Eating & Diets

Find Out 10 Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Here

What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is an eating plan where you cycle between times of eating and fasting. It includes going for extended periods of time without eating, then trailed by a time of eating normally. So, what are the health benefits of intermittent fasting? Does it work only because of the way that […]

Eating & Diets

5 Health Benefits of Mindful Eating – All Things You Must Know

Mindful eating, another lifestyle which derived from another foreign culture and custom, mean for improving the quality of life, making a good life-cycle, and employing healthy-living behavior. For some reasons, people nowadays tend to find many ancient ways from many different cultures in order to perform a healthy lifestyle. ‘To be seen as healthy as […]

Eating & Diets

5 Health Benefits of Chaga Mushrooms – All Things You Should Know

When you hear or read the word ‘mushrooms’, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it about the Michelin star culinary and its health benefits cream mushroom soup? Some ‘junkies consumption’ perhaps? Or, the Mario? Nope, it is not all of them. This type of mushrooms is more likely for medical […]

Eating & Diets

5 Powerful Health Benefits of Mealworms You Can Believe

When we talk about worm, we will never able to relate this kind of animal with food. Some people even cannot imagine eating them. But the recent trend of lifestyle mention that eating mealworms can solve some problems such as malnutrition and even the environmental issues. Well, mealworms might literally look like worms. But it […]

Eating & Diets

Health Benefits of Thai Diet VS British Diet? Which One Works Better?

Every country has its own type of diet, which means the way you eat food. Diet is also related to the way or the food you eat to lose weight. While people are on diet, they will consume less calorie food. British people have different type of diet with Thai people. It can be seen […]

Eating & Diets

10 Magic Benefits of Peanut Butter for Muscle Building

Many people loves to eat peanut butter. Not only have a good taste, there also some benefits of peanut butter for muscle building. Therefore, many people that focus on developing their body shape consume the peanut butter as their main consumption. Furthermore, it also good for any other health effects too. Peanut butter mostly consume […]

Eating & Diets

Benefits of Eating Cat Food, Is It Even Safe for Human?

There are a lot of crazy speculation out there about the high protein content of cat food may be able to fulfil the daily intake protein of human. It is true that protein is essential for human metabolism and some people out there are finding it difficult to make sure the daily intake is fulfilled. […]

Eating & Diets

Check Top Health Benefits of Shredded Wheat Cereal for Diet Here!

Having a balanced diet is a must. In this case, you can have a balanced diet by doing regular exercise and eat healthy foods. You can consume green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and protein foods like beans. At this point, we will talk about cereal which is popular due to its benefit. It is shredded […]

Eating & Diets

Best Health Benefits of Uncle Sam Cereal for Diet – #Fiber Source

Do you love to eat cereal for breakfast? What kind of cereal do you like to eat? In this article, we will talk about uncle sam cereal which is popular due to its benefits. In fact, this product first introduced in 1908 by U.S. Mills of Omaha, Nebraska. Moreover, It is beneficial to promote body […]

Eating & Diets

Top Health Benefits of The Japanese Diet – A Key for Healthy Life!

It cannot be denied that many Japanese people are very healthy and have longevity stats. This makes people wondered about why the Japanese diet is so healthy, and what food they eat. Indeed, it is because they consume great and healthy foods for sure. The key is to consume a kind of vegetable and fruit […]