
20 Health Benefits of Drinking Water For Skin and Overall Health

Do you know that drinking more water would be very beneficial for your skin? You might already know that drinking more water is very essential for your overall health. This is because water is an essential part for your body. Before you see what are the benefits of drinking more for your skin, first you need to see the importance of water for your body.

  • Water is an essential part so that our body could properly function. This is because about 50 to 70% of our body mass is made up from water.
  • Water could remove the harmful toxins and waste material out of our body and will cleanse our body. So, it is no surprise that drinking more water could maintain our overall health.
  • Water is one of the most important things to process all of the nutrients from the food that we just ate. Water is very essential to carry the nutrients to the cells by circulating it through the lympathic system.
  • Everyday, you will lose the amount of water in your body through the sweat, perspiration, breath, urine, and bowel movements. So, it is very important that you always replenish your body needs of fluids everyday by drinking more water and other beverages to prevent dehydration.
  • The recommended daily intake of water among women is about 2,2 liters per day, while the recommended daily intake of water among men is about 3 liters.

So, after you know all of the importance of water, now it is time for you to know all of the benefits of drinking more water for your skin. Here are the benefits of drinking more water for the health of your skin.

  1. Moisture Skin

There is no doubt that water would be the perfect source to promote the healthy skin. This is because water could keep the moisture of your skin. Drinking water is very essential to keep the moisture of your skin, as well as deliver some essential nutrients to the skin cells. As the result from your moisture skin, your skin would be more elastic and then, it could also replenish your skin and delay the signs of ageing such as wrinkle and fine lines.

  1. Detoxify and Tighten the Skin

The benefits of drinking water for detoxifying and tighten the skin has been known for a long time ago. So, in earlier times, people in Eastern Europe would visit the batthouse just to detoxify and tighten their skin. You can get the best result from water as the detoxification by soaking the washcloth in steaming hot water, and then you just try to lay it on your face. But, drinking plenty of water would do the same effects too as the harmful material in the body would get out from the body through your intestinal system alongside with the waste in your body.

  1. Prevent Skin Disorder

We bet that you already know that drinking water would be the perfect source of fluids to replenish the fluid loss through your body. But, aside from that, drinking water would also protect your from various skin diseases such as eczema, wrinkles, and psoriasis. Drinking water would be perfect to protect you from those diseases because water could improve the metabolic rate of your body and flush out the toxins that could be harmful in your body. As the result, you will have the natural healthy skin that can boost your overall appearance too.

  1. Reduce The Stress

Have you ever been in a situation whenever you just feel so nervous and thus, you feel the stress and severe anxiety? Well, those kind of feeling wouldn’t be good for the health of your skin since the tension and stress that you feel could lead to the damage of the skin because of the nerve that feel the continuous tense. So, drinking the plenty of water of course would do you a favor since if you decide to drink the water, the nerve around your skin cells would be more relax than before, which then will make you feel calmer than before and it can also rejuvenate your skin’s appearance too.

  1. Anti-Ageing Properties

There is also no doubt that water has some kinds of anti-ageing properties. So, rather than buying some expensive skin anti-ageing treatments, is is better for you if you just do the simple thing like filling up the need of your skin of fluids like water. Water is the perfect replacement of your expensive anti-ageing treatments because whenever you decide to drink plenty of water throughout the day, your skin would stay hydrated and it will also enhance your skin’s complexion. In the matter of fact, whenever you have the soft skin, drinking plenty of water would be sufficient enough to promote the healthy skin and the effect of that would be better compared to any topical creams that commonly have an expensive price.

  1. Reduce the Appearance of Acne

Whenever you have the acne in your skin, your first thought might be buying some antibiotic medicine or inducing some medical treatments such as chemical peeling and collagen injections to reduce the appearance of that acne. But, do you know that simple daily habits like drinking plenty of water could help you to reduce the appearance of the acne, as well as the acne scars? Well, as already mentioned above, drinking water could detoxify your body from the inside, which without a doubt would speed up the healing process of the acne. In addition to that, drinking water could also reduce the excessive oil in your skin, which without a doubt will prevent the appearance of acne in your skin in the future.

  1. Glow Your Skin

If you think that the only way to make your skin become shining and glowing all day long is by applying some expensive creams and treatments, you might be wrong. Just make sure that you drinking plenty of water throughout the day, you will be more likely to get the shining and glowing skin everyday. As already mentioned before, drinking water could moisturize your skin as well as keep your skin stay hydrated throughout the day. Proper hydration in your skin will ensure that the essential nutrients are delivered to the cells of your skin, which without a doubt would make your skin glowing and shining and thus, you will be more confident than before.

