
24 Health Benefits of Kale (#Top for Hormones and Skin)

Kale or leaf cabbage is a vegetable that has many nutrients. Like most on vegetable which has so many nutrient and vitamin, kale also has many benefits for our health. Thus, kale is consumed by most of people in Asia. Also, kale is used as garnish or dressing.

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Nutrients Inside of Kale

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is the source of antioxidant which is best for vision, skin, neurological function and overall health. Thus, as the antioxidant source Vitamin A is best at reducing inflammation through free radical damage and slowing naturally early ageing.

read more: Benefits of Vitamin A

2. Vitamin B

Vitamin B plays an important role in the body. This substance can help the growth, development and other bodily functions. Given the benefits of B vitamin to the body, then you should always include this substance in your daily menu.

read more: Benefits of Vitamin B1 – Benefits of Vitamin B6

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is known to have a very important role in the formation of collagen, which helps boost the immune system and helps the absorption of iron.

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4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the nutrients the body needs to maintain levels of calcium and phosphate. The fat-soluble vitamin is needed to help the body to absorb calcium, a mineral that is essential to establish and protect the structure of bones and teeth. The main source of this vitamin is sunlight that is absorbed and processed by our skin. Vitamin D can also be obtained from food ingredients, such as eggs, sardines, salmon, and tuna.

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5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a type of fat-soluble vitamin that has antioxidant effects. Vitamin E is important for the body to function properly. This vitamin has an important effect on the strength of the immune system, eye health and skin health. These vitamins can be found in many healthy foods, such as green vegetables, vegetable oils, beef, poultry meat, eggs, fruit, and nuts.

read more: Health Benefits of Vitamin E – Health Benefits of Vitamin E

6. Vitamin K

In our life, vitamin K is often called Coagulation. Vitamin K includes vitamin insoluble in water, it can only be fat soluble. These vitamins have heat-resistant properties, but faster when mixed with acids, bases, and sunlight. The essential role of vitamin K is to give approximately 80 nutrients that our body needs.

read more: Benefits of Vitamin K

7. Iron

Iron is one of the nutrients that are needed by the body. This substance is closely related to the availability of the required amount of blood. Iron has a function that is so important is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and transports electrons in the process of formation of energy in cells. In the process of transporting oxygen, iron must be joined with the protein to form hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in the muscle fibers. When combined with proteins in the cell to form iron enzymes involved in the formation of energy in cells.

read more: Health Benefits of Iron

8. Magnesium

The function of magnesium in the body is to assist in the digestion of proteins and are able to maintain the health of the muscles and connective tissue system.

read more: Health Benefits of Magnesium – Symptoms and Health Risks of Magnesium Deficiency

9. Manganese

Manganese is a mineral substance from foods that have health benefits for the body. Manganese is a naturally occurring mineral in the body of a small size, which is a compound enzyme super-oxide dismutase. Manganese is usually found on some important networks in the body, such as bone, kidney, liver, and pancreas. Manganese is also a powerful antioxidant substance that is capable of removing free radicals from the body.

read more: Health Benefits of Calcium

10. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is one of mineral that is very important for our body. Thus, it is because phosphorus is the second largest mineral in the body, just below the level of importance of calcium alone. Existing content in phosphorus is very important for health.Phosphorus is also essential nutrients for plants and animals, which is part of the DNA molecule, the molecule that stores energy and fat from the cell membrane.

read more: Benefits of Taro

11. Sodium

Sodium or Natrium is a mineral found in the body and in many foods. Sodium is an important nutrient for maintaining blood volume, regulate the water balance in the cells and maintain nerve function. Kidney controlling sodium balance by increasing or lowering the sodium in the urine.

read more: Health Benefits of Sodium – Effects of High Sodium Level

Thus, after learning about the nutrients amount of kale, here is the benefits of kale for health

Health Tricks by Eating Kale

1. Prevent Osteoporosis

In 100 gram of kale, there is 705 mg of vitamin K (671%) which is proven to be the most important nutrient for the density of your bone. this vitamin K helps the calcium and another nutrient to “stick” to your bone matrix. it also can be made to increase the mass of your bone preserve the bone loss for the osteoporosis sufferers.

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2. For Diet Purpose

For the heavyweight person who wanted to diet, kale could become and option because the vitamin K in kale area fat-soluble vitamin which mean when you had an excessive fat and eating kale. Meanwhile, the more you eat kale mean that you can get a full stomach without worrying about the calories you will gain. Instead, you will absorb that vitamin K faster.

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3. Good Iron Source

In 100 gram of kale, there is 1.5 milligram of iron. There is just 0.1-milligram difference than the iron that meat had. With the huge difference from its price, we can say that eating kale is much more efficient and cheaper than eating meat. Also, you could eat it without being afraid of calories that you will gain.

4. Boost Your Immunity

Vitamin A in Kale also able to boost your immunity system. not only able to fight a light disease such as flu or irritation but it can also use to fight serious disease such as cancer and disease that attack the immunity system. the beta-carotene is also a good that prevents many chronic diseases. and for help children from getting diarrhoea and any other illness, that child normally got.

