Food & Bevarages

5 Proven Health Benefits of Cinnamon for High Blood Pressure

Included as  one of the most common health problems, high blood pressure or hypertension is a condition when the blood pressure flowing in the body becomes higher or above normal blood pressure. This condition cannot be underestimated, because it can lead to various dangerous complications. What are they? Note that normal blood pressure is around […]


Miraculous Health Benefits of Honey in Islam – Halal Food

The golden silky sweet liquid we know as honey is packed with health benefits. The Health Benefits of Honey is supported by a number of scientific studies. However, before all those studies, the suggestion to take honey had mentioned in the Quran, the holy script of Islam. It is clear that Islam recommend the believers […]

Processed Food

15 Excellent Benefits of Yellow Split Pea Soup for Cardiovascular Health

Not many people are familiar with the benefits of yellow split pea soup. It is because to get the soup in the restaurant or food stall is not an easy thing. This traditional soup comes from Canada that mostly consumes and served in that country. Therefore, other countries might never know or introduced with this […]

Herbal Oil

How to Use Coconut Oil as Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief and The Benefits

Nearly 1.5 million people in the United States have rheumatoid arthritis and women three times more likely to have it more than men. Rheumatoid arthritis, abbreviated RA, is an autoimmune disease affecting joint caused by the body’s immune system. Our immune system supposedly protects our health by attacking foreign substances like bacteria and viruses, but […]


12 Benefits of Rosewater for Acne (#1 Top Acne Natural Remedy)

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world which is not going to kill you but definitely could kill your confidence especially when it appears in your face. Acne occurs when sebum or oil substance produced in the glands inside your pores which its main function is to carry dead skin […]