
11 Incredible Health Benefits of Dutch Eggplant for You

Although it has “eggplant” name, but this fruit doesn’t have shape and taste as same as another eggplant, such as purple eggplant and green eggplant. But based on its name, this fruit is called Dutch eggplant because it is carried and introduced by Dutch. So, many people know this fruit as Dutch eggplant until now. […]

Disease & Disorder

13 Incredible Health Benefits of Xigua Fruit

Xigua fruit is a kind of fruit like watermelon (read about health benefits of watermelon and cantaloupe to understand more) which comes first from South America, even the biggest country which produce this fruit in a very large number is China. In mandarin, Xigua means watermelon. Physically, Xigua is imitate watermelon from its color which […]


10 Secret Health Benefits of Naseberry Fruit #Rarely Known

We all might heard about health benefits of berries such as strawberry, blueberry, blackberry or even similar berries. But we might not familiar with the health benefits of naseberry fruit. Since it could be rare to find this fruit in the market or even in the fruit store. Therefore, many people not familiar with the […]

Processed Food

7 Health Benefits of Frozen Fruit – Better Nutritious

Fruits are essential food for those who have healthy living goal because fruit is completely packed with vitamins and minerals and the list benefits of fruit and vegetables could be endless. Compared to other types of foods, just by consuming several ounces of fruit a person is able to fulfill their daily intake of certain […]


10 Famous Health Benefits of Mabolo Fruit in Asian Countries

Mabolo fruit is also known with velvet apple is a fruit with unique texture. Not only taste good, there also some health benefits of mabolo fruit that famous among Asian people. The fruit commonly growth along Philippines and quite easy to find ind the country. Therefore, when feel curious about the fruit, have a chance […]


7 Health Benefits of Fruit Infused Water for Daily Intake

When talking about the recent health trend, infused water is among the famous options. Water is very essential for human you should at least know about the health benefits of drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. However, water is water, though there are a lot of health benefits of drinking 64 ounces […]


10 Excellent Health Benefits of Loquat Fruit – Nutritional Values

Loquat fruit might not be one of the most famous fruit in the world. In fact, you might even just heard it by now. It is a unique fruit that rarely find in the market. But this fruit is one of the favorite one in the south central China. Since many of the peoples in […]


25 Unimaginable Health Benefits of Nuts and Dried Fruit

Nuts are an alternative food that is highly recommended for regular consumption. In addition to make full faster, nuts are also low-calorie grain types that will not make your body become fat. Several types of nuts that exist, you can consume directly or you can process in order to taste more delicious. Many health experts […]


7 Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables for Kindergarten

Fruits and vegetables are probably not being kids’ favorite foods. However, those two foods are necessary for their growth and development. It would make the kinder interest if they eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables with different colors – where the parent can put them in their daily meal. There are many ways […]


21 Surprising Health Benefits of Bananas in Pregnancy

Banana is one of the fruits for pregnant women that are good for diet and snack. National Institutes of Health gives recommendations to pregnant women to consume 3-4 servings of bananas every day. Because the nutrients contained therein are needed by the mother and fetus. What are the nutritional contents of bananas? The list below […]