Still in theme of health benefits, now we will discuss about endive. Do you know about endive? Yup. Endive is one of the vegetables that usually we see in salad, especially western salad. Endive has a science name, Cichorium endivia, which a vegetables that classified in the family of Asteraceae. Usually endive served as salad. […]
Author: klabrahams
Still in the theme of health benefits, now we will talks about health benefits of malay apple. Do you know something about malay apple? Yup. Malay Apple has a latin name Syzygium malaccense which is means came from Malaka. This fruits is not known where it come from. Some people said that is come from […]
Still in the theme of health and benefits, now we will talk and discuss about health benefits of kitchari. Do you know kitchari? Maybe you will think something about Indian’s food. Yup. You are right. Kitchari is traditional cleansing food of ayurveda or ayurvedic. What is ayurveda (ayurvedic)? Ayurveda (ayurvedic) is name of herbal that […]
Still in the theme of health and benefits, now we will talk about health benefits of red ginger korea. Do you know something about fermented korean red ginseng? Before we talk more about red ginseng korea, what is ginseng? Ginseng is one of the traditional  medicinal herb to cure any all illness because ginseng contains many […]
Still in the theme of health benefits, now we will discuss about gynura leaves. Do you know something about this gynura leaves? In Indonesia, this leaves called as “Daun Dewa” or in latin gynura divaricata. Gynura leaves is a kind of herbal plant that can grow in the high 200 until 800 mdpl. This plant […]
Still in the theme about health benefits, this time we will talks about black seed. Do you know about black seed? Yup, Black Seed is one of the species from genus Nigela which have around 14 species that will include family Ranunculaceae. The 14 others species are Nigella arvensis, Nigella ciliaris, Nigella damascena, Nigella hispanica, […]
Still in the theme about health, this time we will discuss about health benefits of apricots seeds. Apricot? What is it? Apricot or in latin name Prunus armeniaca is one of species from subgenus Prem. The original place of this fruit is still unknown. Because this fruit has been cultivated since prehistoric. There is a […]
Still in theme of health benefits, now we will discuss a little about alcohol drinks. Do you know something about alcohol drinks? There are gin, vodka, wine, tequila, and others. But this time we will focus in tequila. Do you know something about tequila? Maybe you will answer: “Tequila is alcohol drinks.”. Yup, it is […]
Still with theme about health and benefits, this time we will discuss about water apple. Do you know about water apple? Water apple is a fruit that contains a lot of water from any others jambu. This fruit is come from Southeast Asia. This fruit usually we meet within garden or someplace near house, especially […]
Still in the theme about health, now we will discuss about health benefits of Nipa Palm. Nipa palm is some kind of palm tree that grow in brackish area which is influenced by flux and reflux, especially on estuary and on back of mangrove forest. This plant, nipa palm, have a lot of benefit for […]