Processed Food

Health Benefits of Thai Green Curry Chicken with Eggplant – Good for Cancer?

Thai green curry chicken with eggplant is the most famous Thai food recipes outside Thailand. This dish is one of the best Thailand food you can try if you visit Thailand or you visit a Thai restaurant in your country. But it contains some ingredient that might not be good for your body. The purple […]

Kidneys Health

Top Benefits of Eggplant for Kidneys Health You’ve Never Known Before

Kidneys have a role in removing harmful waste material from the bloodstream and balancing the body’s fluids. To protect kidney health, you need to include healthy foods in the diet. In this case, foods that contain antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals and protect the body including kidney. They can help to prevent oxidation and […]

Heart Health

Find Out Best Benefits of Eggplant for Heart Health Here!

Who loves to eat eggplant? This vegetable offers numerous health benefits to the body. It is known as aubergines, belong to the nightshade family of plants and are used in many different dishes around the world. At this point, eggplant provides a good amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in a few calories. It has […]


Surprising Benefits of Eggplant for Anemia #Iron Source

Anemia is one of the diseases caused by lack of iron nutrient in the body. This disease has symptoms such as chronic fatigue. To deal with this, you can consume foods which have the source of iron for sure. In this case, it is advised to consume fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins […]


12 Wonderful Health Benefits of Thai Eggplant

Eggplant is a fruit native to the Indian subcontinent which now can be found in all over the world with different cuisines. Although it is a kind fruit, many people named it as “king of vegetables”. Furthermore, the plant can be found in several varieties in many different ways of cooking, including for Thai eggplant. […]


23 Health Benefits of Solanum Nigrum (Black nightshade)

Who have known Solanum Nigrum? Fruit that is also known with Leunca for Sundanese, is used as vegetable. So no wonder, if there is not much people who know this fruit. But who know, indeed this infamous fruit has interesting benefits. For more detail, this article below will explain about health benefits of Solanum Nigrum. […]


11 Incredible Health Benefits of Dutch Eggplant for You

Although it has “eggplant” name, but this fruit doesn’t have shape and taste as same as another eggplant, such as purple eggplant and green eggplant. But based on its name, this fruit is called Dutch eggplant because it is carried and introduced by Dutch. So, many people know this fruit as Dutch eggplant until now. […]


10 Incredible Health Benefits of Eggplant for Diabetes

One of the most favorite vegetables is eggplant. Eggplant has a skin containing anthocyanin, is one of the important antioxidants to reduce the risk of diabetes. Therefore, when consuming eggplant is recommended not to peel the skin because it has tremendous benefits. In addition to anthocyanins, health benefits of eggplant for diabetes also contains some […]

Weight Loss

10 Health Benefits of Eggplant for Weight Loss #1 Works

Eggplant, or in France usually called as aubergine is a vegetable with unique taste and texture. It belongs to the Solanaceae family, also known as nightshades, which is as same as tomato, bell pepper and potato or you can read in health benefits potatoes, tomato health benefits and health benefits of eating raw bell pepper. […]


6 Health Benefits of Brinjal During Pregnancy

Brinjal or eggplant is one of those delicious vegetables which are not only high in nutrients but also able to be cooked in the form of various dishes. It can be simply fried, baked, boiled, steam even a vegetarian could enjoy the veggie pizza with brinjal or eggplant as the toping. The taste which is […]