
Health Benefits of Not Wearing Shoes in The House – Scientist Discover

One’s health is determined by the person’s habits. If the person is running a good activity it will create health for his body. It is difficult to change someone’s habits but this condition should be done if the habit is bad for his health. One example of good health habits is to get used to […]

Healthy Activities

10 Health Benefits of Grounding Walking Barefoot for Your Health

In ancient times, humans have not known footwear. Many of them do activities without the use of footwear. However, as the times progressed, many people used footwear to walk. However, did you know that walking without using your footwear will get the health benefits of grounding walking barefoot? Let’s look at the benefits below. The […]

Healthy Habits

16 Health Benefits of Going Barefoot (No.7 is Insane)

Going barefoot have been recently done by many people to improve their health. It is trusted to return the balance of the body and increase the overall body health. Here are the explanations of the health benefits of going barefoot: Avoid the flat foot. When you have a flat foot, it will make your foot […]