
9 Notable Red Dates and Goji Berry Tea Benefits

Red dates and goji berry are species of fruit native to Asia. In Asian folk medicine, red dates and goji berry are commonly used due to their health effects. Furthermore, red dates and goji berry have been used in many Asian foods and beverages, and as part of concoction for herbal tea. Red dates and goji berry have a long history in Asian folk medicine.

As herbal tea, red dates and goji berry can be served either hot or cold. For those with fever, a hot red dates and goji berry can help reduce the heat. Due to its fruit nature, red dates and goji berry tea may tastes acidic and sweet health benefits of olive oil on hair and skin. Even so, red dates and goji berry tea is claimed to have positive effects on health.

This writing contains information about red dates and goji berry tea benefits, as well as its nutritional values and recommendation intake. So, keep reading.

Nutritional Values of Red Dates and Goji Berry Tea

Red dates and goji berry are fruit commonly known for being highly nutritious. In other words, red dates and goji berry are excellent source of nutrients, dietary fiber, antioxidants, protein, as well as carbohydrates. But, would it be the same when made into herbal tea?

Well, although some value may be lesser than raw fruits, red dates and goji berry tea have its own advantages and benefits. Here are nutrients found in 100 g serving size of red dates and goji berry tea :

  • 331 kJ (79 kcal) total energy
  • 20.23 g carbohydrates
  • 0.2 g fat
  • 1.2 g protein
  • 40 μg vitamin A equiv.
  • Beta carotene
  • 0.02 mg thiamine (B1)
  • 0.04 mg riboflavin (B2)
  • 0.9 mg niacin (B3)
  • 0.081 mg vitamin B6
  • 69 mg vitamin C
  • 21 mg calcium
  • 0.48 mg iron
  • 10 mg magnesium
  • 0.084 mg manganese
  •  23 mg phosphorus
  • 250 mg potassium
  • 3 mg sodium
  • 0.5 mg zinc
  • 77.86 g water

Now, let’s see red dates and goji berry tea benefits :

1. Red Dates and Goji Berry Tea Has Been Used as Herbal Remedy

The first red dates and goji berry tea. In traditional medicine, red dates and goji berry is one of herbal remedy used in various health treatment. Similar to other herbal tea, such as hibiscus, red dates and goji berry is widely known as beneficial herbal tea health benefits of extra virgin olive oil for hair.

2. Red dates and goji berry tea helps reduce stress

Other good red dates and goji berry tea benefits. In folk medicine, red dates and goji berry tea is believed to reduce mental stress. This is due to red dates and goji berry relaxing aroma what are the health benefits of taking olive oil daily.

3. Red  dates and goji berry tea helps lower blood pressure

Another great red dates and goji berry tea benefits. As a herbal remedy, red dates and goji berry tea also helps lower blood pressure. It is claimed to have positive effects on hypertension and cardiovascular health.

4. Red dates and goji berry tea helps cure constipation

One of excellent red dates and goji berry tea benefits. According to some studies, red dates and goji berry tea are both rich in dietary fiber (soluble and insoluble).

It shows that, even after soaked and made into infusion, red dates and goji berry would still contain some fiber. High fiber foods (and beverages) are often associated with constipation relief, and improved bowel movement.

So, what does it means? It means red dates and goji berry are laxative fruits. Laxative is commonly used to heal constipation, irregularity, and other digestion problems. Thus, body will become healthy health benefits of eating tulsi leaves in early morning.

5. Red dates and goji berry tea helps relieve diarrhea

Sometimes, diarrhea can interfere with your daily activities because you may have to go to toilet for more than once. It is even worse in the case of severe diarrhea.

Red dates and goji berry tea (especially if served hot) can help temporarily relieve diarrhea. Most herbal tea are known for their benefits for diarrhea benefits of curry leaves and coconut oil for gray hair.

6. Red dates and goji berry tea helps prevent fungal infection

One of useful red dates and goji berry tea for your well-being. It is proven that red dates and goji berry tea can help prevent fungal infection, thanks to its antifungal properties.

Fungal infection may cause various skin problems, such as jock itch, ringworm, athlete foot, irritation, and many others. So, consider consuming red dates and goji berry tea as safety measure health benefits of coconut oil curry leaves and fenugreek seeds for hair.

7. Red dates and goji berry tea helps treat asthma

One of great red dates and goji berry tea benefits. According to experts’ report, asthma may be caused by infections in respiratory tract or inflammation in airways of the lung. Also, lack of vitamins (especially B vitamins) in diet might be one of the reasons. This is why fruits should be a part of everyone’s diet.

Red dates and goji berry are commonly known as rich vitamins source. It is including vitamin B, which is essential in maintaining respiratory health. If you have asthma symptoms, drink red dates and goji berry tea for long term relief. It really helps.

8. Red dates and goji berry tea helps treat inflammation on mucous membrane, cells, tisssue, and airways

Red dates and goji berry are commonly known for its anti inflammatory effects in folk medicines. It has been trusted to treat any kind of inflammation on musous membrane, cells, tissue, as well as airways in respiratory system. Thus, the body will free from inflammation-related diseases.

9. Red dates and goji berry tea helps reduce anxiety

Other important red dates and goji berry tea benefits. At some points, stress, health condition, and works may give anxiety and panic attack to an unprotected individual.

There are many ways to solve this. One of them is sipping a cup of hot red dates and goji berry tea.

Recommendation Intake of Red Dates and Goji Berry Tea

Red dates and goji berry tea is best served in hot water to give relaxing effects.