Vitamin A

8 The Benefits of Vitamin A for the Body

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the body’s health. It is fat-soluble in consumed as a supplement food naturally. It’s vital for the immune and the re-production of health.

There are two kinds of vitamin A found in food which are preformed vitamin A known as retinol and retinyl ester found in animal-based foods. Other is provitamin A known as beta carotene found in plant-based foods. The body converts both types of vitamin A into an active form. Some of them don’t need it stored in the liver.

1.     Maintain Eyesight

Do you remember how the parents were told that Carrot will maintain healthy eyesight? It is a because of the source of vitamin A, specifically beta carotene. Vitamin A to maintain eyesight, particularly within age.

Vitamin A helps to create rhodopsin, a photopigment found that allows the eyes probably see in the darkness. Without vitamin A, doesn’t create rhodopsin. If deficiency gets bad enough, just develop a condition called night blindness.

Vitamin A is a potential factor in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is one of the common reasons for the loss of their eyesight during getting older.

The reason people ending with AMD don’t understand at all. However, it is probably related to descendants factors and environmental include oxidative stress (damage from mischievous oxygen atoms).

Luckily, in combination with nutrients supporting other eyes like zinc, copper, antioxidant, and vitamin A help to lose eyesight slowly for people who have the risk of AMD. The point is vitamin A needs help to keep healthy eyes as getting older.

2.     Help the Immune System

Vitamin A is one of the essential factors in the immune system and has a good function. It helps to keep the epithelial system, coating all the body’s surfaces including the nose, throat, lungs, and digestive tract.

This system is a defense line in the first immune to protect from the outside. The amount sufficient of vitamin A and the health benefits of citrus fruits for the immune system keep the organs healthy and build the immune cells against infections.

Studies show that people with status vitamin A suboptimal tend to get sick or need time in a long period to get well soon.

3.     Reduce the Risk of Cancer

The relationship between vitamin A and cancer is complicated but it looks like it encourages more food-rich vitamin A to meal’s will to get eat specific beta carotene, related to the low risk of cancer through the benefits of kale leaves for cancer treatment.

Fruits and vegetables in red, orange, and light green are beautiful colors to increase the antioxidant intake and even have activities anti-tumor. The same thing doesn’t need to be true for supplements of vitamin A because the result is diverse.

People who get enough vitamin A probably don’t see the benefits of anti-cancer from supplementation. However, people who have deficiencies can reduce the risk.

Further if want or usually to smoke, consuming a supplement of vitamin A has proven to increase the risk for lung cancer. Then if have a history of smoking, better to get vitamin A from foods or consult to doctor before consuming any supplement.

4.     Healthy Organ Function

Vitamin A has benefits for almost organs in the body’s human. This supports cell growth and the system needed for organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys to get well function.

Lacking vitamin A during preconception or pregnancy can cause changes to the gen’s expression give an impact on the heart of the baby. Studies show that a bunch of gen depend on vitamin A needed to grow in a healthy heart inside the uterus.

If lacking vitamin A, there is an increase in the risk of the heart will developing un abnormal.

5.     Contributing to Bone Health

Forgetting to swallow milk for the strongest bone. Well, bone health depends on nutrients including vitamin A due to exercise for maintaining bone.

Find out more about the benefits of exercise for bone health. Vitamin A help the growth of bone while status isn’t optimized and can increase the risk of bone fracture.

The impact of vitamin A on cell growth includes bone-building cells, linked to bone health. It gives affect cells’ breakdown and recycles bone as well as connection take and give.

This relationship might be depending on another factor like nutrient balance in the form of bone as vitamin D. Scientists agree that vitamin A enough to build healthy bone.

6.     Reduce Acne

For some experts, vitamin A is considered the gold standard to help anticipation of acne. This is a function to works peels off dead skin cell that plug pores and give space for new cells in healthy.

The benefits of vitamin A for the skin extend to food and supplement. There are other benefits of aloe vera gel for acne. Studies found that people with acne tend to have a level of vitamin A lower in their blood.

Eating rich vitamin A can give enlighten the skin through the activity of antioxidants because free radicals give damage the skin. There is a condition named carotenemia where is skin can be yellowish or orange if too much eat high of beta carotene.

7.     Healthy Pregnancy

Standard advice usually gives us to avoid too much supplement vitamin A during pregnancy for related birth defects. Even though is true, this is an essential nutrient for health, growth, and development reproduction to get enough is still important.

One thing important other nutrient is workouts. There are health benefits of aerobics during pregnancy. Studies show that status of vitamin A lower can give affect the quality of eggs and implantation harshly.

Since need two to get pregnant, it’s worth that vitamin S perfect for healthy sperm. Vitamin A drives the growth of a healthy baby including the heart, lungs, kidney, bone, and anything.

The quality prenatal cover vitamin A as a combination of beta carotene and retinyl palmitate. A previous recommendation is only to consume beta-carotene during pregnancy, but new research shows that for some people bringing genetic mutation is harsh to change beta-carotene to the active form.

8.     Healthy Skin

As we know that vitamin A is an important nutrient for the skin because has function as an antioxidant and supports the process of regeneration. Most version of healthy skin is topical, a derivative of vitamin A. When it is lubricated to the epidermis, increases changes in skin cells, evenness, smoothness, and vitality.

Both retinol and carotenoid vitamin A found in many foods. Some of them provide both of these, animal products tend to have a higher compound of each vitamin A, and plant-based food higher compound of vitamin A.

Preformed Vitamin A (Retinol)Proformed Vitamin A (Carotenoids)
Beef LiverCarrots
Chicken LiverPumpkin
Whole MilkSquash
Cottage CheeseRed Peppers
Vitamin A sources

Generally, healthy food rich in both the form of vitamin A enough for avoiding deficiencies. The form of vitamin A found in a variety of supplements. It can be part of the multivitamins or taken by self.

Make sure to get enough vitamin A to support the skin, eyes, immune system, healthy pregnancy, and many more. Don’t know how to star? Trying to add more rich vitamin A food such as leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash into a daily routine.