
Benefits of Doing Kapalbhati For Overall Health

Have you heard about kapalbhati? It is a Sanskrit word which represent an exercise involving deep berating techniques. Kapalbhati or kapalbhati pranayama means forehead shining from the breathing exercise. It means that this exercise strongly relates breathing with spiritual condition. Some of you might relate it to yoga. And well, it is similar to yoga […]


14 Controversial Benefits of Russian Baby Yoga Among Parents, Do Not Try at Home!

Most of people may familiar with yoga, but the benefits of Russian baby yoga might a little bit strange. Therefore, this activity not yet common in many sport house or club. Traditional yoga is one of the common class, but baby yoga might be not famous. Therefore, no wonder if it is your first time […]


Benefits of Sarvangasana – A Yoga Pose Beneficial for the Entire Body

Yoga initially well known as part of religious practice but right now in modern world, yoga is already becoming the part of healthy lifestyle. There are a lot of people are practicing yoga in order to find the balance in their life and due to the amazing health benefits of yoga. While others are prefer […]


Secret of Yoga: Benefits of Lion Pose in Yoga

Yoga is already becoming lifestyle and a health trend due to its amazing benefits for human health. There are a lot of types of yoga but whatever the type is there are some basic poses or movements in yoga that you will find in each type of yoga and one of them is lion pose. […]


10 Benefits of Halasana for Weight Loss Treatments (#1 Faster Way!)

Doing exercise, including to get benefits of halasana for weight loss, is a natural way in increase the body health too. Therefore, it is a recommended exercise to do several times in a week to give the optimum result. Otherwise, this exercise can not give its maximum benefit, mainly to help with reducing weight faster. […]


10 Refreshness Health Benefits of Children’s Yoga for Mind and Body

Yoga exercise for the children is one fun activity that now is common. This is due to the health benefits of children’s yoga for developing growth up to deals with some diseases. Therefore, a yoga class for children is now available. Furthermore, it becomes one famous activity that start to love by the children itself, […]


15 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Hatha Yoga

Speaking of healthy lifestyle, yoga is probably on the top of the list. This type of healthy lifestyle is becoming popular recently especially among women. Yoga is generally defined as spiritual and ascetic discipline of Hinduism and Buddhism originated from India which activities are including simple meditation, breath control with specific body postures. What Is […]


15 Health Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga – Creative and Exploratory Yoga

Healthy lifestyle is more than just a life goal these days because of some people it is becoming a social trend, especially yoga. For those who have been practicing yoga in whole their lives could see how this trend is shifting from the progressive number of people who seem to give more attention to the […]


10 Precious Health Benefits of Iyengar Yoga for The Body Wellness

There area many kinds of yoga exercise and the benefits, including the health benefits of iyengar yoga. This is a kind of hatha yoga that can help bring numerous benefit to the body health. Furthermore, it will maintain body endurance and wellness. Therefore, many peoples love to do the exercise and regularly do this type […]


15 Great Health Benefits of Frog Pose and How to Do it

Frog pose or Mandukasana is a pose which can alleviate back pain. The name Manduk means frog and Asana means pose or posture. Besides to alleviate back pain or physical health, it also has the benefits for your mental and spiritual health, as same as other yoga or you can read health benefits of ustrasana […]