  1. Prevent Excessive Oil

Aside from the many benefits of drinking water that already mentioned above, you need also to know that water could prevent you from the excessive oil or sebum production in your skin. As already mentioned above, drinking plenty of water could be very beneficial to reduce the appearance of the acne. This is because water could reduce the production of oil in your skin. The skin that’s too oily would be very prone to clogged the pores with acne breakouts and blemishes.

In the matter of fact, many doctors suggest that their patient tend to complain of more acne lesions whenever they are dehydrated. So, it would be very essential that you fulfill the need of your daily requirement of water. The intake of 8 glasses of water per day would be recommended.

  1. Reduce the Sign of Inflammation

This is also one of the most important benefits of why you should drink more water in your everyday’s life. So, drinking a plenty of water would reduce the sign of inflammation because it can get rid of the toxins in your body and could hydrate your skin. Whenever your skin become hydrated, plump, and also elastic, your skin would be less likely to crack and wouldn’t let in various foreign contaminants that can cause the irritation and inflammation to your skin.

In addition to that, you could use water to cure the inflammation by using the cold water as the compress to the affected area of your skin. As the water evaporates through the skin, the surface become cooler and soothes the inflammation. Splashing the cold water around your eyes would prevent you from the dark circle around your eyes too.

  1. Support the Function of Collagen

One of the most important benefits why you should drinking plenty amount of water in your daily life is because drinking plenty amount of water could support the function of the collagen that has a lot of benefits for your skin. So, according to the clinical professor of plastic surgery at the University of Chicago, Julis Few, M.D., a variety of structures in the skin that support the collagen need the water to function properly and effectively. Collagen is a very important protein to promote the overall healthy skin since it could help your skin become smoother naturally, as well as will speed up the healing process in your skin, such as speed up the healing process of the acne and acne scars in your skin.

  1. Remove Bags Under Your Eyes

This is another benefit that you should know related to drinking more water in your daily life. So, drinking a lot of water everyday without a doubt will make your eyes become brighter than before, which will boost your overall appearance. This is because drinking more water means that you maintain the moisture in your skin, and thus, it will also maintain the level of potassium and electrolyte level in your body, which are essential to make your eyes become brighter than before, On the contrary, dehydration could reduce the level of potassium and electrolyte, which then will make the bags under your eyes become more visible than before.

  1. Protect You From Sunburn Symptoms

Everyone of you who have the various activities in outdoor might be concerned about the bad effects of the sunburn to the health of your skin. The sun without a doubt would lead you to various problems regarding your skin, for example the breakout and early ageing sign that will be more likely happen to you whenever you have the excessive exposure to the sun. So, if you want to reduce the harmful effect of the sunburn, you need to drink plenty of water because whenever you keep your skin hydrated throughout the day, it will calm the various symptoms of sunburn and also it will restore the fatigue that might occurs to you. You need also to apply the sunscreen to avoid the harmful effects of UVA and UVB.

  1. Prevent Dry and Red Nose

Whenever you are staying in a room that have the air conditioner, there is no doubt that your skin will become dry. For some people, the dry skin would lead them to the red marks in their nose, just like people that have irritation. In case this is occurring to you, you need to drink plenty of water as soon as possible so that the dry and red skin on your nose would be vanished. This is because drinking plenty of water could moisturize your skin, even in the dry room or in the dry environment, which then of course will protect the fragile nasal skin.

Benefits of Drinking More Water For Overall Health

Aside from all of the things that already mentioned above, drinking more water is also essential to improve the overall health of your body. So, here are the benefits of drinking more water for the overall health of your body.

  1. Suppress Appetite

If you want to start your healthy diet in order to lose some weight, then drinking plenty of water would be very beneficial for you. Many studies have already indicated that drinking plenty of water would make you eat less than before. Specifically, drinking a glass of water just before you have the meals would help you to eat less since the feeling of thirst is often mistakenly as the feeling of hunger. To support that argument, many studies have already shown that people who were drinking a lot of water actually eat fewer calories compared with the people who were drinking less. So, in case you want to have the diet, just make sure that you drink a lor of water.

