Healthy Activities

Health Benefits of Having Sun Exposure

Sunlight is a blessing for us. The sun gives us many benefits. Though there are also some damages that may the sun gives us. But it is not like the sun would harm us. It is just the risk that we should take while we took something too much, even in the term of sunlight. […]

Healthy Activities

Health Benefits of Being Outdoors for Seniors

Getting out and having activities in nature is one of the most exciting things to do. It will benefit the mind and also the body. Especially for seniors who need a lot of attention and have a different body condition. So, it is an important thing for seniors to do some nature activities. Why is […]

Healthy Healthy Activities

9 Health Benefits of Paragliding That Will Fly You

Life only once is a quote that triggers most people to live to the fullest. Therefore, trying something adventurous that can pump their adrenaline is one of what living to the fullest is. A lot of number on the list that can insult the adrenaline to pump up and paragliding is one of them. Paragliding […]

Healthy Activities

7 Health Benefits of Playing Chess You Shouldn’t Miss

Only several people indeed find that playing chess is amusing. It is because playing chess is less physic involvement. Winning the game is about how good your implementation of strategic skill. It explains why only certain people interested in this game. Chess or also known as a board game is originated from Indian games called […]

Healthy Activities Healthy Guide

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Doing Simple Exercises in the Office

Office workers somehow don’t realize that they are repeating the same routine. This routine can lead to some health problems. Staring at the computer and sitting for certain hours in the same posture may be dangerous than it looks. It leads to some health issues such as eye strain, neck strain, weight gain, stress, depression, […]

Healthy Activities

Benefits of Renewable Energy in Developing Countries for Health

Renewable energy is energy that comes from nature and the amount is unlimited so it can be refilled at any time. An example of renewable energy is solar thermal energy that can be utilized as electrical energy. Also, energy from hydropower is widely used as a source of electricity. Read more about health benefits of […]

Healthy Activities

Exciting Health Benefits of Playing Candy Crush

Video games are an addictvely entertaining thing to spend on for leisure or just for killing time. Despite not everyone enjoys playing it, but then there is a high chance that almost everyone who lives today have some exposure or experience playing it. One popular arcade video game that has been trending among all age […]

Healthy Activities

Benefits of Growing Your Own Garden for Your Physical and Mental Health

Do you love to be surrounded by plants? Plant is very important and beneficial for your life as it produces oxygen that is essential for life. Regarding to this essential matter, gardening is much recommended as it has a lot of benefits as well. It brings health benefits for your body, not only referring to […]

Healthy Activities

10 Magnificent Health Benefits of Praying in Tongues for Mind And Spirit

Spirit and emotional are always two things that related each other. This is why people that develop a good spiritual can end up with a better emotional too. Including through the health benefits of praying in tongues which might seem rare and something unique. But people that apply with this spiritual activity admit that there […]

Healthy Activities

Benefits of Learning to Play Musical Instruments

The number of parents who are sending their children to learn music is progressively increasing today because they know well about the benefits of learning to play musical instruments especially for children in their early development stage. Learning music is more than just learning about sound and note but also learning about how to listen, […]