Healthy Habits

17 Benefits of Good Health – Lifestyle – Mental Well-Being – Safety Standard

A wise man once said that being healthy is one the greatest gift that you will ever get in your life. That statement is completely true. This is because with a good health condition, then basically you can make the full use of your life compared to those who live with various health issues. But, somehow many people still do a lot of unhealthy things and still underestimate the importance of being healthy.

Yes, we know that being healthy means that we would have some kind of restriction to certain stuffs. You shouldn’t eating too much junk foods, sitting in a place in a very long time, etc. But, with a strong will power, being healthy is not impossible. For those of you who still underestimate the importance of a good health, then you will find a lot of benefits of good health in the list below:

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1. Live a Happy Life

Whenever you’re having a good health, there is no doubt that you will feel happier. This is because you wouldn’t have any concern or fear regarding your health condition. Also, having a good health means that you will feel less stress than people with a chronic disease. Imagine if you’re having a chronic disease, you need to fight against your disease. Second, you also need to spend a lot of money. Third, you wouldn’t enjoy many of your hobbies during your life if you have a bad health condition. Those things, of course, will promote the symptoms of depression.

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2. Get Closer With Your Loved Ones

If you have a good health, then of course you will have more time to spend with your loved ones, whether it is your family, parents, friends, or life partners. Having a good health will enable you to do many activities together with them. Thus, you will get closer to them. In the matter of fact, if you have a great relationship with your loved ones, then without a doubt that thing will bring you happiness and joy in your life. Your life will be filled with many great things after that. Meanwhile, if you have a bad health condition, then you wouldn’t have opportunity to get closer with your loved ones.

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3. Save a Lot of Money

This is also one of the most obvious benefits that you would get whenever you have a good health. If you have a good health, then you will have a lot of money to be saved. Whenever you’re having a bad health condition, then of course you will visit your doctor, buy some medicines, pay the hospital service, and many more. You know that you need to spend a lot of money in order to afford all of those things. Imagine if you’re having a good health, then the money that you spend to buy medicines or to visit the doctor will be saved. Thus, you can spend them to fulfill your other daily needs or even your hobbies.

4. You Won’t Feel the Pain of Many Diseases

A wise man says that a good health is the greatest asset that you could have and you need to keep it during your life. There is nothing wrong about that statement. This is because as already mentioned above, a good health will bring happiness and joy in your life. Being sick or having a chronic disease is really painful not only for your body, but also for your mind. You will feel a lot of discomfort whenever you’re having a disease and you couldn’t enjoy your life anymore. So, being healthy is very important and you will not feel any pain or discomforts that caused by various diseases.

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5. Increases Productivity

There is no doubt that your productivity will be increased if you have a good health. If you’re healthy, the you could do literally anything that you want. In addition to that, you could do many things in a relatively short amount of time with a high standard. Imagine if you’re having a disease, then of course you will spend most of your day in the bed to rest. This phenomena is not good at all for your productivity. Being healthy means that the time spent “out of action” will be reduced.

 6. More Energized

There is no surprise that you will feel more energized whenever you have a good health condition. You will do every task with a high energy and determination whenever you’re in a great condition. Thus, your productivity and efficiency will be increased too. Meanwhile, if you’re having a bad health condition, then you will feel tired so quickly whenever you’re doing various activities. Because of that, your productivity will be decreased and you will need a lot of time just to finish one of your tasks. So, it is important to keep the health of your body so that you will feel more energized and you can finish your task immediately.

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7. Enjoy Physical Activities

Being healthy means that you can do anything you want, especially doing sports and other physical activities. In the matter of fact, you can enjoy your physical activities more whenever you’re in a fit condition. This is important because doing physical activities will bring a lot of greatness for your body and mind in the future. Doing physical activities will alleviate all of the symptoms of depression and also, they will boost your immune system. Meanwhile, if you have a bad health condition, then of course you will get tired very quickly. Thus, you couldn’t enjoy any physical activity that you do.

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8. Enjoy Your Hobbies

Every person has their own hobbies, but you need to have a good health in order to do and enjoy them. Whenever you have a good health condition, then you can do all of your hobbies, whether it is playing sports, playing games, fishing, climbing a mountain, and many more. Just imagine if you have a poor health, you will feel tired very quickly and you won’t have enough energy to do your hobbies. Those kind of things would promote the symptoms of depression, which is not good for your mental health. So, if you want to do your hobbies as well as enjoy them, then you need to make sure that you have a good health condition.

9. Longer Longevity

Being healthy means that you have a bigger chance to live longer compared to those who have a poor health conditions. This is because whenever you’re having a good health condition, you will feel happier and have less stress compared with people with poor health condition.

As you already know, stress and depression are two of many main factors that could worsen your health condition. Also, they will lead you to more severe health issues. In addition to that, most of the people who have a chronic health condition tend to feel extremely desperate and then start to lose their hope to continue their lives. Because of that fact, there is no surprise that people with poor health conditions tend to have a shorter lifespan.

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10. Better Sex Quality

Many people often feel that having sex is exhausting because you requires a lot of energy in order to satisfy yourself and your life partner. However, you need to have a good health in order to get more energized. Whenever you’re in a good health condition, there is no doubt that you will enjoy your sex life better compared to whenever you have a bad health condition. More importantly, whenever you have a quality sex life, then of course you will have a great relationship with your life partner. That thing, the feeling of to loved and being loved in return, of course would make your life become more enjoyable.

