Food & Bevarages

5 Wonderful Health Benefits of Banana for Weight Loss with Tips

The banana diet is a dietary rule where you should only eat bananas. If you are looking for an effective diet method, you may be interested in going on a banana diet.  Know what a banana diet is, the benefits of bananas for weight loss, how to diet, effectiveness, in the article we’re going through. […]

Food & Bevarages

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Banana During Pregnancy

Being a pregnant woman, you should certainly pay attention to the nutrients consumed, especially vegetables and fruits. Many vegetables and fruit, like the benefits of blackberries, are useful for fetal growth to facilitate the much better process of childbirth. One of the most in-demand fruits is bananas. Bananas are fruits that contain many nutrients good […]

Food & Bevarages

6 Notable Health Benefits of Banana for Elderly

Everyone knows the importance of vegetables and fruits. For the elderly, these kinds of foods are also highly recommended because they have many health benefits. It is very good to consume them every day. Things like benefits of starfruit, grapes, or other fruits are also highly refreshing. From these, we can get the sufficient intake […]


7 Proven Health Benefits of Bananas for Babies

Banana, who doesn’t know this yellow and sweet fruit? Almost everyone loves banana, including babies. Bananas are not only delicious, but they are also full of health benefits, both for adults and babies. So, if you are confused about what fruits you want to feed your babies, banana can be one of the best options. […]


Super Health Benefits of Abaca You Must

Health benefits of abaca are one of the banana species with the Latin name Musa Textilis. This plant is a native plant of the Philippines which was originally considered a wild plant and can not be used like other banana plants. in Indonesia, you can find much Abaca in Kalimantan, Sumatra, and North Sulawesi. Related […]

Hair Health

Benefits of Banana Honey Hair Mask for Natural Hair Look

Though there are some people who were born with beautiful and lush hair but more people should strive to have it. There are even more people who are willing to spend time and money just for hair treatment because hair is crown not only for women but also for men. Applying hair mask regularly is […]

Skin Health

6 Amazing Banana Benefits for Skin Mask and Natural Beauty

Banana is one of the most popular fruit in the world. It can be found easily almost everywhere, except area with freezing temperature e.g. antarctica, north pole, and mountains. Banana is also one of the most consumed foods, and has been common ingredient in many cuisines. Banana is commonly known as exceptional source of potassium, […]


11 Health Benefits of Eating Banana at Night, You Must Try!

It might sound weird that some people still believe the health benefits of eating a banana at night. Since many people aware that even this food can consider as a fruit, but still inside the banana, there are several calories and energy that quite high when consuming for dinner. That is why some people still […]

Skin Treatment

Benefits of Banana Leaves on Face – Natural Skin Treatments

Banana leaves are widespread in tropical countries and regions like Southeast Asia, South Asia, Polynesia, and the Caribbean, thanks to the warm climate which makes its widespread distribution possible. Indeed, one can see banana leaves almost anywhere one turns the head around, especially in rural areas. The wide distribution area of banana leaves has also […]

Disease & Disorder

Amazing Health Benefits of Banana for Constipation

Can you mention one type of fruit which is tasty and healthy, available all seasons and could be found around the world? Yes, it is banana. Banana is loved by people around the world because this fruit is relatively cheap and easy to find. Moreover, there are a lot of health benefits of banana for […]