
The 10 Benefits of Duku Seed For Health

Duku seeds have a variety of health benefits, as a source of antioxidants, natural fiber, maintaining heart health and many others. Duku seeds are very rich in nutrients such as benefits of fiber is maintaining the health of the digestive tract to avoid constipation. In addition, the antioxidants present in duku seeds can protect the […]


The 8 Benefits of Coriander Tea For Health

One very popular herbal drink is coriander tea, made from coriander leaves and seeds that have been boiled in hot water. Coriander tea provides a distinctive flavor and also has a myriad of very interesting health benefits, one of which is to reduce inflammation and maintain heart health. And coriander can be added to your […]

Vitamin D

5 Health Benefits of High Doses of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients that the human body needs to maintain healthy bones and various other biological functions. The main source of vitamin D comes from sun exposure, food and supplements. Taking high doses of vitamin D provides a number of significant health benefits. However, please consult a healthcare professional to […]

Processed Food

11 Magnificent Health Benefits of Trappist Beer For The Entire Body System

For many people, drinking beer can be so fun. But, they apparently sometimes not realize if there are some health benefits of trappist beer if they consume in proper way. That is why beer consumption is not always bad for the body, as long as not too much and in certain portion. Trappist beer itself […]