
The 10 Benefits of Duku Seed For Health

Duku seeds have a variety of health benefits, as a source of antioxidants, natural fiber, maintaining heart health and many others. Duku seeds are very rich in nutrients such as benefits of fiber is maintaining the health of the digestive tract to avoid constipation. In addition, the antioxidants present in duku seeds can protect the […]

Vitamin D

5 Health Benefits of High Doses of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients that the human body needs to maintain healthy bones and various other biological functions. The main source of vitamin D comes from sun exposure, food and supplements. Taking high doses of vitamin D provides a number of significant health benefits. However, please consult a healthcare professional to […]

Vitamin D

5 Health Benefits of Vitamin D3 For The Elderly

Vitamin D3 has a very important role in maintaining bone health, the immune system and cognitive function, especially in the elderly. Taking vitamin D3 for the elderly should be under the supervision of a doctor to ensure optimal benefits without side effects. Combining vitamin D3 intake with the adoption of a healthy lifestyle helps in […]

Vitamin D

6 Health Benefits of Vitamin D3 For Men

Vitamin D3 is a type of vitamin that is very important and needed for the health of the body. Vitamin D3 is called calciferol which is one of the important nutrients for men’s health. Vitamin D3 can be obtained naturally and is produced by the body when sunlight skin and also through food and supplements […]


8 Benefits of Cempedak Seed For Health

Cempedak is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, with sweet and fragrant flesh. One part of cempedak that often goes unnoticed by many people is the cempedak seeds. Cempedak seeds have a variety of nutrients, antioxidants that are very useful for improving body health and overcoming various health problems. 1.     Supports Brain Function Consuming […]

Vitamin D

7 Health Benefits of Organic Black Chia Seeds

Organic black chia seeds are a variety of seeds that are grown and harvested without the use of synthetic chemicals, pesticides or herbicides. These organic black chia seeds are a very rich source of various nutrients. Organic black chia seeds contain healthy fats, antioxidants, protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins. 1 ounce or the equivalent of […]

Vitamin E

8 Health Benefits of Vitamin E for Men

Vitamin E is fat-soluble as alpha-tocopherol is the only one used by the body. Its main role act as an antioxidant, and collect free electrons known as free radicals damaging cells. Vitamin E has different sizes, shapes, and diverse things. Vitamin E is versatile and arrangement healthy levels inside the body to extend happy long […]

Vitamin E

9 Health Benefits of Vitamin E for the Body

Vitamin E as an oxidant has a function to protect the body from the damage of exposure to harmful substances like cigarette smoke and radiation. The most thing we know is that vitamin E has a role in caring for health in the immune system and intensifying skin as the health benefits of vitamin E […]

Vitamin A

8 The Benefits of Vitamin A for the Body

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the body’s health. It is fat-soluble in consumed as a supplement food naturally. It’s vital for the immune and the re-production of health. There are two kinds of vitamin A found in food which are preformed vitamin A known as retinol and retinyl ester found in animal-based foods. […]

Vitamin & Supplement

30 Health Benefits of Beta-Carotene (No.4 Amazing)

It’s a common knowledge that foods rich of color is also rich of nutrition. That’s why colorful vegetables or fruits salad is not only delicious but also super healthy. One of the nutrients that contribute as super source of healthy lifestyle is beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is one of the carotenoids but among other carotenoids, beta-carotene is […]