
The 10 Benefits of Angco Tea for Health

Some of us don’t know about angco tea? Angco is a type of fruit from China that looks similar to dates so it is called Chinese dates.

Angco fruit is dark red in color tending to purple, has a sweet taste, wrinkled outer skin and thick texture. Angco fruit can be extracted and made into herbal tea.

This angco tea is also rich in benefits to overcome various diseases such as beautifying the skin, recovery and healing periods and others. Similar as the health benefits of corn tea. There is no harm in consuming it to maintain a healthy body.

1. Skin Beautification

Generally women always using body lotion everyday for skin beauty[dnn1] . Beautiful and healthy skin that looks youthful, all women want it.

To beautify the skin, there is no need to spend a lot of money to have to do beauty surgery, just diligently and regularly consume angco tea which is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, proteins and minerals that can nourish the skin from within the body.

The high levels of antioxidants in angco tea can overcome problematic skin so that the skin becomes more naturally beautiful.

2. Boosts Body Immunity

Chinese dates, which look similar to dates, are natural sugars with antioxidant properties that can fight free radicals to reduce inflammation and neutralize harmful cells.

As we know and have discussed in many articles that reducing the level of inflammation can help prevent chronic diseases that must always depend on the consumption of drugs.

The fiber in angco tea also has antioxidant properties that can increase the production of immune cells. These compounds can neutralize harmful cells and increase the rate of cells. There is another herbal tea from china to boost body which is the health benefits of gunpowder tea for body system.

3. Smooth and Maintain the Digestive Tract

Digestion is an important organ in the body to digest incoming food and drink. When digestion is smooth, the digestive tract is faster and can avoid the risk of constipation.

We can get the health benefits of mesclun salad for digestive and metabolism. Besides, consuming herbal tea like the fiber in angco tea has about 50% carbohydrates that help soften the stool and the extraction of angco helps strengthen the intestines as well as the stomach lining.

Fiber is needed by the body to facilitate the process of defecation. Fiber serves as food for good bacteria in the intestines so that bacteria work more optimally and take over harmful microorganisms in the stomach.

By regularly consuming angco tea, it can overcome the constipation condition and even reduce damage due to ulcers and harmful bacteria in the intestines.

4. Fights the Growth of Cancer Cells

An unhealthy diet results in cancer. Cancer is not only experienced by the elderly but many young people are attacked by this disease. The content of vitamin C with strong antioxidant properties in angco tea is able to stop the development of thyroid cancer cells.

In angco tea also has other nutrients that are able to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, cervical cancer, and liver cancer, namely riboflavin, saponins, triterpenoids and polysaccharides.

By consuming angco tea regularly, it can help overcome cancer in the early stages and as a form of prevention. With the benefits of avocado leaves for cancer can be solution in preventation and medication.

5. Heart Health

Drinking angco tea regularly can maintain blood vessels and heart health. The heart is one of the organs that functions to pump blood throughout the body. When the heart is healthy, it makes life better and fitter, every second the heart signals that our life still exists.

In angco tea there is potassium content which is very useful for constricting blood vessels while preventing high blood pressure (hypertension). This condition will help reduce the risk of heart disease.

6. Maintains Brain Function

Angco tea can help treat dementia (memory loss) caused by Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to the Alzheimer’s factor, dementia is caused by other factors such as age over 65 years, down syndrome conditions, family history and trauma to the head.

This dementia condition causes a person to be impaired in language, and inability to carry out daily activities. Drinking angco tea can help improve memory and protect brain cells from damage.

In addition to drinking angco tea and consuming nutritious food, optimizing brain function can be helped by doing physical activities, socializing, learning foreign languages and playing brain teasers.

7. Lowers the Risk of Liver Disease

The liver is often damaged due to liver disease. People are more familiar with hepatitis. This disease is very dangerous and can lead to complications such as kidney failure.

Liver disease is caused by the following factors, such as unhealthy diet, viral infections, drug abuse, cancer cell growth, obesity, genetic factors, exposure to toxic chemical compounds, unprotected intercourse, tattoos and piercings, excessive alcohol consumption and sharing needles with others.

By drinking angco tea with antioxidants and flavonoids in it, it has also been proven with its ability to reduce inflammation and cell damage due to free radicals in the liver.

8. Prevents Anemia

Angco tea is rich in nutrients such as iron that help overcome anemia. Iron is one of the minerals needed by the body to produce red blood cells (hemoglobin).

Hemoglobin helps distribute oxygen to all body tissues. If the supply of oxygen in the blood is reduced and insufficient, it will cause anemia where the patient is easily tired, weak and short of breath.

Anemia can occur in pregnant women, which can interfere with the development of the fetus and baby. This condition can increase the risk of infectious diseases, premature birth and death for both mother and child.

It is suitable for consumption for people with anemia, people who have difficulty sleeping and also pregnant women.

9. Increases Breast Milk Production

There is phytoestrogen in angco tea, which is very good for increasing breast milk supply and lactation. After the postpartum recovery process, breastfeeding is the most important part for the baby.

  • Protects baby from allergies
  • Babies do not get sick often, are not whiny, healthy and lively
  • Infant’s growth, development and intelligence
  • Helps baby improve sucking, swallowing and breathing reflexes
  • Guaranteed hygiene

10. Promotes relaxation

Giving birth is a dream for most women. Childbirth is one of the processes to get a baby, although it must also be recognized that the process of giving birth is a stressful, painful but extraordinary experience in life.

After the birthing process is over, mothers need healthy food and drinks to be able to relax the body. One such healthy intake is angco tea. This tea has a very calming effect and helps the body to relax and reduce stress.

In addition, if you regularly consume angco tea, it can help improve your mood to be more positive. In 100 grams of Chinese dates (angco) that have not been processed, in other words not dried, have the following nutrients:

NutritionUnit of Measurement
Calories79 calories
Carbohydrate20 grams
Fiber10 grams
Protein1 gram
Potassium5% daily requirement
Vitamin77% daily requirement