
7 Health Benefits of Corn Milk You’ve Never Heard Before

Many people are fond to be vegetarian nowadays. No wonder, there are a lot of snacks and drinks that are vegetarian friendly these days. If you are vegetarian or you want to try something new, then you can try drinking corn milk. Cow’s milk may be common, but corn milk is something new. As we […]

Food & Bevarages

4 Miraculous Health Benefits of Corn for Baby

Parents often read information about a variety of healthy food suggestions for babies, including those from organic ingredients. There are several reasons for choosing organic food, although that does not mean that the nutritional content is better than ordinary food, like having the benefits of soy milk for babies for example. Until now, pesticides are […]


Health Benefits of Elotes – Tasty Grilled Mexican Corn

Do you like corn? Do you like corn covered in butter or mayo? Is it true that you are searching for a simple barbecued side dish with high impact? Look at these Elotes or Mexican-style street corn. Another good processed corn for your body is Health Benefits of Corn Cereal and Health Benefits of Corn […]


Health Benefits of Corn for Bodybuilding (Get Ripped 6-Packs Abs )

Corn or maize is one of the most consumed grain plants around. Hailing from Mexico originally, it has become one of the world’s favorite when it comes to sweet and tasty vegetables! Without its kernels, which holds majority of corn’s nutrients and taste, the whole world wouldn’t be able to love it and make it into a […]

Skin Treatment

Powerful Benefits of Corn Silk Soap (Natural Skin Treatments)

After we have talked about the benefits of corn cob, let’s now move on into the corn silk. For those who don’t know, corn silk is the long yellow “hair” found scattered as we peeled the husk of the maize. Despite looking like hair, in reality they are indeed loose fibres! Many prefer to throw away […]


15 Health Benefits of Corn Cereal Good for Morning Breakfast Everyday

Starting the day with the health benefits of corn cereal is a common thing in many countries. Not only quite delicious, it also a good way to fuel the energy to start the day. Therefore, many children prefer this kind of breakfast along with a glass of milk in the morning. This make the demand […]


12 Important Health Benefits of Corn Chapati for Breakfast

Some people may not aware that there is some health benefits of corn chapati. this traditional food that comes from India, apparently contain some nutrient consist of several vitamins and minerals that good for the health. Therefore, people start to interest consuming this food as one of their healthy food every day. Furthermore, the taste […]

Staple Food

18 Incredible Health Benefits of Yellow Corn Grits

What menu do you usually eat at breakfast? Fruit, rice, oatmeal, cereals, salads, there are many menu choices for breakfast. Have you ever consumed yellow corn grits for breakfast? Unbeknownst to you, in fact, yellow corn grits is a famous breakfast menu in many cultures. No wonder, if yellow grits serve as the breakfast menu, […]


15 Top Health Benefits of Black Aztec Corn – No One Knows!

In general, the most widely known corn is a corn that has a slightly yellow orange color. However, in 2012 comes the corn with another color, namely black corn. The black color in corn is due to the antioxidant content of flavonoids in it. This black maize was first developed in Peru and Chile. Despite […]


40 Health Benefits of Corn : Antioxidant, Vitamin & Mineral Sources

Corn is also known as maize is a large grain plant originated from Mexico. From there, corn were introduced to the South America 5,000 years ago and then to Europe in the late 15th Century. Today, corn is consumed in many different ways by many different countries from around the world, corn could be steamed, […]