
8 Impressive Health Benefits of Chinese Cabbage

Cabbage belongs to the same group as broccoli, cauliflower and kale. Those kinds of vegetables belong to the brassica genus. Chinese cabbage is packed with a lot of nutrients while being low in calories. There are some studies which show that eating cabbage is effective to reduce inflammation and protect the immune system. Furthermore, it […]

Pregnant Nutrition

What are the Health Benefits of Cabbage During Pregnancy?

Various efforts and efforts will certainly be carried out spontaneously and naturally by a pregnant woman to keep her pregnancy condition in good condition, even in terms of the health of the mother and the fetus as well as the condition of fetal development at each gestational age. This is done by every pregnant woman […]


Benefits of Cabbage for Muscle Bodybuilding -The Recommendation

Cabbages are leafy billenial vegetables that grow annually and come in white, red or green colour. They are also characterized as having hard thin leaves on the outer layer, and it gradually gets softer and thicker as it gets into the centre. Just like tomatoes, they are a globally staple vegetable found in various cuisines, […]

Processed Food

Excellent Health Benefits of Cabbage Soup Diet (#1 Diet Solution)

Cabbage soup diet is one of the diet methods known since 1980s with many health benefits of cabbage soup diet. This diet is mentioned to be effective to trim your waistline in just a week of treatment program. In this diet program, you can replace your regular meal with at least one portion of cabbage […]


10 Effective Benefits of Cabbage for Breasts Health

Besides being a completely healthy food, cabbage have a plenty of wonderful benefits for the body. Cabbage have also always been used to cure arthritis, constipation, scabies, ulcer, and other diseases that are caused by the lack of vitamin C because cabbage happens to be one of the vegetables that contains a high concentration of […]

Skin Treatment

10 Fabulous Benefits of Cabbage for Skin Treatment

Vegetables are good for the body, including the benefits of cabbage for skin. It has been known for centuries that this kind of vegetables bring many advantages for the health, and mainly to keep a healthy skin. Furthermore, to get the vegetables can consider very easy. It also one kind of plant that easily grow […]

Processed Beverages

5 Unexpectedly Amazing Health Benefits of Curtido

Curtido, a Mexican food that becomes popular recently, not only has a delicious taste but also health benefits. Some research even said that curtido is a better source of probiotic substance than the health benefits of yogurt. A cup of curtido can provide you a quarter of your daily needs of Vitamin K, 12 percent […]


20 Health Benefits of Savoy Cabbage (#Evidence-Based)

Savoy cabbage comes from Savoy region which is a medieval duchy on the border of Italy, France, and Switzerland and called this name because of the origin. It is called Brassica Oleorosa in Latin name, so it belongs to Brassica family. Savoy cabbage in appearance is very similar to the white type but has a […]


16 Proven Health Benefits of Napa Cabbage

Napa cabbage is a green vegetable originated from China. It becomes famous all over the world because of its powerful account in protecting our health. It is similar to lettuce with its green and white stem. Napa cabbage is a kind of a strong antioxidant vegetable. It also contains fitonutrients, such as lutein, isothiocyanates, and […]


27 Verified Health Benefits of Red Cabbage

Who doesn’t know about cabbage? Yes, cabbage is round leafy vegetable that commonly use by people around the world. Cabbages come in various colour, green, purple and red. Red cabbage is less popular than the green one but it has rich nutrients and more benefits rather than the green cabbage. The red cabbage is belong […]