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5. Good for Eye Health

As it said, kale contains the high source of vitamin A. Thus, vitamin A is the source for visual health. Meanwhile, eating kale for promoting good vision health and prevent eye disorder. So now, we may be wise to start cooking and eating kale for good.

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6. Reducing the Risk of Epilepsy

Manganese mineral inside of kale deficiencies in the body can also trigger epileptic seizures. Such that manganese supplements can help control chances of an epileptic seizure. Although the exact mechanism so far can not be known with certainty, but kale has been shown as a vasodilator in various studies conducted by experts. So some researchers believe that this is key to the quality of anti-epileptic.

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7. Helps Brain Function

The brain is one of the most important organs in the human life. In addition to a command center, the brain also plays a major role in determining a person, including healthy or not. By consuming foods or drinks that contain phosphorus will make the performance and function of the brain become more optimal. This is because the brain is just one organ that requires the presence of phosphorus supplements to maximize its performance.

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8. Avoid Constipation

Kale can prevent hardening of dirt and make it soft because of sodium. Sodium has shed properties objects or food particles that tend to be hard and solid. Thus, eating kale may be the alternative treatment if you have constipation problem.

read more: Health Benefits of Artichoke

9. Improve The Performance of The Kidney

Consuming kale wisely and not overdone can protect the kidneys remain normal performance. If excessive then performance will be impaired kidney because the kidney acts as a filter and then disposed of the substance sodium through sweat and urine. If the substance is too much sodium in the body, the kidney function is reduced due to fatigue filtering.

read more: Symptoms of Kidney Stones

10. Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

This is another power of sodium. If in the body are balanced then the amount of sodium, sugar levels in the body will remain stable and will not be increased. Thus, the high source of sodium in kale can stabilize blood sugar lever.

read more: Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure – Health Risks of Consuming too Much Sugar 

11. To Bost Your Stamina

Kale can maintain physical fitness throughout the day even if you are in your work routine activities. The content contained in kale can be a backup power when the body is in a condition when the body gets tired and adequate water intake, the body will come back fresh and powerful.

read more: Ways to Increase Your Stamina – Health Risks of Energy Drinks

12. Hinder the Movement of Cancer Cells

Kale if taken regularly every day can inhibit and prevent the emergence of DNA that thrives in cancer cells in certain organs such as lung, colorectal, cervical, breast, prostate and liver.

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13. Treating Diabetes

Kale is also believed to be a cure for diabetes and various complications caused by diabetes. As its function to stabilize blood sugar lever, thus its what diabetic needs. Meanwhile, eating kale may be best prevention or treatment of diabetes.

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Kale Goodness for Male and Female’s Hormones

14. Increase Fertility for Man

Aside from keeps your eyes healthy, Carotenoid have an effect of protecting the health of male sperm. According to a recent study on 2013, the researcher found that carotenoid improved the chance of participant opposite party to get pregnant.

Related: Benefits of Exercise and Recommendation

15. Treatment for Premenstrual System

Women usually had a mood swing, food craving, irritability, depression and tender breast when they had a pre-menstruation syndrome. But this syndrome can be treated by eating a Kale. The Vitamin B in kale had a very significant role in this syndrome. Because it increases pyridoxine that affects mood swing or sex drive women had.

read more: Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

16. Controlling Hormone

You could help maintaining the level of human hormones by consuming the vitamin B. Which control metabolism and many activities in the human’s body. Although the Vitamin B in kale is not as significant as it’s Vitamin K, but the amount that of it in Kale is still high.

Related: Health Benefits of White Chocolate – Health Benefits of Apple and Cucumber Juice

Skin Tricks with Kale

17. Support Skin and Cell Growth

Vitamin A in kale is needed in healing wound and the growth of a cell. It is needed to boost the regeneration of internal and external cell rate. Vitamin A is also a good nutrient for fighting skin cancer. It also could make acne away from your skin, make the wrinkle on the old skin away and make the skin look younger.

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Some More Advantages of Consuming Kale

18. For Depression Cure – Kale contains carotenoid, protein, iron that produce more dopamine to handle depression issues.

19. The Vitamin C Source – Also, kale is the high source of vitamin C that perfect for overall health.

20. Improve Brain Function – Meanwhile, Kale contains flavonoid to carry oxygen to brain. Which effects for brain function.

21. Promote Bone Health – Thus, kale is good for bone health, promote bone strength and density as it contains calcium.

22. Hair Health –  Also, Kale is perfect to promote strong and smooth hair as it contain the natural source of iron.

23. Fighting Disease – As we know, typical green vegetable with all the best source of vitamin and mineral is the weapon to fight diseases.

24. Healthy Nails – As a result, the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty contents in kale promote healthy nails.

As a result, kale is the type of green vegetable that full of benefits for our body health. Thus, we may now cook some kale recipe in order to stay health.