Eating & Diets

Top Health Benefits of The Japanese Diet – A Key for Healthy Life!

It cannot be denied that many Japanese people are very healthy and have longevity stats. This makes people wondered about why the Japanese diet is so healthy, and what food they eat. Indeed, it is because they consume great and healthy foods for sure. The key is to consume a kind of vegetable and fruit […]

Eating & Diets

Get Your Diet Guide in These Benefits of Jamun for Weight Loss

Do you know what jamun is? It is also known as Black plum which is an important summer fruit (Syzygium cumini). It is often called as jambul, jambas, jamun, jambolan, rajaman, kala jamun, neredu, naval, nerale, jamali, java plum, black plum, and blackberry. Jamun has many medicinal benefits to relieve stomach pain, carminative, anti-scorbutic and […]

Eating & Diets

20 Well-Known Benefits of Cucumber For Diet and Overall Health

Cucumber is one of the food with various powerful benefit. Including the benefits of cucumber for diet. Therefore, many people include cucumber in the diet menu. Since it has been proven for many years good in supporting and maintaining health. Cucumber is easily to get. Not only good for the body, it can also bring […]


12 Health Benefits of Malagkit Rice #Gluten-Free Diets

Malagkit rice or glutinous rice is a particular type of rice where you usually can find it in certain Southeastern Asian countries. It belongs to the type of oryza sativa and has a sweet taste.  Although the name glutinous makes people think that it is high in gluten, but actually the name comes from the […]