Vitamin D

5 Health Benefits of Vitamin D3 For Autoimmune

Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, is the active form of vitamin D obtained through sunlight as well as certain foods. In maintaining a healthy body and also the benefits produced are very significant in managing autoimmune conditions which is a condition where the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body, causing inflammation and […]

Food & Bevarages

Fascinating Health Benefits of Yoghurt for Immune System

The benefits of yogurt that are good for health have been known for generations in some countries. You are probably already familiar with yogurt, which is the food produced from the fermentation of milk that contains many nutrients that are good for both the digestive system, as well proven to be a nice effective way […]

Food & Bevarages

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Citrus Fruit for Immune System

The benefits of fruit for the health of the body are very diverse. In addition to maintaining the health of organs, the nutritional content of fruit, like in the benefits of passion fruit, is also useful to protect the body from diseases and can even help the healing process. It’s not a new fact that […]

Healthy Activities

Health Benefits of Having Sun Exposure

Sunlight is a blessing for us. The sun gives us many benefits. Though there are also some damages that may the sun gives us. But it is not like the sun would harm us. It is just the risk that we should take while we took something too much, even in the term of sunlight. […]