Herbal Plant

35 Proven Health Benefits of Tamarind Water

Health benefits of tamarind water hasn’t been changed especially to treat some diseases like dysentery. Tamarind or we always call it with “asem” is a sour fruit.

It has scientific name Tamarindus indica, this plant is usually used as ingredient of Indonesian foods. Tamarind includes to kingdom plantae.

Commonly, it give sour taste to Indonesian foods. Do you ever eat sayur asem or pempek? Of course, Their sauce contain tamarind mixing.

See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica),
Nutritional value per 100 g.

(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 239 Kcal 12%
Carbohydrates 62.50 g 40%
Protein 2.80 g 5%
Total Fat 0.60 g 3%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 5.1 g 13%
Folates 14 µg 3.5%
Niacin 1.938 mg 12%
Pantothenic acid 0.143 mg 3%
Pyridoxine 0.066 mg 5%
Thiamin 0.428 mg 36%
Vitamin A 30 IU 1%
Vitamin C 3.5 mg 6%
Vitamin E 0.10 mg <1%
Vitamin K 2.8 µg 2%
Sodium 28 mg 2%
Potassium 628 mg 13%
Calcium 74 mg 7%
Copper 0.86 mg 9.5%
Iron 2.80 mg 35%
Magnesium 92 mg 23%
Phosphorus 113 mg 16%
Selenium 1.3 µg 2%
Zinc 0.10 mg 1%
Carotene-ß 18 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg

Actually, Tamarind doesn’t be used as complement of tasty food. Tamarind leaves and fruits can be used as herbal medicine to treat some diseases. These are some health benefits of tamarind water for our healthiness.

  1. Cure dysentery

Dysentery is a disease that attack our intestines. The symptoms of this disease are upset stomach, producing evacuation of blood and mucus. This disease is caused by the growth of bacteria and amoeba. Traditional tamarind potion can cure this disease.

The way to use it : pound 5 g of tamarind, 10 g turmeric, and 10 g temulawak. After that, fix it with hot water and filter its water. You can add one spoon of honey and that potion is ready to drink.

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  1. Diphtheria medicine

This disease attack respiratory. It is caused by corynebacterium diphtheria. The symptoms of diphtheria are sore throat, high fever, hard to breath and swallow food, there is mucus in nose and mouth. This disease can be cured with herbal medicine from tamarind.

The way to use it : Serve 5 g radish, 5 g onion, and 10 g papaya leaves.  Pound them with tamarind. Then, brew it with hot water. This potion can be used to rinse and don’t drink it. Do that treatment three times a day.

  1. Solve fever after lochia

Make tamarind potion to cure it. Serve one finger of dried tamarind and palm sugar. Brew it with a glass of hot water. Then drink it when it was warm and do it twice a day.

  1. Cure eczema

Eczema is a skin disease that damage tissue. So, skin blister and take out pus. Eczema can attack children. This disease can cure with tamarind.

How to cure it? You need a handful of tamarind, temulawak root, and palm sugar. All of that ingredients are pounded and boiled with two glasses of water. Filter its water and drink that herbal potion. There is another treatment besides drink it, you can pound tamarind and use it to your skin pain. 

  1. Solve low blood pressure

You can solve low blood pressure with tamarind. Serve 5 g tamarind, 10 g sugar, 250 g spinach, 15 g cayenne pepper and salt sufficiently. Then boil half spinach to use it as lalap. Another ingredient are pound to make it as chili sauce. That lalap and chili sauce are ate with red rice. You should do that habit everyday. You may also read symptom of low blood pressure.

  1. Cure Hemorrhoid

All of you will be not confident, if you got hemorrhoid. You can use tamarind potion to solve this disease. Serve 6 g Keji Beling leaves, 6 g meniran, 3 g temulawak, and 1 g tamarind. All of that ingredients are boiled in one liter of water. After that, let it be cold and filter its water. Drink it three times a day.

Related article : Health benefits of wax gourd

  1. Less baby fever

Don’t be panic if your baby got fever. Take a thumb of tamarind and turmeric, 2 talks of green onion, 5 slices young jasmine leaves. Pound them and put it on fontanelle until it’s dry.

  1. Reduce Cholesterol

This health benefits of tamarind water is very important for parents because it can reduce cholesterol. Tamarind water can reduce cholesterol levels. Serve 200 g tamarind and pound it until soft. Pour 200 ml hot water and filter its water. After that, you can drink it three times a day.

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  1. Cure Dysmenorrhea

There is a way to cure dysmenorrhea. But it doesn’t recommend to pregnant women. Serve a handful of young tamarind and two finger of turmeric. Pound all of ingredients and boil with a glass of water. Filter its water and drink for once week before periods of menstruation.

  1. Cure Asthma

The way to make tamarind water isn’t difficult. Take 2 slices skin of tamarind tree and Adas pulowaras tree. Boil them with two glasses of water. Filter its water and drink it everyday. You may also read symptoms of asthma and health benefits of lagundi leaves.

  1. Dry cough medicine

Take 3 tamarind and one handful of saga leaves. Boil them with four glasses of water until half of its stew. Do it in the morning and evening everyday.

  1. Cure Boil

Boil torture its suffering, moreover it is in the bottom. For solving it, serve 5 g tamarind, 10 g water spinach, 10 g amaranthus spinosus, and salt sufficiently. All of that ingredients are pounded until soft. Put it on boil. When it dry, switch it with new potion and do that until boil missing.

  1. Cure Scurvy

Scurvy isn’t dangerous disease, but we will suffer when we eat. We can make tamarind water to solve that. Serve one handful of young tamarind and 5 cm curcuma. Cut curcuma thinly and boil them with four glasses of water. After that, drink a glass of it in the morning and evening.

