Weight Loss

18 Best Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss (#It Works for Healthy Diet!)

Who doesn’t know about yoga? Yoga is considered as one of the most famous exercises nowadays because it offers a lot of benefits not just for your body, but for your mind too. In the matter of fact, many people are considering yoga as their lifestyle right now. So, yoga is an ancient Indian exercise which is associated with the physical well-being and would improve the health of your body. As one of the form of exercises, we bet that you already know that yoga would give you an important benefit just like any other exercise, which is will be helpful to lose some weight.

Nowadays, there are many people with problem associated with their body weight. The excessive body weight would be dangerous for your health in the future because it will lead you to more complicated health problems. In order to lose some weight and get you back in shape, doing exercises such as yoga would be very important. Do you know what are the benefits of yoga for weight loss? If you’re still in doubt, in the lists below you will find a lot of benefits of yoga for weight loss.

See Also: Benefits of Yoga for Students – Benefits of Yoga for Men

1. Increase Your Heart Rate

Maybe, until now you always have a thought that the cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, running marathon, and riding a bike would be a perfect exercise to do in order to lose your weight. That assumption is not wrong, but it is also not right. Cardiovascular exercise is not the most effective way to lose your weight. This is because whenever you’re doing cardiovascular exercises, your heart rate would increase rapidly and constantly, which will lead to adrenal fatigue.

The best way to lose some weight is by increasing the heart rate in a very short moment, and then dropping it down. Yoga would be a perfect exercise that would increase your heart rate at one moment, and then drops it shortly afterwards. Doing a yoga pose such as sun salutation would be a perfect example of it.

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2. Find the Balance Between Two Nervous Systems

Most of the people have the problem related to their nervous systems. Because of that, they will not be able to relax and enjoy their life. There are many things that would cause the nervous systems become unbalanced and most of them are because the unhealthy lifestyle. In everyday’s life, most of people are choosing to sit down in front of a computer in a very long time rather than go out and enjoying the nature. Also, they always feel in a rush because of busy schedules and deadline on their work. Those phenomena would stimulate the symptoms of stress and thus, many people would become overweight.

One thing that could alleviate all of those problems is by doing various yoga poses. This is because yoga would find the balance between two nervous systems in our body, which are sympathetic and parasymphatetic. If those two nervous systems are in a perfect balance, then you will feel relaxed. Corpse pose and legs up to the wall are the yoga poses which will be beneficial to find the balance between two nervous systems.

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3. Activate the Thyroid Gland

People with a problem with their weight are commonly because they also have a problem related to the metabolism of their body. This problem is commonly called hypothyroidism. A healthy and high metabolism process is very important because it will burn the fats in our body faster than before. The thing is, one factor that could affect the metabolism of our body is whether the thyroid gland is active or not. If the thyroid gland is active, then we will have a high metabolism and our body will be able to burn the fats faster. So, doing various yoga poses such as fish pose and shoulder stand would be beneficial to activate the thyroid gland in our body.

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4. Find the pH Balance

Most people with an overweight problem commonly also have a problem with the pH balance in their body. Normally, overweight people will have a low pH balance on their body. In the other word, their body is too acidic. If the body is too acidic, then it would be very dangerous for your body. This is because the visceral fats would accumulate in the arteries and veins. Because of that, the blood vessels will become narrow and disrupt the blood circulation. As the result, you will be at risk of having a heart attack because your heart will be forced to work hard in order to maintain the blood circulation.

So, one thing that could prevent you from this horrible thing and increase the alkalinity in your body is by doing yoga. Yes, yoga pose such as head to knee pose has been proven to be beneficial to increase the pH balance among overweight people. Thus, you will be prevented from dangerous health conditions like a heart attack.

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5. Cleansing the Colon

Being overweight means that there are something that blocked up your colon. Whenever the colon is blocked up, then you will be suffering from bloating, which could be appear as the obesity. Unfortunately, this condition would be very dangerous if you’re not doing something to clear up your colon. This is because the constipated colon would affect your mind in a long run.

