
6 Benefits of Green Coffee for Pregnant Women along with Caution

Green coffee beans are basically raw and unroasted coffee beans. Compared to the regular coffee, green coffee beans are claimed to have lots of health benefits as they do not undergo roasting process which seems to destroy some of the healthy and natural chemicals in the beans. No wonder, this type of coffee is popular nowadays.

Despite the popularity and doze of health benefits green coffee offers, many people are wondering if it is safe for pregnant women. Green coffee is beneficial for some uses, as mentioned in benefits of green coffee for weight loss and health benefits of green coffee for beauty treatment.

How about for pregnant women? Is green coffee safe? It is considered safe for pregnant women, but there are some precautions they need to pay attention to.

During pregnancy, women need to take care of everything, especially what they consume in their diet. Green coffee is rich in antioxidants and so is considered as a health-enhancing drink. It helps prevent the damage of skin cells as well as protect the body against blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

Are you curious of the health benefits of green coffee for pregnant women? Let’s check them out!

1. Help detoxify your body

Our body is mainly exposed to free radicals coming from food, environment and other stuffs. It’s dangerous for a pregnant woman to be exposed by free radicals.

However, it all can be handled by drinking a cup of green coffee. Green coffee has natural detoxifying properties which are able to remove toxins, pollutants, extra fats and even cholesterol from the body.

The immune system of the body can also be supported and improved by consuming this energetic beverage. Strong immune system is essential and vital for pregnant women.

2. Lower blood pressure

High blood pressure can lead to other diseases, including heart disease and stroke. Maintaining blood pressure is also essential for pregnant women.

Green coffee is able to lower blood pressure in hypertensive people. It will help lowering the cortisol level in the blood which will lower the blood pressure as well.

3. Boost mood

Green coffee is rich in caffeine which has a lot of advantages. One of them is increasing our mood, attentiveness, alertness and memory. Mood swing is commonly experienced by pregnant women.

If you experience mood swing easily, then you should consider drinking a cup of green coffee to elevate your mood. If you want to find something to elevate your mood, consider reading these health benefits of Damiana tea. One of them is boosting your mood.

4. Boost energy

Besides dealing with mood, pregnant women also face fatigue and tiredness, feeling lack of energy at some time. Green coffee, in fact, provides a mild energy boost. It is sufficient enough to get through a hectic or tiring day. How does it happen?

As we know, green coffee comes from the unroasted coffee beans. As a result, the caffeine content of green coffee is lower than the roasted ones. So, it is able to boost your energy, especially whenever you feel tired or fatigue.

Are you looking for an energy booster? Then, consider reading these health benefits of milk and dates. Taste the sweetness and the benefits as well!

5. Good for your skin

Green coffee helps maintaining the moisture of the skin. It enhances the condition of the skin. It’s all due to the chlorogenic acid which helps the blood flow to the skin and prevent the moisture in the skin from evaporating.

Green coffee is also able to improve the skin’s ability to defend itself from UV ray damage. It is rich in fatty acids and esters, which are nutritious and able to moisturize the skin to prevent sagging, discoloration and other damages.

You all must want to have good skin even though you’re pregnant, mustn’t you?

6. Good for hair

Pregnant women must want to have good hair too. The good news is green coffee is good for hair as well. It’s all due to the antioxidant content which helps battle against harmful and toxic things.

The extract of green coffee can also be used to treat androgenetic alopecia which is known as “female pattern hair loss”. The growth and thickness of the hair strands can be greatly improved by the extraction of green beans.


The question is “Is green coffee safe for pregnancy?”. The answer is yes, it is safe as long as you consume it in a moderate dose. There’s no harmful effect of green coffee for pregnancy.

The safe dose of green coffee for pregnancy is one or two cups a day, no more than that. Furthermore, it is also strongly recommended for pregnant women to consult with their doctor first before deciding to consume green coffee.

Eating a well-balanced diet is much more important. Make sure you include many essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your developing baby needs. Drink plenty of water too!

If you’re pregnant and want to have some tips, make sure you also read these health benefits of aerobic during pregnancy.