  1. Boost Metabolism

This benefit of drinking water actually closely related to the previous benefit, which is drinking water would help you to lose some weight. Aside from will replenish your need of fluids during and after the workout, drinking more water actually would also make you burn more calories compared with people who drinking water less than their daily requirements. To support that statement, actually there was a study that people who drank about eight to 12 glasses of water everyday burned more fat compared to those who drank only four glasses per day. This is because the water could boost the way your body metabolize the foods that you just ate.

  1. Maintain the Body Balance of Fluids

Do you know that about 60% of your body contains a water? Actually, water is very essential in every part of many processes that occur in your body, from digestion, absorption, circulation, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of the body temperature. Whenever your body have lack of fluids, your brain will be stopped working and you will be more likely to suffer from headache and migraine. So, water without a doubt played an important role in your body and thus, you need to replenish the needs of water from your body. The intake of eight glasses of water per day would be recommended.

  1. Promote Healthy Muscle

Aside from the various benefits of water that already mentioned above, it turns out that the water could also very beneficial for the health of your muscle. In the matter of fact, your muscle is made up about 75% of the water. So, it is no surprise at all whenever your muscle doesn’t have adequate amount of fluids, it wouldn’t work properly as its functions. So, it is very essential that you always drink plenty of fluids everyday, especially whenever you just finished your exercise so that your muscle will be healthy all the time and work properly as its functions.

  1. Maintain the Health of Your Kidneys

There is no doubt that drinking plenty of water would be very beneficial to maintain the health of your kidneys. This is because adequate amount of water would help the work of your kidneys. So, body fluids would transport the waste products in and out your cells, and your kidney would do an amazing job to cleanse the toxins out of your body, as long as you have the sufficient amount of body fluids in your body.

Whenever you’re getting enough fluids, your urine will flow freely and whenever your body doesn’t have the adequate amount of fluids, the urine concentration would increase rapidly because the kidneys trap the extra fluids for bodily functions. In case you drink a little amount of water everyday, the chance of you having the kidney stones would be higher, so it is essential that you always drink plenty of fluids everyday.

  1. Maintain Normal Bowel Functions

Aside from maintaining the health of your kidneys, drinking plenty of water will also support the normal bowel functions. This is because adequate amount of fluids will keep things flowing around your gastrointestinal tract and thus, it will prevent the constipation. On the contrary, whenever you don’t drink a plenty amount of water, the colon would pulls water from the stools to maintain the hydration in your body and thus, you will be more likely to suffer from the constipation. Alongside with drinking about eight glasses of water, you need to consume foods that contains high amount of fiber in order to maintain the normal bowel functions.

  1. Boost the Brain Function

Do you know that drinking plenty of water would be very beneficial to boost the performance of your brain? Although the mechanism and the direct connection between drinking plenty of water with the brain function is still remain unknown until now, but many studies have already indicated the link between the consumption of water with the ability of your brain. A study that conducted in London shows that student who were drinking a lot of water before the exam achieved the better grades compared to the student who were drinking less water. So, it is worth to try for everyone of you who want to boost the brain function to drink plenty of fluids.

Tips to Help You Drink More
Well, now you already know all of the health benefits of drinking more water for your skin alongside with the other benefits for your overall body. Now you might be interested to increase your fluid intake. But, sometimes it could be very hard for some people to increase their fluid intake because they are too busy and sometimes they could forget that they need to consume the water right away so that they will be protected from dehydration. If you think that you need to increase your fluid intake, you might need to see these tips:

  • Always include the healthy beverage alongside with your meals and snack whenever you have the meals and snacks.
  • If you don’t have a desire to drink the water, you could also pick the beverages that you want to drink or you just can drink your favorite beverages.
  • Always bring a bottle of water that you have already prepared from your home whenever you want to go to school or whenever you want to go to your office. Just make sure that you bring the bottle of water in your bag or in your car wherever you go.
  • Increase the consumption of raw fruits or vegetables. Those type of foods contain a lot of water and fluids that would be beneficial to protect you from dehydration, as well as will improve your overall health since those foods contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that will be beneficial for your body.
  • Always watch the color of the urine whenever you have the urination. Whenever your urine has the dark color, that means if your body is starting to suffer from dehydration and you need to drink more fluids right away, until your urine turns lighter in color.

Read More Articles About Health Benefits:

So, now you already know all you need to know about drinking more water for your health. Although drinking more water is a simple thing to do, but of course it will bring your skin a lot of greatness because it can promote the healthy-looking skin. With the healthy-looking skin, your confidence will be boosted because drinking more water could improve your overall appearance. So, drinking more water from now!