
5 Health Benefits of Ichthyotherapy

Ichthyotherapy, yes! When we hear or read the word, maybe the things that only ‘make sense’ is the ‘-therapy’ unit as a single morpheme. Okay, we still get most of the part: it is some sort-of-a-way or a-kind-of-therapy thing, but, what kind is that? Is it just for a treatment or for healing specific diseases? […]


5 Health Benefits of Travelling for Your Mind and Body

Have you ever felt so exhausted and badly needed a break? Does that intense feeling seem not only from a physical condition but also mentally? Maybe the answer is: You need a good memorable holiday! There are many researches which already prove the impact of a good-quality holiday upon the health condition. It is not […]


5 Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Having an Active Social Interaction for Seniors and Retirees

In their late days, elderly have a lot of recess time. Enjoying their life and all the accomplishment that they have made such as all the fortune and wealth, happy family, a remarkable name, etc. But sometimes, those factors make them isolated and exclusive. Is it good that way? Should we warn them or let […]


5 Health Benefits of Exercising with Your Dog

Doing physical exercise is something great. You can do it simply by doing some physical activities. You can choose whether you want to do it in the open air as in the park, field or beach, for the example. Also, it is still possible even when you want to do it indoor: at the gym, […]


5 Scientifically-Proven Health Benefits of Doing a Digital Detox and How to Do It

Digital detox means some certain time windows which are determined for abstaining self, away from any digital platforms like computers, mobile phones, gadgets, etc. Nowadays, such kind of lifestyle starts to gain some fame among millennials since it is believed that it may foster a healthy life cycle. In that case, there is an increasing […]

Hair Health

Marula Oil Benefits for Hair Health – Natural Treatment

Marula oil is a rather newcomer in the beauty oil industry. They have a light texture but heavy moisture, and are noncomedogenic. As a result, it becomes a suitable product for skin, banana leaf benefits for hair or nail treatment. Marula oil comes in the form of being a base ingredient in cosmetic and beauty […]


Health Benefits of Qian Ri Hong Tea – Chinese Herbal Tea Everyday

Chinese teas have long been renowned globally for being high quality and the health benefits that they offer. As such, many regard them as an alternative to conventional medicines. There are lots of Chinese tea types, from oolong, pu erh, up to qian ri hong. For the latter one, it is made out of globe […]

Herbal Plant

Health Benefits of Hoodia Gordonii – Uses – Side Effects and More

Hoodia gordonii, or bushman’s hat is a leafless spiny plant with therapeutic properties in folk medicine, from southern Africa, precisely Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Bushman’s hat becomes internationally renowned and threatened by collectors after a false marketing campaign that claimed that it is effective appetite suppressant to achieve weight loss. On the other hand, […]


Health Benefits of Goron Tula Seeds

Goron tulas (Azanza garkeana) are species of trees from the family of Malvaceae, or mallows. They are found in the warmer parts of Southern Africa, where wooded grasslands and woodlands thrive. Despite so, they can be found in higher altitudes, ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 metres above sea level from areas with semi-arid to rainfall-dense […]


Health Benefits of Litti Chokka – Veg Indian Dish Recipe

Have you ever heard of litti chokha before? Litti chokha is a complete meal that is made of dough balls, made up of whole wheat flours, eggplants, plus black gram flour and stuffed with roasted chickpea flours. They are then mixed with herbs and spices before being roasted on coal.  The stuffing itself is made of lentils, and can also be eaten with yoghurt, ghee, papad crackers, or […]