Processed Food

Excellent Health Benefits of Cabbage Soup Diet (#1 Diet Solution)

Cabbage soup diet is one of the diet methods known since 1980s with many health benefits of cabbage soup diet. This diet is mentioned to be effective to trim your waistline in just a week of treatment program. In this diet program, you can replace your regular meal with at least one portion of cabbage soup.

But something important in this diet program is how you control your calorie intake. Therefore, besides the fact that you can eat cabbage soup with the other foods involving meat and milk, you should always check the calories in it. This way, you are able to properly have the health benefits of cabbage soup diet.

The Nutritional Information of Cabbage Soup

During the cabbage soup diet program, it is important for you to arrange a diet plan. Especially if you don’t want to change all of your meal with cabbage soup, you should calculate your calorie intake. Here is the estimated nutritional information from a cup of cabbage soup:

  • Calories 85
  • Total fats 0.6 g
  • Cholesterol 0.0 mg
  • Sodium 379.0 mg
  • Potassium 700.0 mg
  • Total carbohydrate 21.0 g
  • Dietary 6.0 g
  • Sugars 12.1 g
  • Protein 4.2 g
  • Vitamin A 163.0%
  • Vitamin B6 25%
  • Vitamin C 132%
  • Calcium 13%
  • Folate 47%
  • Iron 22%
  • Magnesium 16%
  • Niacin 21.0%
  • Thiamin 19%

The Health Benefits of Cabbage Soup Diet

We can see that from a cup of cabbage soup, we can have a nutrients dense food. Therefore, it is no wonder if we can get many health benefits of cabbage soup diet. Here are some of the health benefits you can get from cabbage soup:

  1. Control weight

Just in line with the initial objective of cabbage soup diet program, it is aimed to control weight. Control weight means that the consumption involving cabbage soup is meant to use cabbage or vegetable as the main source of energy. The ample of fibers in cabbage will help you control and even reduce your weight, especially when you replace all of your regular meal with cabbage soup, so you will eat nothing but fibers.

  1. Aid digestion

Fibers in cabbage and the other ingredients of cabbage soup will be very beneficial for digestion. It avoids you from getting digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids. It is possible since fiber in cabbage is able to maintain bowel movement.

  1. Lower the risk of cancer

Not only enriched with dietary fiber, cabbage soup is also packed with the beneficial antioxidants. Antioxidants are the main warrior to fight free radicals in our body which are potential for cancer. Some studies concluded that the anti-cancer compound in cabbage called sulforaphane is able to reduce the risk of cancer including breast cancer, prostate cancer. 

  1. Reduce the risk of heart disease

Fiber takes a big role in maintaining heart health. It helps reducing bad cholesterol which may lead to heart diseases just like coronary heart and strokes. A report on American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that flavonoid rich foods are effective to reduce the risk of heart diseases.

  1. Detoxifying

Vegetables including cabbage own the ability in detoxifying. It is able to flush toxins, residue, and all the unwanted material properly. It is possible since cabbage optimizes liver functioning. This way, the consumption of cabbage soup is also able to enhance body immunity.

  1. Protect from radiation therapy

A research from Georgetown University found that a compound found in cabbage is able to protect organism from the lethal radiation. It can also be applied on people who are in radiation therapy for cancer, as it reduces the side effect of the radiation therapy.

  1. Good for eyes

Cabbage is rich with beta carotene. It is very good to maintain healthy eyes. Especially if you add some other vegetables in your cabbage soup such as carrot and tomato which is excellence for eyes health. You can also have the addition Benefits of Tomatoes for Eyes Health.

The other health benefits of cabbage soup diet may include the following benefits:

  1. Improve immune system
  2. Lower blood pressure
  3. Reduce inflammation
  4. Regulate blood sugar
  5. Promotes liver health

Recommendation in Going on Cabbage Soup Diet

As mentioned above, to go on cabbage soup diet, you should make a diet plan involving vegetables, especially cabbage. Here is the example of cabbage soup diet plan:

  • Day 1: eat only cabbage soup and banana for the whole day. If you put banana for your breakfast menu, you can get the Health Benefits of Eating Banana the First Thing in the Morning.
  • Day 2: eat only cabbage soup with root vegetables such as carrot and radish for breakfast and lunch. For dinner, you can eat baked potato with butter.
  • Day 3: eat cabbage soup, green vegetables, and fruits for the whole day. Make sure to avoid starchy vegetables such as veggies, beets, yams, carrots, corn, and peas.
  • Day 4: you can eat cabbage soup, banana, and also skim milk. So, don’t worry if you craving for sweets, as on this fourth day, you will be able to get it.
  • Day 5: eat cabbage soup twice a day. Eat low fat meat for one of the meal time. For example, you can have organic beef or skinless chicken with tomato and onion sauce. You will also have the Health Benefits of Tomatoes and Onions.
  • Day 6: eat cabbage soup diet at least once a day with beef and vegetables.
  • Day 7: eat at least one portion of cabbage soup with brown rice, vegetables and drink low sugar orange juice. In this 7th day, you can also obtain the health Benefits of Brown Rice for Health and the Health Benefits of Drinking Orange Juice Every Day.

The recommended portion of cabbage soup is two cups for a single serving. By applying this diet plan, it is hoped that you are able to get the optimum health benefits of cabbage soup diet. Don’t you see that cabbage soup diet is easier and simpler than any other kind of diet program?