Processed Beverages

23 Research-Based Health Benefits of Water with Lemon Slices

Everyone knows about the magnificent benefits of lemon for our health. The sleek yellow skinned fruit is not only known for its health benefits, but also for the refreshing taste as the powerful thirst quencher. In addition the benefit, it is very easy to grab a glass of the healthy lemon water. You can just […]

Processed Beverages

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt for Breakfast

You must already know the Benefits of Yogurt for Health. Yogurt is one of the common intake consumed to get healthy for the body. Why? Because yogurt is known to have the active bacteria needed by the body and low in calories. So that makes it an excellent menu for your breakfast. There are several […]


25 Unbeatable Health Benefits of Bear Brand Sterilized Milk

You must already know the bear brand milk that is in the picture. You can find it in almost all stores. However, you should know, although the name of this milk is a bear brand, doesn’t mean this milk comes from the bear. Bear brand is also a milk that taken from cows. Then, why […]


10 Promising Health Benefits of Zaatar Tea #8 Amazing

Zaatar is one of the spice that original comes from Middle East. But it is an interesting fact that the zaatar plant is mostly growth in Jerusalem. Making it as one of the ancient herbs that known not only for its long existence. But also there are some health benefits of zaatar tea extracted from […]


11 Health Benefits of Onion and Banana Juice (#1 Energy Source)

What is your favorite juice recipes? Is it carrots with orange juice? Or lemon with apple juice? Then, you may be surprised to know that onion and banana juice is the good option to go. Indeed, that may sound not tasty, but you need to see for its nutritional value. Yes, it has the best […]


10 Wellness Health Benefits of Korean Honey Citron Tea

Korean traditional beverages are known various. This beverage commonly famous of the health benefits. Including the health benefits of Korean honey citron tea. It is start to known in many countries due to the tastes and benefits for the body. There are various brand of this beverages comes from Korea due to its originality. Honey […]


7 Health Benefits of Drinking Jagermeister #1 Unexpected

There are a lot of people out there who are wondering about whether alcohol beverage could bring benefits to human health? Jagermeister is probably not really popular among other well-known alcohol beverages but this liquor has a very long history in health world that may surprise you and one of them are including the health […]


10 Health Benefits of Damiana Tea #1 Top Mood Booster

Damiana leaf is one kind of herbal tea which have other name as Turnera Diffusa. It is from a plant which native to America and Mexico. The plant leaf is commonly use as the main ingredients of damiana tea. Since many people believe the health benefits of damiana tea is enormous. Therefore, it start to […]

Beverages Tea

7 Best Benefits of Drinking Green Tea for Skin Whitening

You must know this kind of herbal tea. Yes, green tea is the popular one. It is famous due to its great taste and the nutritional value contained in it. As the consequence, green tea is valuable to promote the body health, weight loss, and beauty treatments as well. It is also linked with the […]

Beverages Tea

8 Amazing Health Benefits of White Tea for Skin

Natural ingredients contribute well to promote the healthy skin. In this case, you can choose the best ingredients for sure. For the example, you can count on fruit and vegetables to have the youthful and smooth skin. In this article, we will talk about the healthy beverage which is white tea as the great option. […]