Any people that curious on the benefits of guava leaves for weight loss shall read this article. This is because recently there are some findings on the benefits of this extract leaves, apparently can help to reduce the weight and manage a better weight too. Therefore, it can be a good natural alternatives for those […]
Category: Herbal
Herbs and spices are commonly used to flavoring foods or enhance the taste of a food. However, less people know about the fact that those herbs and spices have function more than just satisfying your appetite. The list of herbs starting with R and health benefits below are examples of herbs and spices you could […]
You must be surprised when your knowledge of some herbs may be helpful as first aid or even to save lives. The list of herbs starting with P and health benefits below will add some new knowledge how amazing the world of herbs and spices is. Palm Oil Palm oil is edible and cheap solution […]
People might just hear the benefits of senna leaves for weight loss. Since most of herbal leaves bring benefits for the health symptoms. Therefore, not many people may aware on the leaves advantages for managing the weight. But apparently, the recent information shows that one of the natural treatment for weight management can be done […]
It is super important to improve your knowledge about herbal plant, dried herbs and spices that you could easily find around you. The list of herbs starting with O and health benefits below will give you some insight knowledge that spice as common as onion or as beautiful as orchid flower may have wonderful medicinal […]
Each plant has its own secret and since ancient time, people are working so hard to find all those secret to be used for their benefits. Today, when traditional and modern medication are working together, more secrets were revealed and some the lists of herbs starting with N and health benefits below have been part […]
Herbs are usually used as cooking spice and home remedy or traditional medication. Herbs are obtained from plant and derived from all parts of the plant from the leaves, flower, fruit, bark and even the root. The list of herbs starting with M and health benefits below is just the small part of herbs list […]
Cannabis might be banned in some countries for its psychoactive effect and some people who abuse it. However in the past, cannabis plants were used for its health benefits. It is proven to be useful to enhance performance and deal with some health issues. Of course, the benefits are obtained within the recommended intake or […]
Not many people realize that there are some health benefits of Russian sage. This is commonly consume as a beverages and famous as an extract tea. Therefore, some people consume it since believe it can bring better health and wellness. Russian sage has a latin names of perovskia atriplicifolia. The plant is a kind of […]
There are a lot of people out there are still wondering about the meaning of herbs. Herbs are mostly derived or made from all parts of plants such as the leaves, seeds, root, fruit, flower and even the bark of the plant could be included as herbs. Herbs are mostly used as food flavouring and […]