  1. As Stomachache medicine

If you got stomachache, you can try to make tamarind potion. Serve three tamarind, slaked lime and cajuput oil. Tamarind and slaked lime are pounded until soft. Add cajuput oil and mixing well. Then you can put this potion on your stomach.

  1. Cure Ulcer

Ulcer is a wound that infected in open skin and it is so itchy. You can cure ulcer with tamarind potion. The way : Serve some tamarind and pound them until soft. Then put it to ulcer and dress it with bandage. You have to change the potion everyday.

  1. Cure Leucorrhea

This disease usually attack vagina. There is a herbal tamarind water to solve this leucorrhea. Take tamarind as big as marble, 25 pieces Beluntas leaves, 5 cm curcuma and palm sugar. Beluntas leaves and curcuma are made smooth. Brew it with a half glass of hot water. Give tamarind and palm sugar, then stir it. Filter its water and drink it every night.

  1. Cure itchy, allergic and urtikaria

To solve these diseases, you should serve 2 tamarind, 1/4 spoon of slaked lime and salt sufficiently. Boil all of them with three glasses of water. Wait until cool and filter its water. Then you can drink it twice a day.

  1. Cure Heatiness

Tamarind water can reduce heatness. Take 2 slices of tamarind and salt sufficiently. Brew it with a glass of hot water. Filter its water and drink it.

  1. Cure Wound

If you got wound, you should try tamarind leaves. Take tamarind leaves sufficiently, then chew it with your mouth and put it on your wound.

  1. Cure Rheumatism

Commonly, rheumatism attack waist. To solve it, take one handful of tamarind leaves and 3 tamarind. Pound them and put it on your waist.

  1. Cure Fever

Tamarind water can help to reduce fever on adult. The way : take one handful of tamarind leaves and adas pulawaras leaves sufficiently. Boil them with one liter of water, then filter its water. You can drink it twice a day regularly.

  1. Cure itchy on dry scar

Dry scar often feel itchy. For losing its itchy, we can use tamarind potion. Soak tamarind into hot water until expand. Then rub it on your itchy scar.

  1. Swell because you are bit by insect

In the village, Tamarind is famous to cure wound that was caused by insect. Bee and scorpion have poison. You can solve it with tamarind potion. Serve 3 tamarinds and pound them until soft. Rub it on your swelling. But, you have to make sure that the area of swelling is clean before you rub the potion.

  1. Cure itchy watery rash

There are skin diseases like smallpox or measles. If you If you ever got them, you have to make tamarind potion. Serve tamulawak and cut into thins strips. Then, boil it with a glass of water and mix palm sugar. Add tamarind and stir them all. You have to drink it everyday.

  1. Prevent Hair Loss

The way is massaging head with tamarind before you shampoo. Then mix a little water when you massage. You may also read benefits fish oil for hair loss.

  1. Solve snake bite

If you got snake bite, you must use tamarind soon. Cut tamarind into two part, then rub them on that snake bite.

  1. Dry cough medicine

Tamarind water is not only treating asthma, but it can treat dry cough, too. Serve 3 tamarind and a half handful of saga leaves. Boil them with four glasses of water. Then, drink it twice a day.

  1. Solve smell when you got menstruation

Sometimes, women get that problem. You can solve it with tamarind water. Take tamarind as big as thumb, cut temulawak, and mix palm sugar sufficiently. After that, brew it with a glass of hot water. Stir and filter its water. Then, drink this potion everyday.

  1. Solve measles

This disease is caused by measles virus. There is a traditional tamarind potion to solve it. You need three glasses of tamarind leaves, 3 slices of curcuma, slat and palm sugar sufficiently. Boil all of them with two liter of water. After it is cool, filter its water and drink it twice a day.

  1. Solve Allergic

Take 3 tamarinds, serve salt sufficiently and a few of slaked lime. Boil them with three glasses of water. Then, you should drink it twice a day. 

  1. Cure Acne

Acne is not fun if it showed up on cheek and caused black spot. Serve 12 pieces of Sambiloto leaves, 5 cm galingale, 10 pieces of caraway leaves, 10 slices of temulawak, one spoon of adas and tamarind as big as thumb. All of ingredients are pounded until soft. Brew it with two glasses of warm water. Wait it until cool and filter its water. Then, drink this potion three times a day.

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  1. As Measles powder

You can make rub powder for measles sufferer. You need 2 pieces of tamarind and 2 curcuma. Curcuma is grated and mix with another ingredients. Then, that mixture can be used as powder.

  1. Brighten skin

Tamarind can make bright skin. The way , Chew pulp of tamarind with hot water. Add curcuma powder sufficiently and mix it until become dough scrubs. Use that dough as scrubs for 15 minutes. Then, rinse with warm water. You may also read health benefits of tomatoes for skin.

  1. Raise dead skin cells

Alpha Hydroxyl Acids (AHA) in tamarind can raise dead skin cells that made dirty face. The way is chewing pulp of tamarind with a few of salt and yoghurt until become dough like pasta. Apply that dough on your face as mask, stay away from your eyes. Let it until 20 minutes and you keep on massaging to raise dead skin cells. Raise it with clean water.

  1. Lose Cellulite

The last health benefits of tamarind water is solving cellulite. Cellulite is fat that was trapped in below skin. For solving it, you need to mix tamarind with a few of sugar, baking soda and lemon juice. Stir it and use it on cellulite. Keep on twist massaging. Then, let it for 10 minutes and wash with warm water.

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There are many health benefits of drinking tamarind water. So, don’t miss it. Use tamarind regularly to get its benefits.