
10 Benefits of Bitter Gourd for Diabetes (Traditional Cure)

Bitter gourd is a very popular vegetable in some of the Asian countries such as India, Indonesia and many other places in the African regions. You may also read: Health Benefits of Bitter Melon Fruit Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf Health Benefits of Bitter Kola Nutritional values of bitter gourd below is the table for […]

Herbal Oil

24 Health Benefits of Moringa Seed Oil (No.1 is Super)

What is Moringa Seed Oil? Moringa seed oil is an oil extracted from the seeds of Moringa tree which is also known as the Drumstick tree. Moringa seed oil also has another name, it is often called Ben oil,  because of the high amounts of behenic acid in the moringa seed oil. You may also […]


10 Proven Health Benefits Of Banana Chips

Banana is one of the most nutritious foods, which is rich in potassium and fiber. Bananas are often fried or dehydrated to make banana chips. Banana chips are known to supply essential vitamins and minerals just you are better off eating a fresh banana. Even though, Banana chips contain quite high amounts of saturated fat and smaller […]


10 Proven Health Benefits Of Eating Flounder

What is a flounder? Flounders are a group of fish species called flat fish. These flat fishes or flounders are often found at the bottom of oceans around the world. There are many ways to cook flounders, such as baking it, frying it or grilling it. Also flounder have the essential nutrients into your diet. According to […]


10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits Of Eating Eel Fish

Eel fish, although it is mainly to be found in Asian regions, eels have been a world wide consumption commodity. Most people avoid eating it due to its resemblance of a small snake, but many are enjoying eating eel. Are you one of them? If your answer is yes, then you are in luck. Many […]

Herbal Plant

16 Proven Health Benefits Of Aniseed Myrtle

Many of you may not be familiar with the word Aniseed Myrtle, perhaps this could be the first time you are reading it. You are not alone. What Is Aniseed Myrtle Aniseed Myrtle is a native plant to the Australian rainforest of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales. Aniseed myrtle is also called Native Anis […]


12 Health Benefits Of Eating Insects (No.3 is Shocking)

Eating insects? Yeah, you read the title right and you are probably having that ticklish feeling on your spine. Many are familiars with the word insects, even some have taken a major to study about them. But not many know that even insects can be for consumption. The concept of eating insects have been there […]

Herbal Spices

42 Top Benefits Of Alligator Pepper for Health

Alligator pepper. What crosses your mind when you heard the name. If you have never heard that name before, you are not alone, either. The name alligator pepper is not familiar like the other normal spices we would hear, such as turmeric, cumin or even black and white peppers. Alligator peppers are mostly used in […]


26 Health Benefits of Feijoa Fruit (Amazing Sources)

What is Feijoa Fruit? Feijoa fruit is usually known as a fruit which likely guava with pineapple taste because this fruit looks like Guava but the flavor tends to be like Pineapple, sweet and fresh. Feijoa fruits are not suitable and not advisable for direct consumption. Though, many will prefer it to included in the salad. […]

Herbal Plant

15 Health Benefits of Vetiver (No. 2 Proven)

What is Vetiver? Vetiver which is also known as “Khus – khus” in its original place. Vetiver is famous all over the Indian subcontinent. The name was derived from Tamil, a local language spoken by the tribe in the southern part of India, meaning hatched up. Even though it was originally from Indian, the plant […]