
The 7 Benefits of Snakehead Fish for Kidneys

Snakehead fish has high protein albumin to help improve damaged cell broken including organs of the kidney and has a role in the speedy of regeneration of cells in the body.

According to Agri Bios Scientific Journal written by Sumarno explain if albumin is a protein in the snakehead fish that have the most level of blood plasma receiving up to 60%.

This albumin is an indicator to measure the nutritional status of patients with hemodialysis (changing of a damaged kidney in the blood filter or known as the process of dialysis) due to changes of loss nutrition.

Kidney disease is a disorder that occurs in the human body system which kidney functions to filter blood from body waste obtained from consuming food or medication, helping to balance the level of salt, mineral, and acid in the body.

1.     Increase the Level of Albumin in the Blood

As already known Indonesian snakehead fish is one of the natural sources of the highest albumin. For most people know that albumin is good for wound healing even though albumin has another function which is for patients with kidney disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, and cancer until stroke with one of the symptoms being lacking albumin in the blood.

2.     Increase Pressure of Osmotic

While albumin’s level in the blood is less lacking, then osmotic pressure automatically will reduce. Usually, patients with kidney disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer, and stroke receive infuse of albumin to help increase osmotic pressure.

Then, what will happen if the pressure osmotic is going down? Will, the main symptoms mostly look in patients with kidney disease is occurring of swelling in the part of whole body specifically in the legs.

3.     Function of the Kidney doesn’t Work Well (Edema)

As told in the second point, where the body lacks albumin then the pressure osmotic will reduce as result occurring in the part of the body known as edema.

Consuming the health benefits of snakehead fish can help to intensify the level of albumin, increase osmotic pressure, and lastly, helps to overcome edema because the kidney doesn’t work properly.

4.     Rich in Amino Acid

Snakehead fish is rich in amino acids, then what is the benefit of amino acids for patients with kidney disease? Its role won’t be to touch directly because amino acids like glutamine, a lot containing snakehead fish have the main function to improve damaged cells in the body which means amino acid is good and very helpful to maintain the immune system so they won’t get attacked by disease.

5.     Rich Nutrition for Patient Hemodialysis

What is hemodialysis? It is a procedure that is conducted to prevent occur kidney failure. In Indonesia, hemodialysis is known as dialysis or called chronic kidney disease. Find out more about it the benefits of calcium acetate for health.

It’s commonplace for patients with kidney failure to do dialysis who have experienced malnutrition or lack of nutrition. Snakehead fish contains much essential nutrition for the body to well consuming of patients with hemodialysis.

6.     Reduce Complication

If we see the function of the main kidney already told up, of course, we can be imagining that types of complications anything can be caused if the kidney doesn’t work properly. Nutrition like protein and amino acids in snakehead fish can reduce the probability or the risk of complications.

7.     Rich in Protein

Did you know that snakehead fish is rich in protein? Of course, many people already know about it, rich in protein such as eggs, beef, and the health of benefits of porcupine meat.

But, according in research found that the level of protein in snakehead fish is higher than in eggs also beef. Patients with kidney failure who have to do the process of dialysis have the risk lacking of nutrition specifically protein. Therefore, consuming snakehead fish is recommended.

Food For Kidney Disease

According to Everyday Health, the function of the kidney is to filter the waste of food and beverage flow to the blood. If the bad habit of eating, waste in the blood will much because of kidneys work properly.

As result, excess waste build-up in the body cause diabetes and high pressure blood. Both of those is the main cause of kidney disease. It’s understandable that bad eating habits can ultimately worsen conditions in patients with chronic kidney.

Otherwise, there are benefits of plantain water for kidney health. According to the Patient, the key to good food for this patient is to control the intake of salt (sodium), potassium, phosphate, vitamin D, iron, and protein.

  • Sodium

According to the Patient, the main sodium comes from food containing salt. Patients with chronic kidney disease have to eat not more than 2 – 3 grams of sodium daily.

Based on Everyday Health, one of the benefits of salt is balancing electrolytes in the body to keep hydration. Cells, muscles, and organs of tissue need balancing of electrolytes to work well.

A hydrated body helps the function of the kidney will keep working properly. However, can’t drink too much if have further kidney disease and won’t produce urine.

To control the intake of salt, one needs to avoid this food such as cured processed meat, cheese, yeast extract, and chips. Recommending to diligently checking the label of nutrition on the packaging of food before buying and eating.

  • Potassium

Quote from Patient, Level of potassium blood normally will keep maintaining heart rate in stable. But, it can pile up and be harmful if over-consumed for people who have a function of kidney failure.

If the level of potassium blood is high then suggest controlling the limit of it. Potassium found in food includes fruits and vegetables. Pick up food from low potassium can help to handle chronic kidney disease.

  • Fruits

Recommended to select fruits like grapes, peaches, apples, cherries, plums, pears, berries, pineapples, cranberries, watermelon, strawberries, and tangerines.

Limit or avoid oranges and grapefruit juice, raisins, kiwi, bananas, prunes, nectarines, and cantaloupe.

  • Vegetables

Recommend choosing vegetables broccoli, carrots, celery, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, eggplant, onions, lettuce, sweet corn, peppers, pumpkin, bean sprout, and mushrooms.

Limit or avoid asparagus, potatoes, avocado, tomatoes or tomato sauce, artichokes, beets, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, brussels sprouts, and cooked spinach

  • Other Food

Pick-up food like tortillas, white rice, beef and chicken, and white bread is recommended.

Limit or avoid food like brown rice or baked beans.

  • Phosphor

Phosphor and potassium are minerals needed by the body. Quote from Every Health, phosphor helps strengthen bones while potassium helps to arrange the heart rate and create muscles to work properly.

However, for patients with kidneys, intake of phosphor and potassium without control causes piled-up, problems in the whole body. Patients with kidney need to limit the highest phosphor food such as animal protein, milk, and dark soda.

According to a quote from the Patient, this is a lower-phosphor food; white bread, pasta, rice, most fruits and vegetables, corn or rice cereal, popcorn, some soda, and light-colored lemonade.

  • Protein

According to the Patient, kidneys throw away protein waste products from the body as chemical substances called urea. If consuming too much protein, can build kidneys work harder.

The recommendation to patients with chronic kidney disease is to limit the intake of protein. Quoting from Everyday Health, eating too much protein from normal the body’s needs can cause waste is piled-up in the blood and the kidney probably can’t throw away it.

Patients with chronic kidney disease who can’t do dialysis have to limit the intake of protein by 0,6 to 0,8 per kg body weight to reduce the growth of kidney disease.

According to National Kidney Foundation that someone with a weight of 68 kg will need 40 to 54 grams of protein daily from sources of animals or vegetables. A good source of protein includes lean mammalian meat, fish, poultry, eggs, low-fat milk, legumes, and nuts.

  • Vitamin D

According to a quote from the Patient, one of the sources of the kidney is building vitamin D. If the organ can’t work properly, the production of vitamin D will less.

Vitamin D deficiency health risks. Therefore, patients with chronic kidney disease have to consume the supplement vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for healthy bones, need to consuming adding calcium with vitamin D.

Through Everyday Health, the natural source of food vitamin D can be consumed for this patient are salmon, tuna, milk, mushroom, and egg yolk.

  • Iron

According to quote the Patient, kidneys have a role in controlling the production of red blood cells. If have chronic kidney disease, automatically production of red blood cells can be disturbed until causes anemia specifically if the level of iron is low.

Recommendations to patients with kidney disease only to consume food containing iron. Based on Everyday Health, the natural source of food is fish, oyster, pumpkin seeds, spinach, and edamame.