In order to cleanse the colon, there are many things that you can do, such as drinking a lot of clean water. But, if you want to stay away from diseases caused by the blocked up in your colon, doing various yoga poses such as fire pose and below’s pose would be beneficial. But, you need to remember that you need to do those poses in an empty stomach.

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 6. Support the Health of Your Liver

There is no surprise that whenever you have a healthy liver, then it will affect the health of your body. This is because the liver has a vital function in our body. Our liver will purify the blood, detoxify the toxins, and also, process the fats in our body, whether it is ‘bad’ fats or ‘good’ fats.

If you have a healthy liver, then it will be able to get rid of the bad fats and keep the good fats in your body. Thus, you will lose some weight. In addition to that, healthy liver means that you will have a lot of energy because it will store the glucose. Doing yoga would be a perfect thing to do in order to maintain the health of your vital organ, including your liver. Yoga poses such as wheel pose, cobra pose, and bow pose would be beneficial to maintain the health of the liver.

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7. Yoga Will Move Your Body

There is no doubt that all of the activities that requires you to move your body and muscles would be very beneficial in order to lose your weight. This because the fact that muscles are tissue, which will use the fats that stored in your body as the fuel. Although you can lose some weight in a very short time by doing strength exercise due to its dependency on muscles work, but it turns out that doing various yoga pose would be very beneficial too in order to lose some weight in your body. This is because certain yoga poses require your muscles to stay active. Thus, they will use more fats as the fuel. Certain yoga poses such as scale pose, plank, and feathered peacock would be beneficial to make your muscles stay active.

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8. Activate the Internal Heat in Nervous System

One of the most effective ways in order to lose some weight is by heating up the body, so that your body will burn the fat faster than before. Although you can heat up the body by doing various exercises, but it turns out that yoga is also very beneficial in order to do that. In the matter of fact, yoga has an unique way in order to heat up the body. Yoga would create the nerve tension in order to activate the internal heat in the nervous system. Because of that, the visceral fats would be burned up and you will lose some weight in a relatively short amount of time. Certain yoga poses such as seated forward bend and lunge would be very beneficial in order to activate the internal heat in the nervous system.

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 9. Relaxes Your Mind and Body

There is no doubt that there is a correlation between the health of the body and mind and your weight. If you have an excessive weight, that means that you have something unbalance in your life. Excessive stress and depression is one of the main factors why you have an excessive weight gain. In order to overcome that, doing yoga would be very beneficial. There is no doubt that doing yoga would make your body and mind become relaxed. Doing yoga poses such as sun salutation or breathing exercise would be very good to calm your mind. Whenever you have a relax body and mind, then all of depression symptoms would be alleviated and your weight will be slowly decreased naturally.

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10. Release Stuck Emotion

This benefit of yoga is pretty similar with the benefit that already mentioned above. So, aside from being stressful, another factor that would cause an excessive weight gain is the emotional feeling inside of your mind. Whenever you have a hard day, then there will be a lot of negative feelings inside of your head. Then, you usually eat unhealthy foods or doing another unhealthy addiction in order to alleviate all of those negative feelings. Those things, undoubtedly, would cause an excessive weight gain. Yoga would be a very good choice in order to alleviate all of those stuck emotions inside your head. Doing camel pose for example, would lift all of the weight in your shoulder and you will sense the incredible feeling of lightness afterwards.

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11. Stimulate Detoxification

It turns out that yoga would also very beneficial to induce the detoxification process or various harmful toxins in your body. So, being overweight could be the sign that your body is full of toxins. Whenever your body is full of toxins, then there is a possibility that the detoxifying organs such as kidney and liver wouldn’t work properly. If these organs are not working properly, then your body will tend to keep the excess weight. Doing some yoga poses such as yoga twist and breathing deeply are very beneficial to stimulate the detoxification process in your body. Also, those yoga poses would improve the health of your detoxifying organs and release all of the toxins out of your body.

