
7 Powerful Health Benefits of Almonds and Dark Chocolate

Who wouldn’t love the delicate sweet chocolate with crunchy almonds? Besides enhancing its taste, the addition of almond in dark chocolate is able to present more health benefits. Yes, the flavorful almonds and dark chocolate can give health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate.

Some of you may forbid your children from eating some chocolate bars as they will ruin your kids’ teeth. But wait, you might need to reconsider your rule regarding to the health benefits offered by the flavorful duo, almonds and dark chocolate.

Nutritional Information of Almonds and Dark Chocolate

To get the health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate, we can easily grab some bars from the convenient store shelves. However, if you worry about the ingredients, you can simply make it by yourself. To make sure that it brings health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate, below are the beneficial nutrient contained in almond and dark chocolate combination:

  • Protein
  • Fats
  • Dietary fiber
  • sugar
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Flavonoids
  • Fatty acids

Health Benefits of Almonds and Dark Chocolate

Let’s check out many health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate

  1. Manage weight

We have been familiar with the Health Benefits of Almonds for Weight Loss. However, how if almond is combined with the other beneficial yet delicious ingredient such dark chocolate? Will the health benefits remain? Well, researchers proved that the moderate consumption of almonds and dark chocolate is very good for overweight person.

The research accomplished by comparing a group of people in 30 – 70 years old for two months. In the first month, the participants were given neither almonds nor dark chocolate. In the second period, the participants were given almonds and dark chocolate. As result, during the first period, there is no significant change of their health including the cholesterol level. But in the second period, the participants show significant decreased body weight.

It is possible since eating almonds and dark chocolate will make us satiated so that we will eat fewer foods than usual. In addition, the fats in almonds and dark chocolate are basically quite difficult to be broken down in the digestive system. Therefore, the fat will not be easily absorbed. Thus, we can say that this tasty food is very beneficial for our weight loss diet. Of course, we need to keep the moderate consumption.

  1. Reduce cholesterol

As proven by a research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, the combination between almonds and dark chocolate can significantly reduce the level of LDL or the bad cholesterol. However, we should underline that the consumption of almonds and dark chocolate for the health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate in reducing cholesterol should involve moderate dark chocolate with unsweetened almonds.

Or else, you can also use the other variant of dark chocolate with slightly bitter taste. It gives Health Benefits of Bittersweet Chocolate – Dark Chocolate Variant. 

  1. Improve cardiovascular health

The consumption of almonds and dark chocolate is able to improve cardiovascular health. it is because we have acknowledge the ability of almonds to reduce bad cholesterol. On the other hand, the consumption of dark chocolate is known to be effective in reducing blood pressure, improving blood flow, and decreased blood clotting.

As we know, high cholesterol level and the abnormal blood circulation are the main culprit of the cardiovascular diseases such coronary heart and strokes.  So, by having them combined, we will also have the combo health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate for the improved cardiovascular health.

  1. Improve mood

People say that you should eat some bars of chocolate to get over the broken heart. Well, at least that’s not a nonsense saying. They say that because consuming chocolate is evidently able to fix your mood. As one of the Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate, the combination of almonds and dark chocolate can also improve mood. It is possible since chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine which stimulate endorphins, the hormone which in charge of increasing happy feeling.

  1. Good for skin

As cited in a book entitled Forever Young, the ability of chocolate and almonds in elevating mood may affect the skin condition. It is said that the less stressful mind will prevent wrinkle and improve skin radiance. In addition to these health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate, the two ingredients are also known to have high antioxidant and vitamin E.

As we know, vitamin E is the staple nutrition for our skin. This is the reason why people believe in the Benefits of Chocolate Face Mask and the ability of nuts such almonds as it gives Health Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits and Nuts for Skin.

  1. Prevent diabetes

Consuming almonds and dark chocolate is known to be able in reducing blood sugar level. Both ingredients are able to increase insulin sensitivity and further, prevent type 2 diabetes. The health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate for diabetes are revealed by Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University. In addition, you should make sure that the chocolate involved is dark chocolate, not milk chocolate.

  1. Good source of copper

Almonds and dark chocolate contains high level of minerals including copper. Copper is one of the mineral which enable the antioxidant to presents its ability to fight the free radicals. Copper is also helpful during the process of iron metabolism and strengthen the connective tissues.

Precautions in Consuming Almonds and Dark Chocolate

Besides the health benefits of almonds and dark chocolate, we need to think more about some points in consuming the tasty almonds and dark chocolate. As stated by a diet expert from Northwestern University of Chicago, the consumption of almonds and dark chocolate cannot replace the overall dietary pattern.

However, it is better to take the healthy and tasty combo as the substitute of common snack such chips and soft drink which contain nothing but sugar and calories. The fatty acids and flavonoids are the plus mark for the consumption of almonds and dark chocolate for your healthy snack.

To get the healthy benefits of almonds and dark chocolate to lose weight and avoid the other health problems, you can consume 42.5 grams of light roasted almonds and 43 grams of dark chocolate in a day.