractions
  • Numb
  • Hallucinations

Magnesium as a mineral that is necessary for the body to be kept adequate and regular intake daily. Besides the intake of natural magnesium sources through a variety of food and beverages in a normal diet, magnesium is also commonly contained in vitamin supplements, medicine and even in bottled mineral water usually consumed by humans.

If magnesium deficiency, the body may provide a warning sign. If there are signs of the following, you should start to increase magnesium with natural food or supplements to meet their needs magnesium in the body. Here are four signs.

1). Hearing Loss

Chinese scientists discovered that magnesium can inhibit the formation of free radicals associated with impaired hearing in the ear. In addition to the disruption of the hearing, the ear is also so often buzzing if the lack of this content. Magnesium is important to consume for those who work in the neighborhood with noise, such as airports or industrial plants, to protect hearing.

2). Depression

There are still many who do not know that magnesium deficiency can also be caused depression. In fact, doctors often prescribe the content of magnesium sulfate to patients with depression. A trial is conducted in a mental hospital in Croatia by taking blood samples from patients to see the effect of magnesium on the body. As a result, patients who have low magnesium levels are more prone to commit suicide.

3). Cardiac Arrhythmia

According to a cardiologist at Hartford Hospital, magnesium deficiency can be caused cardiac arrhythmia or irregular heart rhythms so. Magnesium is also used as a cure for this disease.

4). Kidney Stones

Many people believe that kidney stone disease is associated with too much calcium in the body. In fact, the causes of kidney stones caused by low magnesium levels. Magnesium acts as an inhibitor of kidney stones and reduces elevated oxalate that can form kidney stones. The content of magnesium is able to break up stones in the kidney that can be removed through the process of excretion.

Poisoning Magnesium

Conditions magnesium poisoning is rare because the body will naturally dispose of unused magnesium. In normal intake of no more than 350 mg, a day is safe for health. Excess magnesium regular occurrence caused by certain supplements or in certain treatments that led to the use of magnesium in high doses.

Some of the symptoms caused by excessive body levels of magnesium, for example:

  • Good feelings excess
  • fast heartbeat accompanied by respiratory slowing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Muscles weakened unexpectedly
  • Sleepy

Under extreme conditions, the excess magnesium can cause coma and death. Therefore always keep the condition in magnesium intake in the normal threshold suggested by the user or a medical expert.

How Much Magnesium to Consume

Minimal intake for adult consumption is 300 mg per day in this case to minimize diarrhea can occur. If the direct firing with a total intake of 600 to 900 milligrams per day is included in foods, liquids and supplements can be made to the intake for a person who is in healing, repair, and special needs.

Magnesium Foods Table

magnesium foods

Decreased Magnesium Content in Processed Foods

Together with efforts to improve the processing of food for consumption and also in food processing is more durable, the magnesium intake of these foods can be decreased. For magnesium intake itself is usually highly dependent on the intake of calories eaten. Then, the data table above explains the higher intake seen in young and adult men’s category while the lower levels were seen in the category of women and elderly people. Water itself is a source of magnesium intake as well, usually water containing a higher concentration of the magnesium salt. This all depends on the variations found in the area from which the water comes from, how much additional fluoride, and how is it in stored water.

Well, based on the above information, it is time for us to think about the needs of magnesium intake in us every day.