Herbal Plant

Health Benefits of Kalachuchi (You Probably Haven’t Heard about It)

Kalachuchi may sound a bit strange to most of us. But when we look at the real object, it is definitely not a strange item. This is so because kalachuchi is the same as frangipani (health benefits of Plumeria)! Meanwhile, the term “kalachuchi” is the Filipino name for “frangipani.” Being native to the Latin American regions of Mexico, […]

Herbal Plant

Health Benefits of Yucca Flower (#1 Effective Home Remedy)

You might find it is weird to eat flowers. But do you know that some flowers are edible? Wait, don’t picture about eating raw fresh flowers. Some flowers are edible when it is cooked, or processed. That is how we can have the benefits of consuming flowers. Just like the health benefits of yucca flower, […]

Herbal Plant

Health Benefits of Morning Glory Flowers (#1 Effective Home Remedy)

Morning glory is a flower of which the name well represents the appearance. The beautiful bloom in blue, ink, and purple shades give us the representation of glory in the morning. Talking about the physical characteristic, morning glory is a twisting vine with beautiful petals. And just like the name, this flower bloom by the […]

Herbal Plant

16 Amazing Health Benefits of Goldenrod You Should Know

In the late summer, we can see the beauty of goldenrod flower everywhere. The plant with its yellow flower is not only beautiful, but also beneficial. Well, some people might not realize how special this plant is, until they know the health benefits of goldenrod. Goldenrod has been used as herbal medicinal property for years. […]


20 Incredible Health Benefits of Roman Chamomile

May be most of us still unfamiliar with Roman Chamomile, or maybe it is the first time you hear about it. Well, Chamomile Flowers is in the same family with sunflower. There are some species of chamomile flowers but the most popular of chamomile flowers species are German Chamomile (Marticaria recutita) and Roman Chamomile (Chanmaemelum […]


15 Health Benefits of Water Lily Flower As Herbal Treatments

Water Lily is a unique species of flower, as it has the ability to survive above water. In contrast to other flowers or plants that grow on ground, lotus needs water to survive. We can find lotuses in fish ponds or anywhere with calm waters. Not many people realize the strength of lotus flowers, especially […]

Herbal Plant

10 Unbelieveable Health Benefits of Ixora Flower

Ixora flower is one of the most amazing flowers. Usually, this flower is used as an ornamental plant. Many do not know the benefits of this interest. In fact, this interest has benefits in the field of health. Health benefits of Ixora flower is a kind of shrub that has small flowers. The flowers are […]

Disease & Disorder

10 Super Health Benefits of Begonia Flower

Maybe some of us already know begonias. This flower is often used as an ornamental plant because it has a red color flushed and also a beautiful shape. However, in fact, this flower has a compound content required by the body. Maybe there are still many people who only know this flower for ornamental plants […]

Herbal Plant

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Shoeblackplant

Shoeblackplant is one type of plant that is usually grown in the yard. Beautiful colors and shapes make many people plant it as an ornamental plant. This flower has a variety of colors depending on the type. Some are red, white, and orange. In addition to using for ornamental plants, this flower can also be […]

Herbal Plant

10 Health Benefits of Tuberose Flower Will Help You Totally

Tuberose flower is a kind of flowers that are very popular among Indonesian people and also world citizen. Tuberose flower itself is one type of flower that came from a plant with the same name, that is tuberose plant. Tuberose flower is a flower that has a very powerful fragrance that makes people like its […]