
6 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Chinese Tea

Drinking tea is a famous tradition that is done by many cultures from the countries around the world. You may know that drinking tea is coming from the Chinese culture. There are a lot of types of tea around the world, such as black tea, white tea, green tea, and oolong tea. All of these […]


Huangshan Maofeng Tea Benefits for Health – Chinese Herbal Tea

China has produced many types of tea. Most of them seems original and healthy due to their production method. China has black tea such as the amazing health benefits of Keemun Black Tea and health benefits of Lapsang Souchong Tea that have high benefits to your body. It also has original tea and green tea. […]


Health Benefits of Lu’an Melon Seed Tea – A Powerful Green Tea from China

China is infamously known as big producer of herbal tea, whether it’s original tea, green tea, or black tea. Chinese tea is believed to have many positive advantage to human body due to its processing method. While most of tea has quite same advantages to body’s health. Chinese tea is considered to be superior thanks […]


Health Benefits of Chinese Slimming Tea – Be Slim Be Healthy!

Have you ever dreamed of having a slim body? If you have, then try drinking Chinese slimming tea. This type of tea is promising the person who drinks it to have a slim body. Drinking Chinese slimming tea is believed to have effects on losing some weights. This fact is the reason people, especially women […]