Herbal Plant

15 Health Benefits of Binahong Leaves (No.2 is Amazing)

Binahong leaf? What kind of leaf is that? Yes, the name is not that familiar. But, maybe some of us will recognize it if we already see it. Binahong is a plant that usually creep on wall or fence. Internationally, this leaf called Heartleaf maderavine madevine because its shape looks like heart sign. We can find it at some countries such as South Korea, China, Madagascar, and Indonesia.

Contents Inside Binahong Leaf

This leaf already used as herbal plant since a long time ago around the world. Each part of binahong plant can be used as medicine, but people usually use its leaf. People believe that binahong leaf contains lot of good things for health. Here are some good things contained inside it:

  • Saponins
  • Atsiri Oil
  • Alkaloid
  • Ascorbate Acid
  • Antioxidant
  • Oleanolic Acid
  • Mono Poliksarida
  • Polifenol
  • L-arabinosa
  • L-rhamnose
  • D-glukosa
  • D-Galaktose
  • Flavonoid
  • Proteins

Wow, there are so many good materials for our health inside this leaf! There’s a reason why this leaf is so popular as herbal. Now, we already know that this leaf contains lot of good materials for our body. Do you want to know what is the benefits of binahong leaves for health? Let’s find out!

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We already know that binahong leaf contains lot of good things for our healthiness. Now, let’s see what is the health benefits oh binahong plant for our body!

  1. Cure Stomachache

There are many kinds of stomachache that caused by many factors. Now, we will talk about stomachache that caused by eat time that is not discipline. Sometimes, we are too busy to just take some lunch or dinner on time, even sometimes we are forget to take breakfast. That will caused stomachache because our digestive system don’t work on time.

Is there any ways to cure it? Yes, there are a lot. But, if you are too afraid to consult it to doctor or take some drugs, then you can try herbal plants. One of which is Binahong leaf. Binahong leaf contains lot of good materials that can calm our stomachache. But, it’ll be better for us to prevent this kind of stomachache. Make sure to eat on time, although we can just eat a piece of bread or an apple.

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  1. Cure Lungs Illness

Lungs is one of our organs that has responsibility to our respiratory system. So that’s why it is very important for us to protect our lungs. Sometimes, we feel like our lungs is sick. When that happens, make sure to take care of it as soon as possible. If the hospital or clinic is too far from home, you can use herbal plant, only if herbal plant is exist around us. One of which that we can easily is Binahong leaf. Take 10 pieces of it and boil it until done. Make sure to consume it at least once a day to get the result that you want.

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  1. Cure Wound

Binahong leaf contains atsiri oil and arkobat acid that can help cure wound. But, how? Is it by drink it? No. You have to pound it until it smooth then spread it on your wound. It can help you cure almost every wound. But, if the wound is kinda serious, you have to cover your wound with bandage after you spread Binahong leaf to protect your wound from bacteria. That’s the health benefits of binahong leaves.

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  1. Cure Brain Disease

There are many kind of brain disease. But, we will talk about that brain disease caused by a crash. In an accident like car accident, there’s a possibility the head hit on something. Sometimes, that situation will affect our brain. Binagon leaf will help your brain disease. Take 10 pieces of it then boil it. You have to consume it twice a day. But, it’s just for the stimulus. You still need to go to the hospital to get the right treatment.

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  1. Help Menstruation

Some woman will suffering when it comes to their period. There are a lot of potion that can be the painkillers, one of which is the one that made from Binahong leaf. Binahong leaf will help you go through your period in a comfortable way. Take 3 pieces of it then boil it inside water until done. Make sure to consume it at least once a day.

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  1. Cure Dysentery

Dysentery is one of digestive system disease that need to be cured. If you are too afraid to consult it with doctor or take some drugs, you can try natural medication. One of which is by consuming potion that made from Binahong leaf. To make the potion, you need to take at least 10 piece of Binahong leaf then boil it inside 2 glasses of water. Boil it until the water steamed so that you can make it for 1 glass only. You have to consume it at least once a day until you are cured from dysentery.

