
12 Benefits of Brown Rice Tea for Health and Beauty

Who says that brown rice is only for main dishes consuming? Surprisingly, brown rice can be processed into tea drink which is quite fresh, good taste, and rich of health benefits for your body. It can even prevent and treat cancer disease as well. It might seem strange and unfamiliar for you, especially Asians, who […]


20 Health Risks of Energy Drinks (No.4 99% Will Happen)

Health Risks of Energy Drinks for human health is one of interesting topic, Do you ever consume the energy drinks? So, just like its name, the energy drink is the beverage that would be very beneficial to boost the level of your energy and stamina in a short amount of time. Also, energy drinks have […]


40 Health Benefits of Drinking High Ph Water (#Beauty)

Forget about fat, calories, on blood pressure, blood sugar, hormone abnormalities and signs or other health parameters. It turned out that the most important measure for your health is the pH of your body’s blood and tissues, it is means how acidic or alkaline your body fluids. Keep the pH of your body fluids, automatically […]


22 Health Benefits of Raw Collard Green Juice

Collard green is one of the most popular vegetables of the Brassica family. It has cabbage-like leaves with high nutrients inside. You can consume it whether in raw as a salad and juice or as a cooked dish without losing its nutrients. However, the simple way is making the raw collard green as a fresh […]

Processed Beverages

17 Proven Health Benefits of Shaklee Vivix (No.4 Is Best)

Have you ever heard about Shaklee Vivix? Shaklee Vivix is a great invention of supplements which contains resveratrol-polyphenol blend substances from muscadine grapes, the most potent grapes that provide a lot of health benefits. It is produced by Shaklee corporation, an American manufacturer and distribution of natural supplement, beauty products, weight-management, and also household products. […]