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11. Able to Think Clearer

Have a healthy body and mind would also enable you to think clearer. Whenever you’re having a problem and you need to solve it quickly, you will tend to make a right choice whenever you’re having a good health condition. This is because we are able to concentrate more on certain things whenever we have a fit condition. That’s why, you will perform better in a test or an exam if you’re in a fit condition.

Meanwhile, whenever you’re having a bad health condition, then your mind will feel tired easily when you’re thinking about something. Also, you will get easily distracted with some discomfort that you feel because of your health issues. So, you need to keep your health if you want to perform better in an exam.

12. Better Emotional Well Being

This benefit of a good health is closely related to the benefit that already mentioned above. So, being healthy means that you would be able to think clearer than before. That phenomena will directly affect your emotional well being. Whenever you have a clear mind, then you will be able to make some kind of wise and rational decision in every situation. Thus, you would be prevented from many bad things that would happen to you if you’re making a bad decision because of your unstable emotional well being. So, let’s keep our health so that we can keep our emotion stable.

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13. Better Spiritual Health

There is no surprise if you have a good health condition, then you will also have a better spiritual health compared with those who have a bad health condition. Being healthy means that you would have a chance to enjoy your own life. Thus, you will have a bigger chance to be fulfilled spiritually. This condition would bring a big impact in your life because you could feel that you’re blessed by God. Because of that, you will have a closer relationship with God and that is a good thing. Being closer to God would also trigger you to become a better person in life.

14. Better Opportunity to Help Others

This benefit of a good health is related to benefit that already mentioned above. So, whenever you have a good health, then you will also have a bigger chance to getting closer to God. That thing would automatically trigger you to become a better person than before. Helping other who needed help would be a perfect show off. Another reason, being healthy means that you can do a lot of things that people with health issues can’t do. Thus, you would have a better opportunity to help other people . We must agree that after helping other people, we would feel happier and that’s good for the improvement of your personality as a person.

15. Become a Role Model for Other People

Who doesn’t want to be a role model for other people? Become a source of inspiration from other people is one of the nicest things to get. So, the simplest thing that you could do so that you can become a role model for others is being healthy and maintain your healthy condition with a lot of positive activities. Whenever you have a good health condition, you will have a chance to shine and show other people what is the importance of being healthy. Also, whenever other people saw that you’re doing a lot of positive activities, such as sports, meditation, etc, then of course you will motivate them to do the same thing.

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16. You Won’t Become a Burden for Other People

The next benefit that you could get from having a good health is that you will not become a burden for other people. Whenever you have a chronic disease, then there is no doubt that it will take a lot of money to buy a medicine and pay the doctor. That thing, undoubtedly, will make you become a burden to other people. They need to work very hard to make money so that they can afford to buy the medication and the doctor for you. So, being healthy means that you can do anything you want and more importantly, you will not become a burden for other people.

17. Boost the Self-Esteem

There is also no surprise that whenever you’re having a good health, it means that you can improve your self-esteem. One of the best ways to keep the good health is eating a well-balance diet and doing a lot of exercise. Knowing that your body is in a good shape would automatically boost your confidence. Another reason, being healthy means that you will have a good chance to help others who need help. Knowing the facts that you’re helping other people would also improve your self-confidence. Those things would also be very beneficial to improve your quality as a person. The benefits of good life, though.

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Tips to Maintain a Good Health

So, after you know all of the benefits of a good health, then of course you need to implement the healthy habits. If you’re implementing the healthy habits, then you will get all of the benefits that already explained above. So, the most important question: what should we do so that we could maintain our good health? Well, you will find various tips so that you could maintain the good health:

1. Doing the Exercises

This is one of the most important things to do in order to maintain the good health. This is because doing various exercises would be very good for your mental health, as well as your body health. Various chemicals that your body will release whenever you’re doing exercises would alleviate stress, boost your energy, and of course, keep your positive mind in check.

2. Eat Well

Make a selection of what kind of food that you will eat would be a good idea to maintain the good health. This is because diet plays a very crucial role. of course, every person has their own choice regarding his/her diet. But, make sure that you always find a balance whenever you eat. You need to eat foods which contain various nutrients to support the health of your body.

3. Create a Good Opinion of Yourself

This seems simple, but very hard to do. You need to love yourself and create a good opinion of yourself. This is very important since the self-esteem would boost your mental health. Thus, you will have a better chance to maintain your good health.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Having enough time to sleep would be extremely beneficial to boost your health. Sleeping for around 7 to 8 hours per day would be enough. Thus, you will have a better energy and emotional well being to face the challenge in the next day. If you don’t have enough time to sleep, then of course you will feel tired easily, and it will affect your health condition in the future.

5. Find the Balance in Your Life

This is also important to boost your health. Maybe you have a lot of things to finish in your job or you have the deadline to catch so that you need to work even in the weekend. But, that habit is unhealthy and it is very important to take a day off, forget about your work, and just enjoy whatever your hobbies are. Find the balance between work and social life would be very good to maintain a good health.

6. Manage Your Stress

There is no doubt that stress is one of the main source of many health conditions. So, you need to manage it carefully. We could not avoid the stress feeling in life, but we can manage it. Find the source of your stress and try to overcome it with whatever way that comforts you. Doing exercises, playing games, watching movies, hang out with your friends, or eating your favourite dish would be a good way to alleviate the stress.

So, now you already know all of the benefits of a good health, as well as various tips on how to maintain the good health. Keeping the good health is not easy, but with a strong willpower, then of course you could achieve it. By having a good health, then you will have a lot better opportunity to make a full use of your life. Another reason, being healthy means that you could do a lot of great things in life. So, do the good habits now and stay healthy.

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