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12. Burns the Calories

Literally, any kind of physical activity would be beneficial to burn the calories in your body. So, there is no surprise that yoga would help you to burn the excessive calories inside your body. Whenever you burn the calories, then of course you will lose the weight too. Although yoga would burn the calories relatively small compared to other sports with high intensity, but this exercise would be very efficient too if you want to lose some weight. In the matter of fact, certain yoga poses such as hot yoga, power yoga, or Vinyasa requires a lot of movements, which without a doubt will burn the calories faster than other yoga poses.

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13. Improves Your Metabolism

If you have an excessive weight, it is very important to ensure that you have a good body metabolism. Whenever you have a good metabolism in your body, then the faster the fat that will be burned and transformed into the energy. One of things that you can do to improve the metabolism in the body is by doing exercise, including yoga. So, there are a lot of yoga poses that requires you to move a lot and thus, could improve the metabolism of the body. In addition to that, whenever you’re doing yoga in a regular basis, then you will also will have a healthy digestion. Healthy digestion means that you will have a scheduled bowel movements and helps your body to lose some weight.

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14. Improves the Muscles

There is a correlation between building the muscles and the improvement of your metabolism. So, if you have more muscles, then the faster the metabolism in your body. Because of that, it is very essential to improve the mass of the muscle in order to improve the metabolism of your body. Doing yoga would be a perfect example to build the muscles. This is because many poses of yoga would be beneficial to improve the mass of your muscle. Yoga poses such as sun salutation would be beneficial to improve the muscle in your legs and arms. Also, warrior pose would also be beneficial to improve the muscle in your legs. So, do various yoga poses now and improve the mass of your muscle.

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Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

So, now you already know all of the benefits of yoga for weight loss. Then, it is the time to get started with practicing the yoga pose. But, before you get started, do you know what are the specific yoga poses that would be very beneficial in order to reduce the weight in a short amount of time?  In the lists below you will find various yoga poses that would be beneficial for weight loss.

1. Warrior Pose

This is the pose that will improve the muscles around your legs. This pose will be beneficial to improve the metabolism of your body. In order to do this pose, first you need to stretch one of your leg to the back and the other leg in a lunge like position with your knee form a ninety degree positioning. After that, stretch both of your hands above your head.

2. Boat Pose

This is the yoga pose that would be beneficial to burn the fat around your stomach. Also, this pose would build the muscles around your stomach. So, in order to do this pose, you need to lay down first. Then, try to move your upper body and your legs up simultaneously, until your body forms a V-shaped position like a boat. Hold that position for about 10 seconds and increase the intensity as the time goes by.

3. Hover Pose

If you want to build the muscle around your shoulder, arms, and back as well as burn the calories around those areas, then you need to try to do this pose. In order to do this pose, you need to position yourself just like whenever you want to do the push-up. Try to put your hands below your shoulder and align your body from head to heels. After that, exhale slowly while you lower your chest to the floor and bend back your elbow with your arms close to the body. Finally, hold the position for a few seconds and try to do it again from the start.

4. Sun Salutation

This is one of the most famous yoga poses to date. This pose would help you to lose some weight. Also, sun salutation would build the muscles around your body too. The thing that makes this pose becomes famous is because this pose literally will move your entire body through its twelve different moves, from basic prayer pose until cobra pose. In the matter of fact, according to many yoga experts, this pose would be beneficial too to alleviate the stressful feelings and the symptoms of depression.

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Now you already know all of the benefits of yoga for weight loss. You also already know yoga poses that will be very beneficial in order to achieve your goals. As the conclusion, yoga is an exercise that would be very useful not just to improve the health of your body, but also your mind too. So, in case you’re not doing the yoga yet, just consider to do it as soon as possible. After that, just let this healthy activity help you to get back in your ideal shape.