Diet & Fitness

7 Hard to Miss Health Benefits of Yoga in The Morning

Yoga has lately become one of the light exercises that are quite in trend. If previously yoga was more commonly known as meditation practice, now yoga is also believed to be able to burn some calories, so it is considered good to prevent heart disease, joint pain, and fight stress. As mentioned in the benefits […]

Diet & Fitness

9 Important Health Benefits of Yoga for Obesity

Obesity is a risk factor of various chronic diseases. If not treated quickly and appropriately, obese people are at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, heart disease, gallbladder disease, cancer, to reproductive abnormalities (hormonal disorders, PCOS, infertility). One of the efforts in tackling obesity is healthy eating arrangements. Obesity is a health condition that is […]

Diet & Fitness

7 Calming Health Benefits of Yoga for Toddlers

Stress and fatigue are not only felt by adults. Children can also get negative feelings. With yoga practice, children and toddlers become more relaxed and active. Yoga is a series of theories and practices developed from India. As explained previously on the benefits of sarvangasana, the practice of yoga focuses on the union of mind, […]

Diet & Fitness

5 Health Benefits of Yoga for Elder You Need to Know

After previously learning about the benefits of exercise for kids, we can agree that daily exercise is always needed, not only for us adults, but all ages in general. The kids may gain some benefits for such a simple activity, like making them smarter, burning calories, and making the body healthier than before. But aside […]


Benefits of Naukasana for Physic and Mental Health – Daily Exercise

Some of you might not include yoga in your list of exercise for its less dynamic and difficult postures. However, each posture in yoga actually has its own benefit for any particular intention. For example, you can get a flat belly from naukasana or boat posture in yoga. This article would discuss further about the […]


Benefits of Matsyasana – The Fish Pose for Beginner

What do you know about yoga? Well, yoga is no longer a common type of exercise but today yoga has becoming one of the lifestyle. There are a lot of benefits of yoga and yoga pose that you could do at home with a lot of health benefits and among the popular one is matsyasana […]


Amazing Benefits of Karnapidasana – Knees to Ears Pose

Yoga is becoming a healthy trend today due to its amazing benefits for human health. There are a lot of Yoga pose that individually conducted regularly by people in order to achieve specific health goal and one of them is karnapidasana. Due to its unique pose, there are a lot of benefits of karnapidasana pose […]


Benefits of Surya Namaskar For Weight Loss (Quick Result!)

Surya namaskar or sun salutation has been known for its benefits of surya namaskar for mental and physics health. One of the benefits of this yogic practice is the ability of the movement to aid weight loss. So, what are the benefits of surya namaskar for weight loss? The Benefits Of Surya Namaskar For Weight […]


Benefits of Doing Surya Tratak (Mental, Physical, Spiritual Health)

Sun as biggest energy source can contribute many things for our physic and mental to gain energy and positivity. This is also the reason why there are some activities for our body and soul which involves sun. For instance, sun gazing or what it is called with surya tratak in Indian. So, what are the […]


Surprising Benefits of Doing 108 Surya Namaskar Daily for Mental and Physically Healthy

Surya namaskar or the salutation to sun consists of sets of yoga movement. You can get the full benefits by doing all the movements of surya namaskar 108 times. So, what are the benefits of doing 108 surya namaskar daily? The Benefits of Doing 108 Surya Namaskar daily As mentioned before, the surya namaskar movement […]