  1. Skin Care

Another health benefit of Binahong lead it to take care of your skin. Why? Because Binahong leaf contains anti oxidant that needed for our skin to keep it healthier and prevent from aging. Pound until it smooth and spread it on your face. It will help you to take care of your skin and for those who have dimples, it will help you cure it.

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  1. Cure Hemorrhoids

For those who suffer hemorrhoids, you can take binahong leaf as one of your medication option. The recipe is kinda different. You have to take at least 16 piece of Binahong leaf to boiled. Boil it inside 3 glasses of water and wait until it’s done. How do we know if it’s already done? Make sure the potion can fulfill only for 1 glass. You have to drink it everyday to get the best result.

  1. Boost Energy And Vitality

In computer or any other electronic devices, electricity is needed to make those devices work properly. Without electricity, the main chip inside your computer can’t work, no matter how sophisticated it is. The some things goes to our body. If our body is computer, then the electricity is energy. Without energy, we can’t move our body even organs inside our body can’t work.

How do we fulfill our energy? By consuming healthy food or beverages that contained carbohydrate or proteins inside. Binahong leaf is a good source of protein that can boost our energy. Just boil two pieces of it inside two glasses of water and consume it, then you will get your energy back.

Also, for those who have vitality problem, you can try it too. Boil 3-10 pieces of Binahong leaf inside two glasses of water until it’s boiled, consume it every day, then you will get the result that you want.

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  1. Prevent From Free Radical

As we already know, Binahong leaf contains antioxidant inside that has responsibility to prevent and cure our body from free radical. What is free radical? Free radical is a condition when human’s body contained over-limit chemical compound. Human’s body is designed to receive only natural compound. So, if our body receive over-limit chemical compound, it will turn our healthy cells into the bad one. Then, those bad cells will kill another healthy cells and turn it into bad cells. So that’s why we need to consume natural staple that contained antioxidant inside. One of which is Binahong leaf.

  1. Cure Kidneys Disease

Kidneys. Those two little organs also has responsibilities to our body. Actually, each organs has their own responsibilities, so that’s why it’s really important for us to keep them healthy, including our kidneys. Some people suffer kidneys disease. If you are one of those people, you can try to consume potion that made from Binahong leaf. Take 10-15 Binahong leaf and boil it inside 1 glass of water. Drink it thrice a day. But, remember that this potion is for stimulus only. Still, you need to consult it to the doctor.

  1. Cure Fracture

Another health benefit of drink potion made from Binahong leaf is to cure fracture. As we already know, Binahong leaf contains lot of minerals inside. It will help you who suffer fracture to cure your bones. But, remember that it is for stimulus only. You still need to consult it with your doctor.

  1. Boost Blood Pressure

For you whose blood pressure is at low condition, you have to boost it. Why? Because low blood pressure will make our body languid. We can’t do our daily activities properly and in more dangerous case, it will make us faint. We have to boost it by consuming something contained minerals in it. One of which is potion made from Binahong leaf. Take 8 pieces of it and boil it inside 2 glasses of water. Make sure to consume it at least once a day.

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  1. Post-Surgery

Binahong leaf is one of potions that recommended for those who want to recover quickly after going through surgery. After surgery, we lost a lot of blood and energy, so that’s why we need to consume something contained proteins and minerals inside. Binahong leaf is a good choice for you. Boil 20 pieces of Binahong leaf inside 3 glasses of water. You have to drink it at least once a day then you will recover quickly.

  1. Boost Appetite

Last but not least, health benefit of consuming Binahong leaf is to boost your appetite. Boil 5 pieces of Binahong leaf inside 2 glasses of water. You have to drink it at least once a day then you will get a good result.

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Cautions of Binahong Leaves Consumption

We can’t consume the too-old and too-young leaf. We recommend you to choose the leaf number 4 and 7 in sequence from its top. Don’t stored it inside refrigerator or don’t re-heat it because it will destroy its compound. Stored it inside your drawer or a room-temperature place. And, the most important thing is, don’t consume it too much. If you over-limit consume it, it will destroy your liver and kidneys. So, stay healthy!

Now we already know that binahong leaf contains lot of good materials to keep our healthiness. Who knows that this plant, which is some of us already familiar, have a lot of benefits for our healthiness? Just take some pieces of it and boil it, we will have a healthy potion for our body.

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