
15 Secret Health Benefits of Pyramid Meditation for Soul

Meditation is the ancestor’s heritage which magnificently gives a lot of benefits for us, particularly in overcoming the complex yet complicated life problems. As health benefits of pyramid meditation is now becoming what most people talk about, in this article there will be further explanation about meditation, especially pyramid one. You must think that that […]

Herbal Oil

15 Proven Health Benefits of Macadamia Nut Oil

If you think that nut makes your face get acne, this one is surprisingly very good for your skin. Yup, we are now taking macadamia nut into the stage. Macadamia, of which has dark skin and super yummy yet crispy texture is one called as the magic nut. Many people who have given a try […]


12 Health Benefits of Peruvian Beans You Should Know

Beans, as we know that in this beautiful and rich mother Earth, we have tons of beans varieties which spread over the globe. Those beans magically contribute big impacts for human health as one of the best and richest source of vitamins and mineral as well. One of the less known beans that we will […]


14 Science-Based Health Benefits of Ice Cream Bean

Ice cream bean, is it something new of ice cream flavor? Well, you are wrong. This is not a new type of ice cream which is being everyone’s favorite. Ice cream bean is pea family with Inga feuilleei Latin name. As we know that pea is such a very popular bean consumed by many people, […]


18 Health Benefits of Quince That Scientist Just Discovered

Quince, what do you might first think when hear about this kind of fruit? Not really familiar, isn’t it? Yes, quince may be not one familiar fruit you often hear every day. this fruit belongs to ancient fruit which has been widely known since thousand years ago. However, the fruit is less popular than apple. […]


16 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Grilled Pineapple

Pineapple is one of tropical fruits which grow up to 5-8 feet with sharp leaves and rough fruits leather. Scientifically, this fruits is known as Ananas Comosus and belong to Bromeliaceae in Ananas genus. The fruits are believed originally come from local Paraguay in South America, then, distributed by Spain when Columbus firstly found America […]


15 Unexpected Health Benefits of Alkanet Root (Herbal Cure)

Alkanet, or popularly known as alkane has several similar names such as dyer’s bugloss or hoary puccoon. The plant belongs to herbal plant with very specific health benefits for human health, particularly for its root. Alkanet root is quite large and thick with reddish color. The leaves are hairy green like Bugloss’s leaves. The plant […]


20 Miraculous Benefits of Amla for Beauty Treatments and Health

Amla is one of the super food which quite good for human healthy. The fruit belongs to berry variety and it is called Indian gooseberry also. The fruit has much nutrients and active essence which really boost health and beauty. The physical appearance of amla looks like “cermai” fruit in Indonesia with bigger size and […]


15 Benefits of Ginseng for Males Reproductive Health

Ginseng is scientifically identified as one of the most powerful herbs which has multiple benefits for human’s health. The very first time herbalist who found out the health benefits of ginseng was in China. Nowadays, people only know that ginseng is quite good for stamina and immunity particularly for males. In fact health benefits of […]


35 Science-Based Health Benefits of Brussel Sprout Leaves

Brussel sprout is a kind of small size cabbage originally planted in Brussel, Belgium. Brussel sprout has scientific name of Brassica Oleracea and it is only enable to be planted on cold higher land. In Indonesia, the plants are suitable to be planted in several higher lands. The vegetable has quite small size compared to […]